What do serial killers think about each other? Is it some kind of mutual respect thing or do they just fucking hate each other?
What do serial killers think about each other...
they probably think every other one is dumb and that they could do better.
They may take inspiration on each others' deeds, but that seems to be it. No different from how they admire some polititian's way with words.
As a rule, each one thinks they are unique and don't feel any kinship with other serial killers beyond "we both kill people for fun."
I thought they did it as a anger release and to protest society.
They probably dont care very much. That is how most psychopaths feel about everything, especially things that dont directly benefit them
You are really romanticizing the depth of thought behind these cretins. Most of them just do it for the thrill, the power of taking someone elses life, and the feeling of getting away with something. They are incapable of real feeling so seeing the most extreme feelings in others is exciting for them probably. It is entirely selfish, and they do not care about society as a whole
Then why did the joker break bad?
Because the joker is a fictional character and not representative of the real psyches behind serial killers and the criminally insane
because... we're all just one bad day away...
So are you saying it's impossible for someone who is sweet and normal as a child to become vastly more unstable as a teenager and adult as the result of prolonged and/or severe pain?
>Because the joker is a fictional character
it's just another action, neither good or bad
Objective Morality isn't real, therefore any action they have commited isn't necessarily Evil as Evil doesn't exist
Charles Manson thought Bundy was a faggot with mommy issues. I don't know if you'd consider him a serial killer but there's that.
Bundy commented on the Green River killer, but he didn't really state a personal opinion, he just told some police officers what he thought his MO was. I think he correctly predicted that the killer would be returning to body disposal sites to defile the corpses.
John Wayne Gacy mentioned Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz, but only to say he had no opinion.
Other than that, I can't find much. I googled "serial killers on other serial killers" and didn't really find anything.
I never said that at all. And furthermore that has nothing to do with anything.
Psychopaths are born, not made. They may tend to come from bad families simply because psychopathy is hereditary, but people born to sweet and nice parents in great areas can turnout this way too. Itsa psychiatric disorder just like schizophrenia.
Having a bad childhood doesnt justify being a bad adult.
People who are unstable tend to have outsized reactions to stimuli thatvnornal people can exhibit self control over. Dor instance, a murderer without psychopathy might kill because of anger over a legitimate cause. It doesnt make their actions correct, but it still has motive and logical internal justice.
Psychos kill for the heck of it. I heard one laugh about killing his mom because he liked the squishy sound it made when he was beating her head to a pulp
Objective morality is real, doofus.
t. high school nihilist
Read about Ed Kemper. He's notoriously annoyed by other killers, particularly Mullin. He's one of my favorites.
except it isn't retard, unless you're Religious and have a way to prove that your Religion is true, then you're blatantly wrong.
So is it possible for a sweet, friendly 6 year old to grow up into a moody, gruff, verbally abusive adult?
Not really serial killers as such, but apparently Ted Kaczynski and Timothy Mcveigh were prison friends.
>talks about 'psychopathy' like it's a agreed upon mental illness
don't talk about psychiatric disorders, you don't know shit about them
Maybe, what if they find love like cowboy bebop that shitty lo fi Hip Hop anime
I am religious, and there are multiple ways to prove my religion is true, like how the Bible contains knowledge that could not have been possibly written by a human.
Yes it is possible but idk what that has to do with anything or why you keep saying it
Im not gonna claim im an expert but I did take bio, social, and abnormal psych, have dealt with these people irl on multiple occasions and I make tracking their behaviors a pet project of mine
How are we supposed to believe you, given that you just said morality is objective?
Believe me about all the stuff related to mental illness? Its pretty well documented information you can easily find on the web.
Also it is
>like how the Bible contains knowledge that could not have been possibly written by a human.
get the fuck off of Jow Forums, retard
Please enlighten us with the specifics of your religious delusions user
Ridgeway was a robot. Always empathized with him.