So i am doing the Jow Forumsbodyweightfitness recomennded routine (
Can i just swap push-up progression with bench and row with barbell rows and get same/better/more efficient results for a beginner?
I already changed other exercises (core for example i do dragon flag progression instead of ab wheels rollouts etc.).
Reddit's Bodyweight Routine Integrating Weights
So sexy girl omg
read the sticky you stupid faggot
ΓΆΓΆ sex girl
me gum benis douch
Girls with plastic surgery are disgusting. Look at her digsuting boobies. Imagine haviing a kid with her and she comes out and grows up with A cups because ur mothers was all plastic..pathetic girl
Its not plastic you idiot its just a very tight top.
Idiot she has a boobie job, she also has ass implants. Are men this easy to deceive?
I read it and i still ask this question.
Why would you modify a bodyweight routine to be a weightlifting one? If you enjoy lifting and want to swap out more of the stuff you do to barbell/dumbell variations just start a straight weightlifting routine. You could experiment with full body 3x week, PPL or some variation of it or even a bro split if that is your thing. It all depends of your goal too, so think about where you want to go
Well the issue for me is that almost every beginner routine is just BenchxSquatxDL. I wanted to do more (mainly pull ups since im weak at those and core exercises)
Get a weight vest
I see. So far i understand that you want more variation out of a basic routine, so if you could tell me what your goal is maybe we can work something out
fap fap
>she has a boobie job, she also has ass implants
Prove it right now
I definitely want to work the basic free weight stuff, still i have problem with DLs (tail bone pain) and am going to ask trainer for help with form.
Other than that i want to get stronger pulling power (one if my hobbies is hiking so pull ups etc. are a must) other than that overall core strength (i was doing progression for dragon flags) and maybe something more on legs.
allright. my advice would be to create sort of your personalised routine that may be a variation of a starting program. for example, if you can go 4 days a week at the gym you could maybe run something akin to a upper/lower routine.
monday: bench/weightet pull ups
tuesday: squat/ohp
thursday: bench/rows
saturday: dl/ohp
of course this would be what you focus on in any way you wish. for some 5x5 works, but maybe you want more volume or more weight.
also you could do abs every day, athlean x has a pretty good program for that, which requires no equipment and you can do it every morning outside of the gym. and regarding pull ups, if you can do 8 clean start adding weight till u can do 8 clean again. basically treat it like a normal exercise. of course what i am saying here is purely a vague plan that you will mostly figure out by yourself, but that is the beauty of it. no one program fits everyone and it is good to experiment with stuff to find what you enjoy the most. if you have any other questions i will check this thread as often as i can today
Why are you even doing body weight exercises if you have access to a gym/weights?
The only reason I'm doing it is because my gym costs like 50 euros which is quite a lot here and not worth it at all.
that's train girl and her ass is 100% real
How do you find this routine? Did yoir pullups progres well, for example? What I'm suspicious about is that they claim that you should do 9 sets of exercises in 40-60 minutes, which is like 5-7 minutes per set. Very little time to rest.
it's fake
Do not disrespect me.
Pull up progression was pretty shit actually.
I was doing it for 2-3 months and still can't do a single one (i weight 80 kg) even though i can do 5 clean chin-ups.
>making a whole thread for this
yes OP, you can swap bodyweight exercises for weighted ones. Welcome to the fitness world.
I should've read this response before I posted. I hate this board is filled with no muscle twinks. go kill yourself
She does shitton of meme ass exercises but it's not fake.
>hurr durr how dare people be beginners and not be born with full roided muscless hurr durr
>I'll make a post asking a basic question that I can just google while also flaunting that I can't do a single pull up, of which women are able to do many
Could you be any more of a waste?
Its completely normal for many people to be able to do many chin ups with ease but not a single pull up.
That exercise is not for working out, it is clearly for getting that instagram snap. So this is the power of thots
I have a bigger ass and im a man. Asians have no asses period, unless their mixed with black arab or white.
ur fucking retarded, just do pushups, pullups and use weight at the same time, bodyweight fitness is a waste of time until you can eventually do flags and handstand pushups and shit, which takes months and years of practise to do unless ur liek 50 kilos
Well, that's what I was saying. The program makes you do half-ass sets just so you can cram nine of them in one hour.
What her name? Please respond i beg you!
waddle on back to whatever subreddit you came from you little faggot. kys on the way out.
Sneed (formerly Chuck, that's right, she IS a transwoman)
ditch the bodyweight shit and just lift weights
do some kind of 5x5 with the 4 compound lifts and pullulps added in
do negatives till you can do like 5 pullups then follow the fighter pullup progression program
Who is this beatiful gal
Do trap bar deadlifts and farmers walks.
Very simple. Do baby weights from the low handles 3x5, flip it over to the high handles, do 3x5 at a more challenging weight. Deload some plates and do farmers walks 5x40yards. Easy on the back and gives raw strength that BW only is lacking.
>following a reddit routine
holy fuck whats next, ivysaur?
Ching Chong Ding Dong
>Asians have no asses period
You dumb nigger
Fucking dropped.
Ugly ass face lmfao
song yuxin hitomi
plz sit on my lap and then do that dance again
>putting in all that work just to be a thoot
forgot pic, what a retar
>Hides gut with door
No thanks
Based and redpilled
It's a common defect in Asians. That and teeth.