Are you still around? Did anyone make it? Should anyone be added? Oh and fit related. Ive got to cut as much weight as possible within 3 months as well increase explosiveness in cardio, what do?
Jow Forums tripfags
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why are they all ugly
You looked over lightning brah
half of them have ugly face, other half have decent face
Isley is still there, lad keeps getting stronger and his bloatmaxxxing is stalling actually.
Has he learned? Oh and what happened to obese bignig?
He has gf now, still gets called an incel by her, kek. So I guess he is learning. His bench is at 170 kg paused now.
Which obese guy are you referring to?
BigNig, he is a trip on their he was some buff ass autist that went dark for years the reemerged an obese retard a few months back
I see, never heard of him, I hope he got his stuff straightened out.
everyone that goes to the gym is a coping ugly guy/girl
Oh shit i found it, so this is what BigNig turned into. Reminder to never give up on fitness
isley is not only still here but set a UK record recently iirc.
ocb/ennui/atiwab were all kill ages ago
tinytrip left in like 2012
fronk is still tiptoeing the line between actual insanity and DOING IT FOR THE GRAM on youtube
scooby is... degraded
haven't seen redwood post in fucking ages but he was cool, same with steamrolan
dunno the others aside from the mod
I searched posts on desuarchive, last posts implied that he was again on weight loss journey (as of October 2018).
Shame how he turned out.
Have i made it?
it was never possible
You think your better?
WTF, how can someone fail that much?
maybe if you lose 25lbs of fat without losing any muscle.
You do it
Lotus still comes around but he isnt on there. Anyone want to add anyone else? I mean the only namefags we have are in /fraud/
Living with your grandma into your mid 20s, not having a car, being a vile trip poster.
That depends. Is he a ginger?