Is ZYZZ's routine a good routine for natty lifting?

Is ZYZZ's routine a good routine for natty lifting?

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>is a roiders routine good for a natty?

>back day
>starts with deadlifts

hahahahah love how stupid meatheads are

That's why I'm asking. Is this program only good if you're roiding? How to get his kind of results?

If you want to look like zyzz you will have to genetically sculpt your insertions to look like his


I really don't think Zyzz deadlifted based on his physique.

>back day
>start with the most physically taxing lift for your back

Hmmm... Doesn't sound stupid to me

Dogshit routine

You should do the most taxing exercise last so it doesn't interfere with the rest of your workout

it's a lower body movement you MONG hahaahahahahahah


Please help me find a good routine fampai
I've been doing stronglifts and I have the motions but I feel like there is more I could be doing.