Finally get girl

>finally get girl
>live with girl
>love girl, she's so perfect for me
>still want to die, still hate life in general
>girl is suicidal as well, and loves me more than i can understand
>wants to die with me
>we started planning our suicide together
We have some things in the way, like waiting for our blood thinners to get here, and some prior commitments. But about a month from now i will hold hands with my girlfriend and die with her. We plan to make a goodbye video to show people that we didn't kill each other, that its a mutual suicide.

get fucked, incels

Attached: tumblr_ornsybIYwX1ws7znjo1_500.jpg (500x375, 69K)

>tfw she purposefully feigns her dosage so she can fuck tyrone on your cold corpse
don't stick your dick in crazy, moron

post you and her

not a chance, there are people around here who can id us, we're both in our early 20s and grew up on image boards

Dude ... why the fuck are you even here, i'm not even OP and i find that shit fucked up.

Don't post face then

go back to facebook, normalfag.
OP you're letting that succubus drag you into hell. What are you thinking

what sense does that make?

>To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die!!!
Good luck OP ;)


Have fun? What are you here bragging about. Do it already.

To clarify we are planning to take a bunch of blood thinners (Warfarin) that we ordered. Then cut our wrists probably. We want to get hand cuffs and duck tape to make sure our hands remain clasps after we pass out

>get fucked, incels
Hahahahah! You're more of a loser than those volcels in this board. Remember, there is no such thing as incels. Nobody here is willing to fuck a 1/10, a 0/10 or a -1/10.

>posts on Jow Forums
>is incredulous when finds shit "fucked up"

You're actually an idiot OP. If you have a girlfriend you are not allowed to be depressed. And I'm saying this as somebody who's been really fucking depressed. You just have a chemical imbalance of some kind. Go on meds or something.

please reconsider, try and get some mental help

therapy wont work, try some drugs user

You misread this
She's not suicidal but murderous
She will skip out on her end of the suicide contract and use your death for attention
Make her go first

This is awful. Please don't do this. I can't think of a possibly more twisted corrupt view of love than this. It actually makes me sick.

Listen when I was a teen I was in the very same situation but I let my ego man points overwhelm me and she dead.. I regret it so tell her you're into her or something

I wish I was in the same situation...

>make sure hands remain clasped
thats obscene user. its saccarine. all id feel is disgust if i were your or her parents. its a meaningless gesture that just makes the suicide seem even more demented. just dont do it man

I fucking wish.

Bf and I are suicidal. Both have had attempts, but were too emotional to do it properly in the moment.

He now has a full plan to kill himself in the woods with a gun two weeks or so after he takes me to prom.

Says he will not tell me where he will do it. Just will leave a text or note saying its time. He will call paramedics and police as he pulls the trigger so I will not have to deal with bloodies corpse.

Will not let me kill myself with him. Have to wait until I can privately see his body after. Or go to where he did and slit wrist.

Im dying either way.