Is ZYZZ's routine a good routine for natty lifting?
Is ZYZZ's routine a good routine for natty lifting?
>is a roiders routine good for a natty?
>back day
>starts with deadlifts
hahahahah love how stupid meatheads are
That's why I'm asking. Is this program only good if you're roiding? How to get his kind of results?
If you want to look like zyzz you will have to genetically sculpt your insertions to look like his
I really don't think Zyzz deadlifted based on his physique.
>back day
>start with the most physically taxing lift for your back
Hmmm... Doesn't sound stupid to me
Dogshit routine
You should do the most taxing exercise last so it doesn't interfere with the rest of your workout
it's a lower body movement you MONG hahaahahahahahah
Please help me find a good routine fampai
I've been doing stronglifts and I have the motions but I feel like there is more I could be doing.
Keep doing an LP until you can't progress every workout
Looks like no cardio really... caught up with him
>t. DYEL Retard
God dammit why can’t I just eat clean
Why is my diet so fucking bad
Word but what about dumbells, calesthenics, cardio etc?
Is Greyskull better than SL?
Like barbell lifts are legit but I feel like I should be adding something somehow.
>"diet is by far the most important part"
he spelled steroids wrong
How much did Zyzz weight? that's like 300g of protein
Those things don't matter until you finish your LP
pretty sure he weighs less than 50 lbs rn
So literally just barbell until I cant add more weight?
That's why I said how much DID he
Delete this right now!
>0 core exercises
OP, you are Fake News
I got it from Jow Forums
>most taxing lift for back
You’re a retard and you couldn’t show any data to support this if you life depended on it. Deadlift is primarily a lower body movement engaging the glutes and hammies using hip extensio, you don’t do any sort of lat/rhomboid since you aren’t protracting and retracting your shoulder girdle or doing any sort of shoulder extension which might engage your lats. Spinal flex era are isometrically active in the lift to support your back but it’s not even close to the “most taxing lift for your back”. Post body you dyel retard
>Post body you dyel retard
This is your only response because you know you're wrong. The hamstrings and glutes are only a portion of the movement and any experience lifter knows this. Back, traps, abs, and arms are all used as well, don't be dense because you have no understanding of lifting.