Science has spoken.
Dad bods BTFO Holy shit !!!!
No shit. The dad bod is nothing but a cope for dyels and out of shape women.
Nice digits, but I kind of figured. It all makes sense, no matter how hard ideas like dad bod or any other cope is pushed biology and evolution will prevail.
Stay the course.
>Finally, researchers asked a different group of men, “How many times have you had sex with a woman who had a boyfriend or husband at the time you had sex with her?” Muscular men reported more affairs with women who were in committed relationships.
fuckin based
You guys arent skipping oblique work, right?
Not based, been the guy multiple times. Makes it difficult to trust
you've been cheated on multiple times? Sounds like you're a loser bro. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
No leg muscles
not the big soup rice
By "obliques" they actually mean the V-line/Adonis belt
I think dadbod was always supposed to imply "dadarms" though so skinnyfat dudes don't actually have dadbods.
>What are glutes
>implying you even need any proofs after the Brofessor himself raped the theory to shreds
I won't even post the link again, you know what I'm talking about.
Its not based at all
I fucked a slut in college while she was engaged to some 300lb beta bux
She had 0 shame about it, they are married and have a kid now. I feel bad whrn I see pics of her with her kid and husband on faceberg saying how much she loves them
stop being retarded betas, all women are like this.
Based no wonder I keep getting compliments
Chad Glutesbro who gets easy trips
Virgin dubsfag who doesn’t hit glutes
yeah they probably mean adonis belt by obliques otherwise its just weird.
got nice glutes, obliques and abs from squats and deadlifts
pretty good shoulders from ohp, well rounded from accessory work
biceps are probably my weakest, feels impossible to build them properly
>retarded betas
>having a moral compass
Stop thinking with your dick
So from this rating the best exercises to do are
>Chin Ups
And maybe ab exercises or lateral raises.
I'm surprised neck and forearms aren't on this list
Shoulders/neck and biceps/forearm I suppose. They obviously had to interpret the poll's raw results.
Completely unbased. Such ways of sleeping around lead to life becoming vapid and empty, so you keep going out and banging people in hopes of it fixing your emptiness, but it only makes you realize how truly alone you are and it sucks.
Get in a committed relationship, user- don’t do these sinful shenanigans.
>not liking whores = beta
It's the other way around.
Morals don't exist retard
>y-you l-like whores s-so really I'M the a-alpha heh h-heh
Someone made an update of that but I forgot to save it.
Dad bods were always a meme, just like thigh gaps and eating ass.
>Muscular men, regardless of their self-esteem, had more sexual partners.
As i pointed out in a a thread about chest last week, big shoulders and arms are more important when it comes to looks than big chest.
>regardless of their self-esteem
How did they measure self-esteem though
easy, as everybody knows women can sense it.
>thigh gaps
what ever you say chubby chaser
I love this edit so much.
Dad bod is just thicc for guys, pic related is a real dad bod. Its just every fat fuck with a gut has jumped on the bandwagon
So dad bod is just bear mode?
>As rated by women
>The dad bod is nothing but a cope for dyels and out of shape women.
Post body twink
they don't want you to look like chul sun. what they mean when they say 'obliques' is that v line at the base of your torso, low bf% which gives for good definition in the obliques, a small waistline, and good serratus.
I think "dad bod" is really just "looks somewhat physically strong, but doesn't look super young" i.e. has a higher body fat % due to being a normal productive adult instead of a model or something. All those dumb articles post pictures of "dad bods" that actually just look like normal out of shape guys, but I'm pretty sure that's not what it really means. UNLESS "dad bod" is actually just shorthand for an entire package of guy that is basically "seems gainfully employed and stable and therefore better long term mate prospect".
dadbob is being myscular with higher bodyfat
not being a fat slob with 0 muscle and a belly
you secretly like guys
Based dubs poster
yea no shit to all this...
i was at an edm festival last week
took of my shirt got instant action from thots
That makes you the beta when your gf fucks an alpha on the side, since you liked a whore.
How do you feel about your son being raised by cows?
That disgusting roid gut
And people still fall for the marriage meme. Rather be the guy that women are sexually attracted to and fuck rather than the beta stuck with a damaged whore
I'm being real with you, you aren't going to find a girl that won't cheat in your life. You need to be king Chad master of bants and women to keep a girl you like nowadays, if you slip up even once she's gonna be fucking somebody else. Nobody else is gonna tell your idealistic ass the truth, they don't know it's a trap either sometimes even when the leg is shut around their leg.
You first sõyfatty
Going in the order of what they found important I guess it would be:
Squats (lower obliques and glutes)
Ab isolation (abs)
Bicep curls and rows (bicep)
OHP and lateral raise (shoulders)
Someone post the nigger edit
Try hitting your biceps with lots of volume even if you have to use shit weight. That really helped me.
Come to think of it, I fucked her raw and the timeframe roughly matches up so it might be my daughter
Haven't spoken to her since she got married tho so idk
>I feel bad whrn I see pics of her with her kid and husband on faceberg saying how much she loves them
She probably does love him. I love my wife but I fuck around a lot. No big deal if no one catches you.
don't forget that few people know what they want. It'd be better if the showed them pictures of ppl with different development to find out the real top muscles
the article literally cites the source you utter brainlet
I thought I was a t-rex but it turns out I have been doing it right this whole time
mmm she looks tasty
biceps are such a meme.
No, dadbod is a fucking meme women spew to make them seem not shallow, or to cope with their gross husband now that they broke him.
In every study on attraction versus muscle mass women always go for the stronger looking man with more muscle mass, there was no upper limit on how muscular was too muscular, but they also didn't test with heavy mutants like Piano.
tl;dr women are never honest about what they want because they are emotional creatures first and foremost.
Those grapes aren't nearly high enough for that fox to be unable to reach them. This is not a good illustration of the fable!
>Doubting based ripp
kys retard scum
>He thinks liking females with thick ass thighs is chubby chasing
>they think the glutes are a leg muscle
"The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles which make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus"
in another study asian girls from korea and japan reported that the sexiest part of a man were his forearms, so its very much a cultural matter.
wtf i have big pecs for nothing
big pecs look good, just don't go full arnie meng. Not good for back and posture.
Its obvious from it women just correlate lean with attractive, obliques, abs, and glute muscles are only visible at low bf. Even lank was rated 30% higher than average, and lanklet with 6 months of ss is almost 70% higher.
>One study found the average male in college is capable of between 18 to 26 push-ups.
normies are so pathetic.
This bitch is one stupid cunt btw. She got famous for being a fucking landwhale with huge tits, got mad that men only liked her tits, got tit reduction to dunk on them, get asshurt when people stop caring about her, get new, horrendous tit job.
Yes this actor who made his career solely off his looks and is one of the most attractive and masculine guys to ever live, who actively did structured strength training, is the representative of the basic "dad bod" physique.
Name of the statue?
>no firearms
Garbage study
Girls like big glutes because the animalistic brain (95% of a woman's brain) notices it and thinks it indicates a big wallet.
Wellington monument in london.
Reminder that women call bear mode a dad bod. They're dumb and don't actually know what a dad bod.
Skinny white teen girls seem to love my ass. Black girls usually say it's too big.
Idk if that's cos they're secretly jelly or something
Since girls are retarded let me translate. By biceps they mean entire arm. By shoulders they mean v taper not just delts.
>Not triceps
Fucking roasties, I swear to God
Thanks brah
I really wonder why guys make such a big fuss about what women like and how they refuse to believe that a girl could prefer a smaller and "natty" looking guy compared to a roided out IFBB classic physique looking ass motherfucker.
Isnt it obvious ? It's not about them being insecure but lets be real every guy that cares THAT much about how they look and the gym that they put copious amounts of drugs into their body is likely a narcissist who only cares about the gym. There is nothing inherently wrong with that but you will mostly attract girls who are also into going to the gym all the freaking time hence why so many bodybuilders have gf who do bodybuilding or some sort of strength sport. Like attracts like especially when we are talking about the extremes here.
And if we are all honest here if we had to choose between a 10/10 insta thot who is hot as fuck and looks like she has had tons of plastic surgery or spends all the time in the gym possibly taking anavar and some cute and innocent looking 8/10 who seems more down to earth I think most of us would choose the later for a serious relationship. I am not saying I dont care about physical attraction but if I am on a date and the girl has nothing interesting to say at all and I have to drag the conversation along I dont care how hot she is apart from fucking her once I have no interest in her any longer.
You're literally retarded.
That's not a "dad bod" that dude is built like fucking superman.
Regardless of whether the results seem legit or not, it's self-reported, so that automatically disqualifies it.
Come back when they do an actual study using involuntary metrics like eye movement/dilation or brain activity
Looksmaxers eternally btfo
It isn't about how pretty your face is, it's how manly you look
Fuck all obliques since I am bloatmaxing but I've got everything else