Trannybot here

Trannybot here.

Ask me anything. Be as crude or offensive as you like, I'm not some hyper-sensitive pussy like everyone else with this dahm disorder seems to be.

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Can i fuck you in the ass originally?

b i o l o g y ? well, atleast youre not at npc level so maybe we can have an interesting thread

Show trans bobs

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At least you admit that its a disorder. Credit where credit is due, I guess.

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Pimozide or transition?

ok where/how do i find passable trannys im not a chaser i want a genuine monogamous relationship with a cute feminine tranny. is this possible?

Biologically F

Yeah I like science not bullshit


Idk what to tell you dude, I'm not really affiliated with the community

Wrong answer. Cure your brain.

I've looked into it. The science behind it just doesn't check out. I've looked into the neurology of the disease and it's a very physiological one. Sex specific parts of the brain are closer to that of the desired gender, and the physical makeup of your brain can't be drastically changed with a medication. Anyone who pimozide works for probably doesn't have the disorder, but they're probably just doing it as a perversion or cry for help.