How to reject gifts without being a dick? I helped my dad put together an AR15 and now he wants to order parts so we can build one for me. I already have a couple guns that I never shoot and he knows this. They're just .22s, so maybe he thinks I just don't have something worth shooting? I don't want him to waste the money on something I'll never use (I don't even have a proper place to store the guns I have), but I'm such a passive guy that I don't know how to say no to something without being a complete dick about it.
How to reject gifts without being a dick...
be grateful you stupid motherfucker.
Keep the plinker for SHTF or nigger invasions, .22 isn't doing shit unless you're getting burgled by squirrels
I don't want to live through shtf scenario, though. I live in a relatively nigger-free area so I don't worry about that kind of shit.
That's all irrelevant, he just wants to spend time with you. If you dont want the rifle, think of something else you can buy\do together
What kind of man doesn't like guns? Maybe lift some weights and take some herbal supplements to get your T and reconsider
Sounds like your dad would enjoy shooting with you
That's part of the reason why I feel bad about it for sure, but we just don't have much in common. I go out shooting with him when he wants to (we always use his guns, I never bring mine), but I don't need more clutter in my living quarters, it's already full.
>I don't want to live through shtf scenario, though.
Boy what the hell is wrong with you?
this has to be bait. I wish someone in my family would give me a military grade rifle
if you think you don't need it you are deluded. get familiar with it. Have it ready.
Do it. It doesn't matter if you don't have anywhere to put it. Your dad wants to share something with you, and turning it down would be like turning down his feelings of wanting to be together doing something with his son.
>military grade
AR15 can't full auto without illegal mods