What the fuck is wrong with me?

>be me
>played sports in highschool, stayed active, never overweight
>am in good health, never had problems with bloodwork and no medical diagnosis with any conditions
>last summer, just chilling in bed, started breaking out in hives on arms
>pins and needles in upper body follow
>go to the ER
>by the time I get there, can’t say my name, can barely speak, slurred speech, arms drawn at 90 degree angle
>they found nothing out of the ordinary
>that happens two more times in the month of September
>fast forward to now
>try smoking pot, pins and needles in upper body, doesn’t go away
>can’t smoke pot, but can smoke THC cartridges with no problems
>can’t be anxiety, it happens at random points in the day
>maybe happens once every two weeks now
>eat chili tonight
>it keeps happening in my arms and my fucking face
>keeps occurring with every bite I take
>gets done eating chili
>pins and needles go away

What the fuck is going on with me? I’ve been to two doctors, both have tried prescribing me with anti anxiety meds. This has only started happening after I quit pot cold turkey after smoking chronically every day for two years. I can’t find a correlation to this fucking issue at all. I refuse to take anti anxiety meds, for all I know it could be a vitamin deficiency or something actually wrong like peripheral neuropathy.

I don’t fucking want drugs, I want scans done on my damn body. MRI’s, CAT scans, something. Blood work shows nothing, I don’t know if I have cancer, blood pressure is fine. Give me your thoughts Jow Forums

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I don’t think it can be allergies, I’ve never had an allergic reaction to anything in my life. I have sensitive skin so that could be the cause of hives, or stress, but I’ve never had an allergic reaction

Ok so if you are trolling kys

If not then:

Get blood work on inflammation: CRP , ESR etc if not already.

MRI scan now u nigger. Like right now.

Maybe it's youe immune system attacking it self. Autoimmune disease ?

Get better doctors fucking hell...

What other symptoms, do you get dizzy, increase heart rate, pressure on chest ?

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There are allergies which require a certain threshold of the allergen to be hit before you get a reaction. I have it was dates. I can eat a handful now and then but if i get a punnet and eat it consistently over a work i get a rash. If i smash the punnet in a day i get a rash. It's just some amount of the allergen before your body can eliminate it.

idk nerve disease or nerve inflammation mayb

sounds fucked dude
never heard of this particular reaction right after quitting weed
í'm quitting myself as well
for me it's usually the sleepless nights

Also since you quit week it may indeed be inflammation related / immune system

Depending on weed, but generally it is a pretty good anti inflammatory , so potentially you had this for a while but using weed you have masked it / reduced symptoms greatly.

Try drinking alcohol , if it gets worse ( don't die lol ) then it's 99% to do with that

I thought doctors had to find a reason for MRI before administering it? I’m gonna talk to my doc and demand one. I’ve had two doctors already, but I’m going to keep persevering.
No other symptoms really, other than some cloudiness in my conscience and brain fog. The occasional pain here and there. But it has to be something with my nervous system.
I could see having an allergic reaction causing pins and needles however as I mentioned, sometimes these pins and needles attacks will onset randomly throughout the day, whether it be at work, fasting, or being out with friends.
It’s weird now though because I can’t smoke weed without triggering it. I can take a hit off of a joint and be fine, but if I smoke the whole thing then I get these pins and needles.

Get a private mri. This isn't a jokey symptoms user. Don't want to scare you but don't ignore this

>in good health
>smokes weed
Yeah I don’t care what happens to you

Can I just google MRI companies near me to see who’s business I can go to?


Your doctors shouldn't be telling you to fuck yourself here.

This sounds like epilepsy or some form of seizure to me, did they check your blood sugar?

Agree, find better doctors. Doesn't sound like anxiety to me, I'm not a doctor but I do have anxiety issues.

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Yes, and I’m not diabetic, nor pre diabetic and far from it.

>>by the time I get there, can’t say my name, can barely speak, slurred speech, arms drawn at 90 degree angle
>>they found nothing out of the ordinary

Did you forget to tip the GP?

When I got back to the ER table the nurses kept telling me to straighten out my arms for an IV and I told them it was literally impossible for me to do so, the dumb cunts. I came in with a heart rate of 120. They ruled it off as normal due to me just getting done doing cardio (mind you, my cardio had ended 30 mins prior to ER)
If my pins and needles episodes act up too much that’s what happens, it’s like my nervous system spazzes out. My muscles don’t really twitch or tighten up, but my limbs (all of my fingers and both arms) shoot straight out and it takes me pure willpower to bend them/do anything like pick up an object during one of these episodes.

Sorry OP you have Lupus

how do you feel emotionally when it happens?

sounds like you could be experiencing panic attacks.

have you tried taking the anti-anxiety drugs and what happened?

THC has a slight effect on anxiety and well-being, the chronic removal of which could cause both anxiety and by extension panic attacks

I just don’t see how I could get panic attacks when eating chili and then my pins and needles go away right when I get done with my meal. I have no idea what the correlation is, but I came here just for some advice or if anyone has experienced the same symptoms.

>Autoinmune disase

>be OP
>have recurring episodes of weird-ass, physically manifesting symptoms
>go to the doctor
>"blood morphology normal, must be anxiety. here's a bunch of psychoactive drugs."
>be forced to seek second opinion on a Thai twink body appreciation forum
Ask me how I know the story takes place in the US of A.

Yes you can. I had two private mri scans done. 300£ each instead if waiting for 8 months and potentially dying.

Also OP, if you say you have this now WHEN you try to smoke I suggest you do this if you are able to.

Get a blood test for inflammation markers and in general check to an autoimmune disease

And then get the same blood work done WHILE HIGH if you can manage and then compare

If you can't afford then genuinely, without bullshit, go carnivore. Remove all fucking veg/fruits, anything that isn't meat.

If you can't do that to save your life then fast. Fast 1 day day, eat another and see if you feel better on the days that you fast. If that's the case, 99% your immune system decided to try and kill you.

Buy ashwaghanda ksm-66, L-theanine, don't take dairy of any kind.

Rule out autoimmune disease. If it's not that and mri comes back normal and your allergies are fine then I'm sorry becsuse you are fucked.

You might have something that the medical profession just doesn't know the fuck it is ( same thing happened to me with visual snow ) and you will have to do research and experiment yourself.

Good luck man

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