I see a lot of hate towards this/fit/ man here.
Aside from his lying bout roid use, what do you hate about him?
And why?
I see a lot of hate towards this/fit/ man here.
Aside from his lying bout roid use, what do you hate about him?
And why?
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jeff pls go
Damn he looks like a tranny wtf happened?
I am not Jeff.
I'm genuinely interested to know
He has the charisma of a wet towel.
>tries to be zyzz
>just comes off as corny faggot
his hairstyle was(is?) retarded and i will never forget
Sixth post best post
Avid roid use?
Bad lighting? Aging?
Lmao ,. Tbh I agree, he's autistic
mission accomplished then
Lmao I'm taller than him
Jeff is redpilled on the jews, he said he is gonna take care of them
ZyZz was a special dude that inspired millions, I'm not surprised he wants to be like him
Man imagine if he was 6’4
Charlie Kirk has aspergers
Wait what?
But I'm a Jew
>acts like hes Zyzz
>comes off as an autist
And Jeff is some wanna be retard with diagnosed aspergers
He could be in the future
He's a big time roider and says he's natty on top of being the opposite of the word charisma
Jeff is natty it's called hard work
Who's that?
Because he claims he's natty.
We will all be whatever we want in about 40 years. The trick is making it that far.
Does he really have aspergers
He tries to be zyzz but has absolutely no personality so he just comes off as an insecure tryhard douche who has to photoshop his IG posts and lie about his height to make himself feel better
If he was just himself I wouldn't hate him nearly as much
I just looked up the symptoms of aspergers and now im worried i have aspergers. Am i gonna make it user.
Sounds like something Jeff would say
Jeff would just say fuck, brah, sick cunt, mirin, shredded every other weird. He doesn't have a big vocabulary. He even made a documentary on himself.
le cookies are ready jeff
Jeff pls go
Literally who?
wtf is that haircut
>instead of me talking about how great I am, how about you tell me how great I am!
-Jeff sides
Wtf happened to his face?
reality is nobody on here really cares about him anymore. he had his 5min but honestly nobody gives a fuck nowadays. also the pictures of the wedding of his friend just shows what a tryhard and insecure dude he is.
What pictures?
20* gebe editing is expanding rapidly
>Jeffseid, Ruler of Apokolifts, wielder of the Beta Beams
only when jeff joins the chadwaffen will he be redeemed (still doesn't get his natty card back tho)
Roiding ig
post pics
Fake natty. They would be fine but they keep lying and pretending.
sick burn
Gotta keep a certain status no?
Its called "the faggot".
>acts like an autist
>comes off as an autist
he’s just tryhard as shit honestly.
Fuck that tranny
sadly I cant find them anymore. maybe I will have a look at his instagram later they should be somewhere on there. regardless it was clear that despite his friend getting married he needed to be the center of attention wearing clothes that were way too tight and showed off his arms basically making him look like a male stripper while he forced himself into the middle of each picture if he could.
if this nigga gonna squint just a bit more he gonna look like brock from pokemon
Cringe Wannabe Zyzz
truly based
Who is this butch lesbian?
Lololololol I'm fucking dead
Joffery seid
A sad person
lmao back to the pit
They'll never learn
Jeff please... we know its you. Please go, your cookies suck.
I'm not joffery
Just look at the face. How can you not want to punch it, cut it and take a shit on it.
Kinda fuked up dude
Once you go hgh, we don't want you back
I dont hate you jeffy.
he looks like he ate something sour
You can be Jow Forums and still look goofy. this guy looks goofy
It almost looks like he photoshopped himself into someone else’s party, that’s how out of place he looks.
he wrestled growing up, so I legitimately would not want to pick a fight with him. Wrestlers are ferocious.
Could you beat Jeff Seid in a fight?
He looks good ngl
I'm not tryna fight him
>Wannabe Zyzz
>Annoying cunt
>Removed Scooby from Jow Forums. Yeah that nowadays doesn't seem to be a big deal, but back in the day Jow Forums used to love that fag.
i'd cripple him for life with either a scissor takedown or a drop seio
Jeff pls go and stay go
>I occasionally do takedowns in bjj when I'm not butt scooting. I can totally take down a wrestler
RIP you
yeah, and while he's trying to rub as much of his body against me like a stupid high school faggot i totally won't break his shit with a keylock
you would just suck his cock like the bjj faggot you are after getting your shit rocked and knocked unconscious
if anybody is sucking his cock right now, it's you
>b-bro I'll just throw up a triangle while he's pounding me with punches!
>*get slammed into oblivion*
jeff pls go, we all know it's you
Sure, but that’s not the issue with that picture.
He's a sperg version of Zyzz without the self-awareness and the audacity to claim natty on top of it.
I'm not a Zyzz fan; I was already 30+ when he died so I was never "inspired" by him like all you youngins. I will say this about him however: Zyzz was at least in on the joke.
Seid is not. He plays the "character" completely straight and it's pure cringe.
That’s the “I need to speak to your manager.” Haircut
He was a national champion wrestler IIRC
He'd absolutely fuck me up. Doesn't help that he's a roided out animal too.
He looks kinda faggy though, wish he took care of his haircut. I don't think he's balding
he still wouldnt release his sextape
as a literally gay guy i just like looking at him and his body. i dont even know what his voice sounds like and i dont know about his personality and life history. but the people i know that has his sextapes sell them for a really high price
Having a good wank at all this attention jeffrey?
Jeff Seid vs. Alon Gabbay: You bet your ass
cuz le cookies