Why aren't we talking about this?
Justin Lascek lost both of his legs
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because Jow Forums are autists who don't actually lift. 70sbig is GOAT
>I had a surgery. I don't like giving complete transparency into my personal life. If I told you the first detail, then I'd owe every detail along the way, and I'm not all about that. It's weird enough to have "Green Beret" associated with my name publicly, but that's an explanation for another time.
>I had a fever for six days that presented non-specifically. My leg swelled up, I went on antibiotics, things improved, the leg spewed gunk out, so a washout surgery was warranted to prevent a return of infection. I'm out of the left leg prosthetic until the incision heals.
>It's an overall set back, and it has sucked. Combined with the recent losses from war, I've had more downs than ups. But when you're near the bottom, you can only go up.
>When we hit our low points, all we can really do is take care of ourselves: breathe, sleep, meditate, eat healthy, and exercise. Latch onto anything you can do and keep doing it. Sometimes that means just getting through each breath.
>And since there's a stigma of admitting to that low point, you may not know when someone is scraping the bottom. Instead, just aim to lift everyone up in your day, and you won't push anyone down.
>To people who are struggling, I hope you find a way to see joy and happiness around you.
>There aren't any neat rehab posts because there isn't any neat rehab going on. I've had a setback, and it's been a crushing blow. I'm not the type to give all the details, but they said setbacks would come, and come they did.
>After reading "Man's Search for Meaning" again, I learned I don't need to be ashamed or unhappy about being unhappy. It's enough to have negative emotions. And the "it could be worse argument" is stupid; pain and suffering are relative and I'd never look down on anyone for not having my experiences.
>War is life amplified, and this is an example of extreme circumstances and emotions. I don't need your messages, but someone else might. There are many others like me who are forgotten because their injury was ten years ago. Or even more non-veterans forgotten because they stay quiet in their dispair.
>Mental health is everyone's business because it takes everyone to let it be ok. Nobody deserves judgment or negative repercussions for asking for help or wanting to take a knee. Compassion goes a long way, and it's not one of those "sometimes" things.
>Instagram is fake; pain is real. And I bleed tears every day.
>oh look i lost both of my legs let me make a stupid ironic picture of me smiling and sellout to social media
that's not being positive in life, that's kind of being a douchebag
We've already talked about it.
He'll live to see stem cell generated legs if society doesn't collapse first from the incoming hordes.
Weeks ago
I just came back to fit after not really looking at it for years. Last I checked Justin Lascek wasn’t even in the army and had both legs? WTF happened?
Did he get blown up on deployment?
>War is life amplified
kek, only if you are an american. tfw going to walmart... good luck out there soldier!
I'd rather live one day as an american than an
entire lifetime as a scared little yurosoy who won't
even admit what country he comes
>*gets raped by a "refugee"*
We talked about it weeks ago. When it happened.
He joined the army and got his legs blown off.
Just found a blog post about it.
>his nuts got blown off too
How do you just randomly lose a leg like that?
Here you go: startingstrength.com
Saddest part is he says whether or not he can have children is an “unknown” which is of course the biggest cope ever. He’s going to have to adopt or get a sperm donor involved
>losing your legs and the ability to have children for Israel
Well when you go to war for jews to get an easy paycheck this shit happens
you sound really tough dude
Just join the army bro it'll be fun bro.
I have 2 kids while struggling to squat 3 pl8s and this absolute chad will die without children. Weird feeling.
literally who
dude wanted the rush of being a soldier and got btfo
totally unnecessary, could have had a long healthy life just training people in Texas. the regret will likely rip him apart.
fortunately they will be able to fix all that shit in his lifetime but the next 15 years will suck ass
this guy
Was he a green beret?
legs sure but
he also lost his dick and balls
there's no fixing that
he'll probably off himself in a few years
he didn’t mention losing his dick, but I’m not sure how he could lose just his balls unless he has a micropeen
>My element conducted a short hault and I discussed how we would clear a set of compounds that were tactically in a disadvantageous area. The area I stood had been cleared by EOD personnel and had foot traffic around the area. I shifted my weight under my ruck, took a step, and was blown up.
I guarantee you his dick doesn't work anymore.
the balls are like an internal organ, damage to them is permanent
your cock on the other hand is spongey tissue, you can get some burns and lacerations and it'll still heal over time
This is really depressing. Fuck kikes and fuck the globohomo elites
>dude wanted the rush of being a soldier and got btfo
yeah dude but cmon... IED to the cock.
Don't even really know this nigga but..
.rip can't imagine I could continue life like that...
Elites unironically consider removing Chad from the gene pool to be a positive side effect of war
>stem cell generated legs
No user, hybrid species legs
Shrapnel chunk could easily slice of the nutsack completely while leaving the dick in a state that can be surgically repaired.
Blast shockwave could also cause irreparable structural damage to testes while leaving dick functional.
Balls are very fragile and it’s by a weird accident of evolution that they have to be on the outside (temperature constraints on sperm production). This is why light hits on the balls are excruciatingly painful, it’s an aversive response to stop you from taking ANY risks with that area. Penis is more resilient
Thank you for your service
>Getting your legs and your balls blown off
This is the reality of war since the Vietnam era
>dude wanted the rush of being a soldier and got btfo
This will be most the wignats on Jow Forums when their civil war happens
yep. i always inticutally never wanted to serve because i thought it was retarded.
>tfw not sure if im smart enough to preserve my blood line or just a coward.
I can deal with one or the other but being unsure about it sucks
post body and lifts. go ahead and show us what a non douchebag who isn't a clueless retard looks like, slugger.
wtf, thanks to him I found my psoas and my body goal, sad day ;_;
lad should have been on the border killing invaders effortlessly and with 3 different wives. but he lost his relationship and then his balls.
what a dumbass
Elites don't give a fuck about anybody. Only enriching themselves and their progeny.
>, slugger.
you have to go back faggot
how old are you? your country doesn't give a shit about you. you're just a statistical cattle.
stop being an idiot.
>justin lascek
never heard of her
>t. Euro cuck
I am from the states, retard
>. Cali bugman cuck
Let me get this right
This dude was living his best life in Texas
Had a """patriotic""" feeling so he went to the military
Got his legs,balls and dick blown off
Why would I feel sorry for him? He could have lived a great life but instead he had to live without his cock and legs
And who is that
>Cali bugman
lol fl here, just trying other perspectives. you should do that as well. go to another country live there for a bit, you will see.
Fucking eurocucks. I don't need em. I got god guns family and burgers here. Im not gonna eat some pig trough slop europoors call food.
You sound like a faggot chud boomer
Damn what a trip. He was a big part of Jow Forums when I started browsing. I don't come here very often anymore, but it's crazy to see this happen to him. Really too bad. Always liked him, and sometimes still refer back to some of his vids.
bro you realize all of europe has higher standards for food than the USA? it isnt JUST that we have a population way less capable of self control. our food is fucking garbage.
Damn, the goyim really are proud of who they are! Fucking lemmings
From sex god to incel
seriously that left pic is iconic, it's so perfect, lol at the dog she looks like she's in heaven
You're an idiot. Imagine actually believing that.
Exactly. Burgers don't fight for their own country, they fight for Israeli interests. It's so cucked
He's an example of what happens when you're not blackpilled about reality.
Some kids want to be astronauts, some want to be firefighters while others want to be commandos. Listening to Jocko Willink it sounds like a lot of these kinds of guys get into special operations with no expectation of retiring, that they're going to be killed in action.
Why do people willingly join the army in the usa to meddle with other nations? Are they really that eager to sacrifice themselves for the jews?
>the only reason the american government ever does anything is coz da joos
you are a moron
Well said
Some people are simply willing to risk it all
Possibly in a suicidal, quasi-Kamikaze, (((nationalistic-esque))) manner
There is no rational explanation for it other than "They wanted to"
Human nature isn't always rational
Shame the kikes have bastardized the Western Military, but some people just want to be soldiers
>>I had a surgery. I don't like giving complete transparency into my personal life. If I told you the first detail, then I'd owe every detail along the way, and I'm not all about that.
Zero interest.
spelling it funny doesn't make it wrong
Thread theme
And more importantly what in the fuck is there to talk about...It's unfortunate...there's nothing to discuss or than how unfortunate it is....
Definitely not a coward
In no other country it is considered being a war hero when you go to a country that isn't a threat to you and fuck shit up
third-world cope
Imagine actually having to worry about salmonella in your chicken and eggs
ZOGbot NPC get's BTFO fighting for Israel. Should I be sad?
>serving in 2018
let's be honest his life was already pretty pointless if he thought that would be a positive step
I hope he had the foresight to get a few loads put on ice. He wouldn't really have an excuse not to do that: I think there has been well known stories about guys getting their genitals shredded since not long after Iraq started, right?
I can see how it would happen. He was probably lifting around other Chads all day and they were all veterans and he could never have that last piece of the puzzle unless he served.
Israel thanks you for your post. Thanks for being a true american
>it isn't beneficial to fuck with the friends of your enemies
i swear to fucking god that every one on this site power illiterate. either blinded by their infatuation with da joos or their borderline anti-social introversion driving their need to be "left alone". you know what you are if you aren't an imperialist? an imperialist's bitch. of all the fucking boards to be clueless about the building and maintenance of strength.
irrefutably based
lel. you still are globohomo's bitch, though. you're in the same boat as everyone else except your best men are donating their balls and foreskins to it.
My man's lower half looks like the thumb people from spy kids lmao
globohomo is american foreign policy, retard, it's the facade america needs to hold up to justify intervention. if fuckwits like yourself, instead of simply being anti-war, stepped up to offer alternative solutions to those offered by zionists, neocons, wall street and the military industrial complex then the american empire might not be demoralised and in decline. imagine an american empire without the neocon bullshit, likely half a dozen wars that would never have happened.
Thank you for your service
Who the fuck goes to war without having a backup sperm supply?
It absolutely and certainly isn't for its people. It doesn't matter much if it is for the Jewish people as a whole, the Jewish elite minority or any other part of the economic elite.
>Idiot joins military to play hero
>Gets blown up
What is there to talk about? The staggering waste of my tax dollars on this unmitigated faggotry?
Unlike this guy you'll probably have some kids and by the time your son is six his mother will have him dressed in drag and by 11 other perverts will be railing him and then you can say
>god bless 'murrica, the people i serve are making this happen to yuropoors too, lel
They're kids, how much do you really expect them to squat?