How long until I don't think about her anymore?

Two years

Until you find a feeling that replaces the ones she gave to you


It never stops, the gaps just get longer.

Ouch, but could be worse.

Just don't forget that all the sadness and loneliness will go away in a few months. Everyone goes through breakups, some people after way longer relationships that you, and 99.99% of them recover and move on. You will do too.


You never forget the first one

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5yrs with a girl and she cheats on me, i try to move on but still feel bitter and angry for what she did.... i want to kill the guy that she fucked, she tries to tell me she doesnt know why she did it and that she was depressed and that she feels disgusting for doing it i tell her im moving and and get my own place.

Month goes by and i see she has a new boyfriend that only lasted for a month.

Couple weeks later i see her at the gym and make the mistake of talking to her and end up back into a relationship with her, im still angry about what she did and hate her for it feel like a loser and cuck walking around with her....

With her for a year and then we have a couple fights and we break up havent spoken or seen her for a fortnight.

I feel a lil sad and stressed about it but yet i also feel relieved that i dont have to look like a cuck infront of everyone now

She was fun and i loved her but she wasnt loyal and she always wanted to argue with me over my friends and me not giving enough but i gave her gifts and plenty of good sex. I feel that maybe it was her friends that mislead her and told her she could do better, her friends had habits of cheating and being thots....

She was virgin when we got together

post girl user

But what if I wanna forget