What circle of hell do you belong in robots?
Abandon hope all ye who enter here
with how things are going I'm ready to become a tree
I fornicate with niggers does that make me a sinner?
>some guy made a larp autist chart of hell 700 years ago based on a made up religion along with a bunch of other psychobabbling
>now widely respected and studied
This is the exact kinda shit that's wrong with society lmao
Guess I'm a virtuous pagan though
Divine comedy is total bullshit from a theological standpoit, he made ut 90% of it. An interesting read, though
Idk, maybe sloth
We've all dealt treacherously against the Lord
which one do YOU belong in, OP?
Fraudulence. I hate who I am, I'm a liar, thief and hypocrite.
>he made ut 90% of it
they all did.
greedy is the only one I don't belong to lol
>sewers of discord
sounds about right for nu-Jow Forums
Ironic how it's literally titled as a comedy. Sort of drives home the point of the circles of hell and religious purity. Virtually everyone can find their flaws damning in a model like this. Some can even span multiples in a venn diagram of hell.
Wrathful and Blasphemy
someone photoshop that to "servers of discord"
this ok m80?
kek unironically truthful as it can be
Isnt limbo just normal life on earth? Its probably the worst because sooner or later you will end in a worse place for forever.
Evidently not, blasphemer. The only virtuous pagans existed prior to the coming of Christ. Once Jesus of Nazareth spread the word of God, all those who were not Christian became heathens, since they would have--at some point--been informed of God's authority.
Lack of self-restraint. The lustful cannot control their horny levels, the gluttonous their appetites, the greedy their desire to spend and to hoard, and the wrathful their anger.
Limbo in the Inferno isn't especially displeasant, but it's melancholic. Dante writes that it's filled with "sighs," because once you're in Limbo, you are aware of God's existence and majesty, but you've lost the opportunity to be close with God. Their only hope is that they might be recognized at the end of days, when all the people within the Inferno will be judged once again.
>worse to kill yourself than other people
It's the betrayal of your just self and a desecration of God's image. Many murderers may feel justified in their actions, but suicidal people are just pathetic and feel sorry for themselves. They are stagnating people who victimize themselves. It's worse to be apathetic than it is to be hateful.
That's why those who get the worst circumstances aren't in Hell. The agnostic-atheists, the aimless, etc. They hate God and His enemies, so they're turned away from any form of redemption. Suicidal weaklings are the closest to that refuse.
Killing yourself is a method of killing another person. When you commit suicide, your irrational self is destroying your virtuous self.
kek thanks m8
It's an excellent fanfic, a much more interesting read than most of the bible
>hypocrisy is worse than murder
What gets you in with the heretics? I call god a fag all the time and I genuinely hate him to some degree. But if that doesn't get me there I'd be in gluttony or lustful.
Violent, because me already prepared a plan/method to kms.
Just waiting for the right time, for the implementation.
It makes no sense for a god who would give his creations the universe and a world filled with beauty to then burn them for all eternity simply for not being born in the right place at the right time (heretic), one of the reasons this is so obviously false
i tried putting the little discord OwO fucker logo in it, i think it doesnt appreciate well whatever already wasted my time on it fuck it
The sullen are lopped in the same layer of hell as the wrathful. So most robots would at least find themselves that deep
Right now I'm a Sower of Discord. I hope to someday work myself up to the Treacherous level, against Country of course.
In the real version, if you work your way all the way down to Satan, can you burst by him and escape Hell? Or is that just in the sci-fi version?
I get them confused.
Judas doesn't belong there, I thought everyone knew that he and Jesus conspired together to fulfill the will of the Father.
Suicide is the most robot answer.
Some people were created so that they could be thrown in Hell as an example to others. Some people were created to go to Heaven. Some people created for Hell will go to Heaven, and vice versa.
Comedy is a word that has had changed in definition. The Greeks found comedic plays to be ones with troubled beginnings and happy endings.
Fuck that fake ass chart I haven't done anything wrong.
I'm just kind of a loser faggot. I haven't wronged anyone so I'd probably get Limbo
Nevermind, for liking big tiddies and (probably) suicide I'll be in an eternal hellscape of infinite torture, without escape.
I don't get how fradulence and treachery is somehow worse than outright murder or how suicide is deeper down than murder
Ultimately its up to God, hopefully i will go to purgatory and/or heaven, However using Dante's model if i ended up in hell i would probably be in lust being blown around for all eternity. I used to be super gluttonous but i changed that recently. Maybe gluttonous idk how it works exactly. I definitely feel like i am more lazy and lustful than i am gluttonous but i don't know if it goes off of potency of sin or just the furthers one down.
Its when you take the fact that the after life is real into account.
For example i will share a funny little joke i remember hearing once.
A man dies and goes to the waiting room for judgement day. On his left is the man who murdered him and on the right is the man who slandered him.
He turns the left and says "Well looks like you failed because i'm still here bud". He then turns to the right and says "But i will never forget what you said"
it's good user, don't worry
hello schizophrenia my old friend
Its interesting that Judas went to the treachery layer instead of the violence layer considering he offed himself. I wonder the exact rules that determine what punishment you get.