>lifters and gym goers are 45% more likely to transition to the opposite gender than non gym goers
Why are the majority of you transitioning?
Is it the final form?
>lifters and gym goers are 45% more likely to transition to the opposite gender than non gym goers
Why are the majority of you transitioning?
Is it the final form?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its body dysmorphia
They have a mental problem where they hate their body regardless of what they do. They hit the gym hard thinking it will fix them, but even when they become prime specimens they still dislike their body. They're desperate to "fix" their body and at that point they start thinking it must be because they're supposed to be women. It doesn't fix anything and they probably still hate themselves.
This is my final form.
45% more likely than the ~0.6% of the population (and that's the gay NYT current year estimate).
So in that case even if your figures are true a gym goer would have a 0.87% chance to be a tranny.
And even then I doubt that is the case. Lifting increases testosterone, which probably itself decreases the strength of the illness.
>45% more likely to transition to the opposite gender than non gym goers
>implies the majority will transition
I already knew your IQ was low but goddamn you don't have to make it so easy.
kek OP is retarded
Squats and leg curls make me feel feminine
no the faggot propaganda in schools is just confusing young kids until they realize how they fucked up and then kill themselves. Also you are contributing to this faggot bullshit so STOP OR KILL YOURSELF YOU DISGUSTING FAGGOT
i don't think that's how stats work bro
You mong. 45% MORE LIKELY. So if thr average person is 1% likely to transition, then gym goers are 1.45% likely to. Holy fuck did you fail grade school math?
he was a good looking dude wtf
"she" does porn now, unfortunately "she" is also a transbian that only does lame shit with "her" gf.
Needs to do a scene with ChristianXXX desu.
If test was an effective treatment then we wouldn't have roiders turning into trannies, now would we? It's overcompensation, just like a lot of them enter the military because it's seen as manly.
There is an alarming majority of white chads transitioning.
Yep, that's what I'm saying you fucking retard. Can you even read
Post the original. Also the whites are at it again.
>9.5/10 Chad to 5/10 Woman that will make you gay
Lol what a waste. All those incels saying that Chads are superior literally should kill themselves are transition as well.
Body dysmorphia
Only tranny I've seen with a pretty face that's not oddly shaped
he's passable
ugly, but passable
He can't pass with that chin and jaw
He needs surgery to fix that
>from columbine to columfine
The angles, the hiding of the hips the hands and feet out of frame. trannies irl are disgusting
there are cute ones but they are rare as fuck
it's better for incels to transition, less shootings and more options for non chads
T doesn't fix gender dysmorphia. If anything, it makes it worse by making them more manly and thus less like what they want to be.
Nigga you gay?
Not to mention these good looking trannies are more choosy that above average looking females.
What a waste. He was such a cutie.
I don't mind people like this transitioning though.
Pic related is the same dude
>good looking trannies are more choosy that above average looking females
no lol, they can't be because they are more slutty than girls and chads don't wan't to fuck a girl with dick and manly bone structure of body, also even good looking traps have disgusting voice
Virgin incels make good traps. Chads on the other hand...
All that time spent comparing cock sizes in the showers takes its toll on you
Lol you been to /lgbt/? Chasers literally flock around them but won't lower their standards. I think that's the only thing "woman" about them lol
If that picture is real OP I’m fucking done
fucking hell man I want that.
this cant be a trap, r-right?
In a game of pretend, it can be whatever you want
Did you say moar?
I've got bad news for you bro
nice trips u lying trapfag, just checked and she's Siri Lehland, def not a trap
just when I thought trans women can't be more retarded
Imagine believing this
Stop making a bigger deal out of your sexual fetish than it is
Oh boy I've got some really bad news for you.
Surprise motherfucker. I remember my first trap lol.
No, there isn't you gigantic faggot
seras is my waifu
Yep I definitely want that ass
>Come to a board to try and get swole as fuark to fuck hot chicks
>End up becoming big burly bear with the goal of fucking traps...
Why did you do this to me bros?