Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: rhPqWEA.jpg (960x720, 61K)

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because an epic sense of humor is -100lbs
I love VGD

because he has a nice personality you fucking incel, work on yourself and have sex

if you talk shit about video donkey i will kill you in real life

He's a funny dude. His chick isn't otherworldly pretty too. She's a 6 at best. 5 because her voice is fucking irritating.

Keep saying it

We got a Mr. Toughguy over here lmao.

Attached: 48xlvocnmgd31.jpg (900x899, 153K)

Who is this absolute stallion alpha chad chef boyardee style bag of sand lumps?

She looks like she has an annoying voice, high pitched and bitchy

Attached: CNxEb-YUwAAPR2v.jpg (768x1024, 76K)

Because he lets her get dicked by black bulls? There's literally a video floating online.