Would any white women get with this bug?

Would any white women get with this bug?

Attached: mb0y7rzx5sd31.jpg (1800x1800, 212K)


none of that here

Attached: 1484871728298.png (463x382, 144K)

Post body

literal fucking cartoonfaced slanty faggot

Attached: image14-31.png (790x427, 222K)

Those socks though


Attached: zbkdlwxlts931.jpg (640x640, 67K)

Is that face shopped.


never skip leg day

that's a really disgusting face

face looks like a caricature of a chink

Why y'all gotta be so racist man.

Attached: P7yxf0l.webm (406x720, 1.05M)

>roiding for that
damn its over

Lmao white cucks once again butthurt over mongoloid stud. But hey, getting cucked by mongol warlords is ingrained in your dna so...

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that guy? sure, guy in op pic? with that face? lmao

Nice body, really unfortunate face

god damn, its literally just the fact that his eyes are way too close to each other. i cant imagine any average girl settling for that even with that body

Saido chesto

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he could just wear sunglasses all time

>average girl
average girl means 50% uglier than her and 50% prettier. They'll settle for way less.

I met this guy IRL, handsome as fuck (no homo).

No wonder other asians are mad as fuck at the Japanese

Attached: HidetadaYamagishi.jpg (220x320, 20K)