Red pill me on the 'no wash' meme

Red pill me on the 'no wash' meme.

I'm already on the no shampoo, no pillow, no wipe and no gf meme.

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Antivaxxers coming up with new ways to spread sicknesses

seems like a good way to get fungus

wonder what % of them were diddled vs the rest of the population

>no wipe and no gf meme.

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Just wash with warm to lukewarm water.

Soap is not necessary.

Dunno about this. I rarely use any soap nowadays but I shower often.

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>massive swathes of the population are genetically immune to vaccine incurred infection, will acquire no anti-bodies, especially noted in measles drugs
>domestic vaccine strains provide no protection and some even compromise the TH lines of immunity in humans
>the inflammatory response is entirely random and there is no mechanistic understanding of it, meaning severe and adverse effects occur in the population and are completely unknown because government protects pharma from litigation, or from publically providing safety data itself. Easy one to research is Gardasil
>government doesn't even have the ability to accurately project actual infections, ie "epidemics" because most people don't bother reporting to a medical facility, because most infections are not severe enough to warrant it

KYS low IQ subhuman

Any data for this proposition OP?

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>I don't smell
Jobs used to say the same, no need to wash because of his particular neurotic diet.
Many working close to him say he was oh so very wrong.

>massive swathes of the population are genetically immune to vaccine incurred infection, will acquire no anti-bodies, especially noted in measles drugs
>domestic vaccine strains provide no protection and some even compromise the TH lines of immunity in humans
doesnt matter vs. the burden of disease prevented
>the inflammatory response is entirely random and there is no mechanistic understanding of it, meaning severe and adverse effects occur in the population and are completely unknown because government protects pharma from litigation, or from publically providing safety data itself. Easy one to research is Gardasil
doesnt matter vs. the burden of disease prevented
>government doesn't even have the ability to accurately project actual infections, ie "epidemics" because most people don't bother reporting to a medical facility, because most infections are not severe enough to warrant it
has nothing to do with the efficacy of vaccines

>doesnt matter vs. the burden of disease prevented

Associations cannot and will not ever ascribe causality.(any decent medical program will teach you this fundamental about research)

Epidemiological data(associations) =/= proof of effaciousness or safety(associative data is entirely underpins the government's position on vaccination, there's no mechanistic data whatsoever).
Majority of people do not register themselves as statistics for infection, ergo the government cannot ascribe effaciousness with any degree of accuracy. They are plainly making fabricating a narrative not coherent with reality.

>in terms of the governments own associative data sets
Flu vaccine actually increases mortality in elderly and is outright useless, and this is seen in the government's own associative data sets. European effaciousness rate is 3% and never crosses 10%.

Gardasil is outright useless and has a very high rate of severe and adverse effects, we know this is true because the the Ph.D who did the safety trails became a whistleblower after her own daughter got fucked over by the drug the FDA rush approved, without meeting any of its quick approval guidelines.

Try again retard.

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facebook boomer level of understanding. Sad!

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Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out

Dr. Diane Harper says young girls and their parents should receive more complete warnings before receiving the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Dr. Harper helped design and carry out the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardasil approved


This raises questions about the CDC's recommendation that the series of shots be given to girls as young as 11-years old. "If we vaccinate 11 year olds and the protection doesn't last... we've put them at harm from side effects, small but real, for no benefit," says Dr. Harper. "The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers, they are just postponed, unless the protection lasts for at least 15 years, and over 70% of all sexually active females of all ages are vaccinated." She also says that enough serious side effects have been reported after Gardasil use that the vaccine could prove riskier than the cervical cancer it purports to prevent. Cervical cancer is usually entirely curable when detected early through normal Pap screenings.

Dr. Scott Ratner and his wife, who's also a physician, expressed similar concerns as Dr. Harper in an interview with CBS News last year. One of their teenage daughters became severely ill after her first dose of Gardasil. Dr. Ratner says she'd have been better off getting cervical cancer than the vaccination. "My daughter went from a varsity lacrosse player at Choate to a chronically ill, steroid-dependent patient with autoimmune myofasciitis. I've had to ask myself why I let my eldest of three daughters get an unproven vaccine against a few strains of a nonlethal virus that can be dealt with in more effective ways."

>Try again retard

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It’s a meme spread from misinterpreting a study about excessively washing in sterile environments.
As for the smell, they’re just deluding themselves. Drop by /tg/ and ask them if you want to see what people who don’t wash are truly like, I’m sure but they all have a few stories. Ask for the story of Luke for a good starting point.

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Talking about flu vaccine is a pretty good starting point, considering how indefensible it is. Shows you who is a dogmatic retard and who may be reasoned with.

I’m pretty sure that if you go for the “no wipe” meme, the “no gf” meme is obligatory, you filthy bastard.

>show how little you know
Nigger you don't even know basic statistics, you're not a doctor

you must be new here

I haven't used shampoo/haircare in years now and my hair looks amazing, I get compliments on it all the time. Your body naturally has it's own oils and regulates it's own. I assume it's the same with your body

East Asians don't count.

it turns out homeless people were years ahead

>no wipe
Please redpill me on this one

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Loads of people who work out without showering, or atleast freshening up in the morning, smell like shit the moment they move.

I only take a shower every other day.
The only thing I do daily is wash my armpits/cock/asscrack with soapy water and a glove.

Some people claim that if you calibrate your diet just right, you don't need to wipe your ass anymore because it doesn't leave stains but comes out clean.

I forget what you're supposed to eat tho.

the poop would have to be rock fucking solid to not leave any trace at all on your buttcheeks or at least the rim
a good diet can make you need less wiping to get clean, but thinking you would never have to wipe at all is fucking retarded


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Let me know how that polio works out for you

Yes, I'm sure it's antivaxxers and not the millions of unwashed illegals from tropical climates spreading diseases....

I had a somewhat bad dermatitis on the skin around my nose and eyebrows, had flakes coming of my fucking skull and beard, felt dirty all the time. Dr prescribed me really expensive shampoo and shit.
None of it worked, I began washing face and full body and hair with just plain soap, the one used to wash clothes, no perfume, dirt cheap, skin loooks good now, no more flaking.
Also hydration and food are mainly to good skin health

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You probably can't do this if you exercise at all.

this just happens when you scale your intake way back and eat predictable foods, so all the caloric stuff gets sucked out and you're left with deer poop.

when i dont wash for over a week i get rashes in my armpits and real foul smelling sweat. skipping soap is questionable but not washing entirely is retarded

I don't get this.
There is literally no reason to wash with soap or shampoo daily. I was with water only, have been doing so for the past 8 years or so, since I was 17.
I use deodorants of course, and I don't smell, nor is my hair oily mess (but then I don't grow it long, max is usually about 5-8cm in length and usually it's shorter than that).
So a shower is basically 2-3minutes of your time. And it's healthy and relaxing and regenerating.

>and a glove

I actually almost never have to wipe. I’m not on some meme, I just wipe once to check and nothings there.

exfoliation glove?

ever since i started actually watching what i ate (and especially on keto, but also for months after i stopped), my shits have come out almost clean, give a wipe or two to make sure but Jow Forumsshits are clean as hell
>t.former fatty that would have big poo poo diarrhea almost all the time

I meant a washcloth, I didn't know the word.

you know it can still smell even if there's no visual residue one the tissue, right?
probably sounds autistic, but try taking a whiff a few inches from the tissue next time you poop

will autisticly wiping it until no smell really be worth it? does anybody ever sniff their TP? how much would you even need to wipe? autistic if you do, autistic if you don't - how to i avoid being put on the spectrum?
this is why we need bidets in america though

>will autisticly wiping it until no smell really be worth it?
i'd say so, since poop has a very powerful smell, even in small quantities

do people normally autisticly smell their TP? if not why don't i smell it on everyone? skeptical desu, if it looks clean i'm gonna leave it since i'm pretty sure that's what you're supposed to do and nobody has ever said anything

Unless you shave your ass, you'll always have to wipe.

You're straight out retarded if you deny the scientific proof of causality

1600s: No soap, no shampoo, wash with only water if you're a peasant
1700s: realize there's something wrong with this and it takes a toll on hygiene as well as causing things like skin problems and infections as well as fungal infections
1800s:invent soaps, shampoos, and different ways of hygiene
1900s: modernize and normalize basic hygiene
2000s: almost everyone has good hygiene, minimizing fungal and different hygiene based infections as possible

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Hand is probably dirty because he doesn't wash it daily

Really says something when your objection is based on the faulty premise that the no soap movement is from this decade.

I use a very light shampoo only when my hair gets really dirty because of work etc. Other than that I just use cool to cold water and my hair has never been healthier than it is now.

But no soap and no wipe is gross.
Just buy natural soaps, they're expensive but don't have any non natural ingredients in em.

>let's blame people who don't want intramuscular mercury injections so I can push my dysgenic agenda
Post nose

Almost all decrease in illness since the industrial revolution has been due to improvements in nutrition, basic hygiene, and sanitation. Vaccines contribute a negligible improvement to the decrease in disease.

No people don't sniff TP, only look. It's impossible to get it actually clean without washing (bidet) so if there is no poop on the paper stop wiping.

I don’t use soap in the shower and I haven’t for years

why can't white people get around to switching to bidets anyways? it's so much cleaner

that's retarded, are you going to cleanse your but hole with TP until the entire outer layer of skin is peeled off?
just fucking wash your ass, bidets are godtier

trying not to visualise the massive smegma buildup on cock and/or the massive chunks hanging from that woman's minge.

or just one or two extra wipes after it looks clean?
you seem obsessed with bidets, but need to realise most people dont have them

How's the crosshit coming along my vegan friend?

your angus must be a raw and bloody

no, because i'm not saying you should use half a roll per shit; just that it can still smell despite it looking clean

> looks clean
do you carry an angus mirror with your for rearview?


i was talking about the tp, obviously

>there are people browsing this board right now who think soap and shampoo were invented in the 1800s
Never forget the type of retards you're dealing with, Jow Forums.

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having indians been doing this for centuries?

I dont use soap on my hair but I cant imagine not using it on skin. I wouldnt be able to get it off me when I come off work all sweaty

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The Romans washed regularly, and when their empire fell to decadence people stopped washing and Western society was born through the careful guidance of the Catholic Church.
Nobody white washed their skin again (hence why the French invented perfume) until they learned the habit after fornicating with the subhuman tribals of the Americas.
Do you want to wash yourself like a gay Roman hedonist or a sinful New World savage?

This, they lack the genetic marker for body odor.

you can explain that but she's still gonna think you're smelly and now she's gonna think you're a weirdo

In the weekend I shower in the evening and in the morning I smell like sweat again.

I'm slightly overweight, have lots of hair everwhere and I drink 6 cuppas a day.

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Nice. I've gotten the same results with Pine tar soap.

I bring my angus mirror to the gym as well as my squat plug

white people invented it you fucking idiot

so why did we give it up?? why can't we go back??? is toilet paper that much better???? is it better at all?????

We gave it up because it was less expensive to skip the bidet installation and you'd still need paper or an ass towel before modern technology gave us the built in combo bidet/toilet/blowdryer that plays soothing music and a light show for you (thanks Japan).

ok next question - why are we getting toilet mogged by nips

I mean, I'm not so. And I live in one of the poorer countries in eastern europe

this is complete dogshit

have someone who isnt a fellow hippie smell you and I guarantee they'll tell you take a shower

So you jut walk around with soap all over your cock and ass every other day?

Poop should never be getting on your butt cheeks. Never. Wtf?

just use a fucking bidet

Sounds American.

Shame on you Jow Forums. Can't believe I have to post it.

>imagine the smell

vaccines cannot cause infection because the virus is already destroyed, what they can cause are allergic reactions, but that's a temporary problem if you even notice it at all. it could not make you sick unless you were already sick.

other medicines are a lot more dangerous because the wrong amount or incorrect usage of steroids, antihistamines, analgesics, synthetic neurotransmitters or inhibitors, etc. are really no different than poison

but an unnecessary vaccine might just give you like, itchy skin or a short fever for a few days

its more dangerous to eat fast food or buy meat from the grocery store

are you unironically anti-vaxx? you know how stupid that is?

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>virus is already destroyed
i mean viruses can interact with cells and assemble in all kinds of unpredictable ways. it's impossible to truly say you won't ever get screwed. vaccines even make use of viral self-assembly properties.
but i agree there are far bigger risks out there anyway.

bitch we had a measles outbreak after 50 years clean when the antivax movement gained traction

get a fucking bidet you third world american

soaps and shampoos exist since the egyptian empire if not before

t. reddit

No way you can do this in humid areas or during heat waves

I use soap like once a week, mostly for the armpits and groin area.
Still shower every day though, sometimes twice a day.

>no gf meme
I have a hunch you didn’t have a choice with this one

There are a meme for each meme boards on your pic. Fit meme, pol meme, biz meme, r9k meme, etc...

I shower to get fresh but washed hair lookes awful.. as for deodorant I use ACV to kill any non sexy smells maybe 1 time a month..

There's some technique involved as well..

Deodorants are disgusting, use apple cider vinegar