/SIG/-ers of Jow Forums, please help me find a .pdf e-book that IMMENSELY helped me with motivation, self-confidence...

/SIG/-ers of Jow Forums, please help me find a .pdf e-book that IMMENSELY helped me with motivation, self-confidence, workouts.
I can't fucking remember the name aaaargh, but it was concise, and dealt with every sphere from food, exercise to nofap and all that.
I remember it had a pic of Marcus Aurelius in one of the last pages, with a quote...

Attached: roll.png (2100x2100, 1.32M)

Other urls found in this thread:


rolling also fuck jannies, niggers, jews, spics, and pakis

A-a /SIG/ thread? On Jow Forums?
>also want to know this book too

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I just need to find this book again...it was a free download...extremelly motivational. please

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How long was the book?

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could you include more details?


not too long, maybe 30 ish pages in pdf.
goddamn, I don't know how I lost it...it was kind of aesthethic, really neat and with just a few illustrations (like that marcus aurelius). It detailed food plans, testosterone levels, masturbation, women, socials shit, etc...in surpisingly learned manner...

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-05 The Edelweiss Alliance ( theedelweissalliance) • Instagram photos and videos (593x590, 875K)

it MAYBE had something like "Living Healthy in the Modern World...." in the title, but of this I am not sure!

Rolling rolling rolling got me stargazing

don't know book but rolling regardless

Probably not.
This sounds like a book that's geared towards men, something along the lines of "Models" by Mark Manson


I literally live in the middle of no where it’s sand, asphalt, and concrete for hundreds of miles and no car reroll

could be, but keep in mind that this was something like an "amateur" book, a.k.a a .pdf "mafiesto" of a kind. Most likely anonymous as well. Thank you for trying to help!

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roll & bump

Is it the Book of Pook?
I'm just throwing out titles in the hope you recognize it

@ReviveTribalism has a pdf in his pinned tweet on his twitter with that exact title and content


Shit I think he found it

No Marcus Aurelius quote but it's got Greek figures and everything OP mentioned

I guess I will write my research paper.

That's the one!!!
You're the absolute man. I thank you, brother! Your help is appreciated!

Attached: 1907 'He could ride in any weather' (Han som kunde rida i alla väder) by Helena Nyblom 1 (575x762, 667K)

Hope you find it man.
Also roll

Start here

A heartfelt thank you to all!


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alright i'm fuckin' into it
i'll take the last three numbers of my post and do them all tomorrow


Can't run haha crippling asthma meme but I can sure as shit walk. I'll walk like 7.5mi to make up for it.

Roll for the white race

you're welcome. great read, can reccommend





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what happened to all the /sig/ threads? where did they go? I really miss them. they were the best threads on Jow Forums



*delets thread*

nothing personal kid

Inb4 jannyggers delete this thread because they don't want you to improve.



Don’t forget E85 is superior to gasoline

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It's on Jow Forums now I believe, I have no idea why it would be deleted from Jow Forums while there are plenty of trash threads that are allowed to stay there.

Maybe it's because jannies glows in the dark.


thanks for the pagan quote my friend

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I love /sig/ idk why mods kill them

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Rolling to better myself



Found the last /sig/ thread that was here (and then got moved to Jow Forums) and was really happy I found it - started journaling a couple weeks ago and setting more plans to read more and clean my trashy house
This pdf was just added to the reading list, thanks OP

I'm no chemist, but that doesn't sound correct.

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So for absolutely no reason at all here is the /sig/ sticky as it has some other links

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. More Info: pastebin.com/h4CDDtKu
>Learn Mindfulnes Meditation. More Info: pastebin.com/0NMDEUNh
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout.
>The best exercise regime is entirely up to what your goals are - Explain your goals and ask!

DISCORD: discord.gg/5MmuUDT Everyone is welcome and joining is recommended since these threads keep getting deleted.

>newarcitea.neocities.org/ - Overall Guide
>thework.com/ - "Simple" Mental Health self-help resource. You get out what you put in.

>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22578279902195591270 - Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren - How to Read a Book
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=01374239493824328035 - Sam Harris - Waking Up
>seinfeld.co/library/meditations.pdf Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Henepola Gunaratana - Mindfulness in Plain English
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=93057425205857796418 - Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People

>Got out of bed this morning and took a shower then went to uni instead of fapping to porn while smoking weed

I hope I can get myself to go running tomorrow morning

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They get deleted by jannies who get jealous of people improving whilst they sit on their asses and don’t get paid.
I started one a few days ago and it got 404’d in like an hour.

Doubles get

I do that already. Dubs pls I Wana learn German.



>in bad place, no mates, every day is the same, low chance of getting into uni, Never leave the house
>host party after getting in touch with some friends I haven’t spoken to in months
>get real drunk despite having an induction the day after, plan to end it at half one and get 7 hours of sleep
>try and hang myself with a power cord, too shitfaced to tie a noose properly so just go for the wrists instead
>too drunk to pull a straight line and miss the blood vessels completely
>one of the girls sees and removes sharp objects from immediate vicinity and gets someone to call an ambulance
>currently sitting in the ER feeling embarrassed
>May have just scared away my only chance at a friend group
Help. How do I recover this situation.
And I have a slight pain in the shoulder when i do push day, should I just drop push until it goes away?

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I hope 5 cuz i really dont have the patience for that. Wish i did.

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Hoping does nothing. It's all about your discipline




Wish me luck bruhs!

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I’ve been trying (and succeeding so far) to go to bed at roughly the same time each night (10pm)
I actually enjoy it more than I thought I would - I am even able to get more things done on the weekends when rising at around 7am as opposed to 11am or later
Anyone who does the same, on days you have a night out with friends, does it really set you back a lot? Or do you prefer to go out earlier to get closer to that normal sleeping schedule?
It hasn’t happened yet but I am concerned a night of socializing will have me staying up hours later than I should be

Reroll because I'm retarded and dont know which post is mine

Yes, ill finally have an excuse to read Marcus Aurelius Meditations.

>Rolling for this...

yes, superior in burning up engines and reducing gas mileage

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After nights out I tend to just suck it up and wake up early as usual. It sucks if you have a hangover but drinking a shitload of water or Gatorade when you wake up and going for an early workout (even just jogging or hell, walking two or three miles) will fix you up decently in my experience. Ibuprofen if it's really bad.

Thought that was a monster zero ultra from the thumbnail.

Thanks friend that helps




Not that book, but “Letter on Corpulence” is a pretty interesting read of a 1800s fat guy fixing himself.



Based, will start cleaning as soon as my roommate leaves so she doesnt fucking annoy me


Jow Forums is in flames right now. Probably need one to calm things now but I digress


Rolling again because I'm actually pretty clean.