how is it even pissible to this this badly out of shape? I hope you train enough to avoid looking like those guys
How is it even pissible to this this badly out of shape? I hope you train enough to avoid looking like those guys
>Buzzfeed Guys
The only men they'd ever hire are cucks and trannies. I'm not surprised at the unmanliness
>I hope you train enough to avoid looking like those guys
But of course. I'd mog them all simultaneously. Not that it'd be all that difficult anyway
the gay asian is the only one remotely athletic
>complete lack of diversity
fucking racists
>Buzzfeed guys
>35-44 higher than 25-34
This is unironically the gayest shit I've ever watched and I jerk off to gay tranny porn
Why do you think everyone goes bald at that range
the guy on left is sexy
Bad things happen when you spend your formative years playing vidya and eating at a deficit.
>how is it even pissible to this this badly out of shape?
You've seen nothing
At least they are not fat, unlike the majority of burgers
Fatties do get one advantage over adolescents that under-eat: they are avoiding muscle wastage and are always moving a lot of weight around.
Most guys in their twenties look exactly like they do. Once they hit 30 they become fatter and fatter.
So they're extremeley average.
Jesus christ the bug man in the glasses hips are wider than his shoulder.
He might actually be a XXY or something.
It's sad when the gay asian twink is the most athletic and mogs the others
>the literal gay asian has the best physique and highest test out of all of them
how will wh*toids ever recover...
Ned was pretty good at wrestling for someone who has never done any sports
>are always moving a lot of weight around
Right, from house to car, from car to office
I don't mean over everyone I mean over under-eaters at the same activity level.
>that jewish body hair
Why how can he have so much hair, but be so low test?
They look like absolute shit that is a given, however, they still look better than the 60% of america that is obese
Is that why fat guys always have better calves than me even though I lift
Couldn't make it more than 4 minutes in, can't stand these fecking queers.
lmfao. not how that works at all retard
20's is peak insecurity and depression
30's is peak confidence and self worth and you stop caring as much about what other think about you
doesn't sound too wrong
also, balding IS hastened by high test
>30's is peak confidence and self worth and you stop caring as much about what other think about you
as long as you didn't fuck up your life and end up a huge loser in your 30s in which case your 30s is the start of the male suicide peak that lasts until your 60s
yeah I'll probably end it if I don't fix myself by the time I'm 30
>being a loser makes you suicidal
well, fucking duh, einstein
the reality is that most people, especially men, start getting their shit together in their 30's
that is also when most people start actually getting ahead in their career
plus, both work experience and social experience improves confidence
>eating meat every day
>test still lower than fucking buzzfeed crew
thats the whole point though. not sure how it's gone over your head. your 30s are a great time as long as you're actually in good shape overall, especially in terms of career which is like 90% of your life by age 30. otherwise it's the beginning of the end.
the asian could actaully be asthetic if he got that low body fat ottermode
go to a test clinic and get legal gear if its that low
and i'm saying that what you are talking about isn't a majority of 30 year old people
people can be losers in any age, but what i'm saying is that most are that (or aren't, but have such low self value that they think they are) in their 20's or teens; and fix themselves when they get to 30's or late 20's
>685 total test
>free test mogged by my shbg of 81
it wasn't supposed to be this way
Yep. I'm a 240lb sack of crap, but my calves are great. I do walk everywhere and stand at work though.
Would be pretty cool to see some real athletes do this
I believe the one with wife and kids used to be somewhat athletic before becoming eternal dad bod
He used to play soccer if you consider that a sport
god damnit
now i have to do plyo to get as far from these fucks as i can
I find the video very entertaining. More so the idea of doing those competitions naked with a bunch of bros and no women around. Unironically no homo.