Confess if u EVER had sex with a fat whale , anything above 180 is considered fat btw.
Confess if u EVER had sex with a fat whale , anything above 180 is considered fat btw
Several. I've been with women of all shapes and sizes, and the whole "thicc gurls" thing is way fucking overrated.
I have never had sex.
180 for a woman is massive desu
I didn't ask her how heavy she was so I can't confirm, op.
> I know I should say no but
>its kinda hard when she's ready to go
>I may be dumb but I'm not a dweeb
>I'm just a sucker with no self esteem
your mom
Heaviest girl I've fucked was 150lbs and that was too fat
she was 5'11, and looked pretty decent at 180lbs
I dont think thats quite right. I fucked a fatty the other day but she was like 5'3. She was not obese but definitely at least chubby, but I doubt she weighed 180. She was just way too short , 160 max.
4 of them. I'd rather not think about it.
I have fucked one, but it was in the dark, I could not see her fat face and her belly was really warm. Also was the first time I had a titfuck, it was pretty comfy, but in the end I was shamed, so I ghosted her and promised to myself that I will never do it again.
I'm sorry priest, but chubby tinder thots are so addicting.
The opposite of my type op, all good here
I have 69'd with a girl that was over 200lbs. She really enjoyed it, said I was the best she had ever had and was always trying to fuck with me. I had fun enough, 5/10, would do again.
didn't ask how much she weighed but she wasn't fat but you could tell she was a little chubby, I was drunk but not drunk enough to fuck someone super fat.
>be me
>First year in college but already friends with multiple people
>Have a little end of semester party thing with some friends I met in ROTC (inb4 haha ROTC fag)
>pregaming with everyone in one of the friends dorm
>One girl there knew her when I was in high school because she went to the high school the next town over
>Talking the entire night
>Think she may have something for me because she's talked to me for most of the night and barely anyone else except for the other females
>Finally we head out to one of the bars
>Shit's already packed with basically half a lecture hall's worth of college kids all drunk, high or both
>End up in the middle of the mob of people
>Honestly relaxing feeling for me
>Have a cup filled with whatever the fuck my friend hands me
>Drink all of it in break neck speeds
>End up getting grinded on by some black chick with the fattest ass
>Having the best time ever and as soon as the song ends and the big bottomed negress stops grinding on my dick I join back with my group
>My friend from before (I'll call her B) doesn't seem all too happy that I was basically dry fucking on the dance floor
>Don't really think anything of it until after the fact
>End up drinking about 2 or 3 more drinks in under 2 minutes and become completely plastered
>Dancing my friends when I see B getting grinded on by some greasy Foreign dude, I can only guess that he's either Pakistani, Indian or Saudi
>She doesn't seem too happy or enthusiastic about it
>Starts pushing him away
>He gets grabby and has her arm
>Straight up scene from a movie
>Remember I'm drunk as fuck so I can't really handle my movements
>Walk over and push him off her
>Tell him, and I quote from my friend that walked over with me , "Get off her you fucking street shitting faggot before I shove my fist in your ass" cont.
I married one, father.
She's 5'9" so it carries well. Not one regret.
Oh, and someone who carried it much less well at about 5'5" tried to take me home from a club once. Totally would have fucked her anyway but I was already engaged at that point.
are you guys for real? Maybe I've got my shit all confused by their height but I've fucked two that were easily 180 and the heavier probably hitting 200.
Felt nice for a lanky guy like me. Like you're sinking into a pillow. It's more manageable than you'd think
>Confess if u EVER had sex
Nothin but top shelf bitches and twinks for me, never had anything less than an 8, why the fuark would you soil your body with physical degenerates
I dated a chubby girl for a long time. Great girl, and amazing sex.
No regrets
Yes, I was drunk and horny. The next day I regret it and she almost killed me for that shit.
Extreme depression and loss of self over the love of your life leaving the country and never having real closure for almost two years. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything
Same bruh.
>He pushes me hard enough that I stumble and almost fall on my friend that came with me
>He tells me to "Get out of my face you ugly dirt skin"
>Proceed to walk up to him and headbutt him
>Drunk as shit so end up falling down too, but continue to punch him in the stomach
>My friends get me off of him before security comes
>Somehow get away with it by hiding in the massive crowd of people
>B says thank you and I end up with another cup in my hand somehow because we're going in the deep end tonight
>Night keeps on chugging and so do I
>Didn't keep track but I think alone I drank about a gallon of alcohol that night
>For the rest of the night B has been all over me
>Turns around and whispers something in my ear and proceeds to bite it
>Still to this day have no fucking clue what it was she said
>Look over to my friends and they're giving me the biggest fucking grins
>All of a sudden
>In a car
>I guess it hit 2am and the bar/club closed
>We all packed into our cars and left
>Literally packed like sardines
>B is on my lap
>She knows it too and is slightly moving her hips on my lap
>It's like the bitch wants me to nut
>End up in Waffle House™
>Eat the best tasting burger of my life
>Skip ahead about an hour or so
>Back on campus
>Everyone is completely drunk
>We go back to my friend's dorm from before
>Everyone starts passing out
>B is heading back to her dorm
>Need to make my move if I'm gonna get my dick wet
>Offer to walk with her to her dorm
>"Yeah of course, don't wanna run into that guy from before on my own haha"
>End up walking and talking as best we can considering our blood alcohol level is probably that of a high tolerance Scottish man
>Get to the discussion of her recent ex
>Long distance
>He cheated
>She was pissed
>She invites into the dorm
>Yes please
>End up in her room
>Luckily her roommate was with her boyfriend
>We' cont.
I fingerbanged one in my car while getting the worst (first) blowjob of my life. Had to stretch my arm so far to actually reach i pulled my pec and bi.
So disgusted with Sex after the first few moments of thinking about it. Can really only see myself with a girl I know doesn't exist.
Hopefully I'll be in Seminary in a few years.
Never. And I never will. Feels so fucking good to have standards.
I have recurring depression too my friend, to the point of crying alone in my car seriously considering suicide. The secret is to find the thing that flips the switch. I don’t know why but for me it was the song Lunatic Fringe, that song came on shuffle and it made me say “I’m not gonna do this shit”. Through it all just remember that we’re all gonna make it bro
>Continue talking about her ex and some other sappy shit
>She proceeds to talk about how she wishes she had someone to take are of her like I did earlier
>Tells me she's "Really great-full for what I did and will do anything to thank me"
>then perish
>Jk her hand ends up on my little John and I proceed to get hard as diamonds for the third time that night
>Start making out and have probably top 5 sexual moments in my life
>Wake up the next morning
>Barely remember last night
>B turns over and lays her hand on me
>Oh fuck
>Have a massive headache but the only thing that's on my mind is
>Did I put on a condom?
>Slowly get out off bed and search through her trash can
>Return to the bed slowly get back to sleep
I know the story derailed from "Did you fuck a fat chick" but I decided to give you autists a bedtime story. Honestly one of my most favorite (barely) memorable drunk moments.
Thank you for the great bedtime story bro, glad you used a rubber, these bitches are treacherous and ya gotta stay vigilant
No problem bro and yeah I had one ex in high school try and say I got her pregnant and found out it was one of my friends, proceeded to not only have secks with her best friend but also fucked his older sister out of spite
my gf is like 260
what if she's 6'4
acceptable, amazon hunter
>some college slam piggy with mega milk
>rich ass married business woman, public figure, on the paper regularly
My dick still gets hard when I think about just slamming some slam pig again, but I know I'll regret it after I nut.
Friend brought home 2 chicks but I ended up with the slam pig but she had this look in her eye that had me diamonds. I was weak and only went 1 round but was great