I know this is only tangentially Jow Forums related, but question about man boobs. Let's say you lose a fuck ton of body fat, but still don't really see a substantial decrease in size or shape of breast tissue. Does it always mean there's some kind of underlying hormonal problem? It can it just be "left over", like how some people have to have excess skin removed?
I've been struggling with this for years, trying to decide if I should have a doc look into it. I don't have any apparent problems with, say, lack of testosterone (trouble sleeping/recovering/muscle building/etc.)
>Let's say you lose a fuck ton of body fat you might still be kinda fat, get lean first and go from there
Gavin Cruz
the universe is telling you to transition already
Juan Stewart
I also have man titties left over from being obese. They do shrink and look better the leaner I get but are still obviously abnormal. I stopped caring about it past few years desu. If you truly have gynecomastia but are otherwise healthy it’s probably not hormonal. If it bothers you too much you can get plastic surgery.
Matthew Bailey
Just ask your doctor, he will test/tell you.
Joseph Lewis
have doctor feel your titties, if he gets hard then you are a woman now, if he is soft he will cut them off
That's no skin bro, you have gyno. Feel it, if you feel a kind of hard ball under your nipple that confirms it, it's the mammal gland
Julian Morgan
get the surgery
Brody Mitchell
>mammal gland Please never give out advice again in your life.
Cooper Murphy
i developed a little bit of gyno when i was going through puberty my nips felt really tender and it hurt when anything bumped into them i went to the doctor and he felt em and said it was normal kinda pissed that he didn't do something about it and nip it in the bud when it was first forming but it isn't that noticeable now that i've built my chest up still half considering gyno surgery but not sure it's worth the dosh
Gabriel Collins
I'm 6ft and currently 163lbs. Measured my bodyweight with calipers and I should be 10-11% bf at the moment, however I still have a little bit of bitch tits and my abs aren't entirely visible (only when I flex hard and bend over a bit). I've already seen a doc and was told I don't have gyno, just a bit of fat there. So I assume I just have a very unlucky fat distribution in my body.
My question is, should I continue cutting until they're completely gone or should I just start bulking now? The thing I'm afraid of is that my moobs will grow if I start bulking. But on the other hand, I'm already 163lbs and I feel like I will enter auschwitz-mode if I continue cutting.
Carter Russell
maybe try body recomp are you lifting currently? what's your routine?
Colton Collins
yeah i've been lifting for a while now so i doubt recomp will have much effect on me i'm doing upper/lower routine
Jordan Perez
>quit bread >lift >???? >PROFT!
Camden Walker
I had my nips checked by a doc and they said "yea, nah, m8 you dont have any breast tissue just fat and muscle" im 5'11 175 and my nips aren't that big just kinda puffy. My options are basically cut real low and stay there or get lipo to remove the fat cells. Either way getting checked will give you somewhere to start.
Chase Howard
It might be posture, start working your back, rear delts, and upper chest a lot, I'd avoid lower chest dominant exercises like bench and dips for now.
Noah Foster
If you’re not going to opt into surgery and you’re really self conscious then I would recommend a compression shirt OP. They’re sort of like spanks for men and they work really well. I’m rocking them until I have enough dosh for a procedure (6-8k). They’ve boosted my confidence quite a bit and I’ve fucked a few more sloots because of the boost it’s given me. You can find them on Amazon for like $25.
Josiah Lopez
I'd take a few more readings of your body weight. The error margin on even some of the more accurate methods of measuring body weight are quite substantial.
Charles Martinez
Do push ups
Isaac Turner
I've got them as well, even now at 125 lbs as well as when I dropped down to 105 lbs. In my case it is nearly all muscle and gland tissue. Hell, I even lactated a little during puberty.
Julian Foster
Maybe pressing down with bandages?
Ethan Garcia
>Measured my bodyweight with calipers and I should be 10-11% bf at the moment, however I still have a little bit of bitch tits and my abs aren't entirely visible Calipers are not very precise
Liam Ross
>I've got them as well >when I dropped down to 105 lbs >Hell, I even lactated a little during puberty. Are you sure you are not a girl (female)?