is it a meme?
any good guides?
Other urls found in this thread:
Extremely slow progression and if you don't have enough mental strength or base for exercises you will probably give up quickly.
But if you master it you will have control over your body like no other. You won't lift ridiculous weights but you will be able to jump around bars and pretend to be a monkey when roids fags will struggle to pick up the phone because of their unnatural muscles.
reddit has a nice bodyweight routine from what i heard. its fun for me to do bodyweight shit when i have time but i also climb and do muay thai so lifting weights doesnt really help me with my goals. if it did i might do that instead since its more efficient for most things
i want this lady to treat me like shit
I'm ok with slow progression and small gains, I am aiming for shedding only a bit of weight and staying in a decent shape.
Any guides/help for a beginner?
this is what watching evangelion does to you
Keep it simple at first, don't try do do more difficult exercises (like pistol squats for instance). Squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, abs work will be enough.
Get more weekly volume done over time. To do this, add more sets rather than more reps. But try to do some sets to failure from time to time.
Don't work out everyday, every other day is fine and do cardio inbetween.
i'm not a weeb, i just like her dominant expression and lewd body
Everyone says slow results but I'm having the sickest gains of my life on body by rings. I think the issue is 2-fold; 1, most people dont have a $20 ring set, but you can position your body on rings in ways that put so much more stress on your targeted muscles, and 2, bbr is very good at teaching when to switch to the next progression of the exercise by limiting you on reps.
One need only look at daniel Vadnal's body itself to see how big you really can get on this stuff. For me, bbr has been the best aesthetic routine ever. My body reacts very well to it.
My question is can you gain barbell strength by doing bbr. I'm in phase 2 of the 18 week program and promise to post results when I'm done.
One serious weakness that even Daniel Vadnal admits to bbr; no legs. To the point that he literally suggests just going to the gym and doing barbell squats with bbr.
follow the columns for progressions, youtube the exercises to make sure you're using proper form.
pretty much what he said. Progressing is harder because you have to learn new moves instead of just adding weight. It's super rewarding when yo're able to do new things tho.
>bbr is very good at teaching when to switch to the next progression of the exercise by limiting you on reps
What is bbr? I'd like to read whatever's teaching you this if you don't mind.
>My question is can you gain barbell strength by doing bbr.
You should be lifting anyway, imo. But if you've ever lifted enough to know the form and be comfortable under a barbell then yes rings and stuff will make you better at it.. provided that the stuff you're doing on the rings is actually difficult, which I'm sure you know it can be.
You didn't explain what bbr is.
Bbr=body by rings
It's a program you can find on the fitnessfaqs website. Fitnessfaqs youtube dude is Daniel Vadnal. Dont want to shill but also dont want to spam the program content as it's the only pay program I've done that I really like. Basically it's a push-pull with rings, but the beauty of it is the way it's presented. Someone else can post it, but you can discern everything from his youtube videos also.
As far as lifting, barbell lifts will always be more effective for strength and hypertrophy, and I plan on going back when I'm done. However this program has been a learning experience for me, and I feel I can carry this back to my barbell training. When I lift with a barbell I have always gone full autist with the numbers. Weights, sets, reps, I tend to obsess over them. Bodyweight removes the numbers so MUST progress by feel. This means you really need to think; think about how challenging the movement feels, which muscle you are feeling it in, tempo, etc.
You also are forced to make some serious decisions on your goals with bodyweight. You know it's not as effective for strength, so you must accept that you are focusing on aesthetics. Another advantage of bbr: no meme movements. It focuses on basic exercises anyone can do, and emphasizes progressions to induce hypertrophy.
You can definitely do all that with barbells, but for me it has always been mentally hard to get around it (no trainer to teach me, impatience, Jow Forums and internet meme routine confusion, etc). This has taught me some lasting lessons.
so, you just follow a column? or you do it by rows (first all the green stuff, then all the blue...)
also, that pic does not have any reference to repetitions. how many push ups should I do?
last question, how is this for a 32 year dude? I'm already out?
>INB4 that 30 yo boomer.
pls no
Oh, I thought you might be referring to something of his but it didn't cross my mind that you'd be shilling pay programs.
Hi Daniel.
Actually decent advice, although I think you could do calisthenics six days a week on top of occasional cardio sessions if you're motivated
Am man, jeez, this image makes me really want a girlfriend...
go by columns, the different lines in the same column are supposed to be different muscle groups.
>that pic does not have any reference to repetitions
go for 8-12 reps and try to progress to the next lift when you're consistently making >12 reps
>last question, how is this for a 32 year dude? I'm already out?
no but make sure you're getting enough protein. You can get by with low protein when you're younger cuz of the higher free test levels
>I'm already out?
ur brain is slow, retard. lmao.
But muh testosterone?
No shame in getting on TRT at 40, I reckon.
>back lever is harder than front
>weighted pistols squats are harder than normal
ask me how I know this graph is shit
It'll work as long as you stick to it, which is usually harder than at a gym
I’m third world poorfag and that price is almost my monthly income
Daniel go away.
difficulty is classified by colors, bl is below fl to save space
I swear it, my name isn’t Daniel
Why would Dan want us to pirate his program?
>weighted pistols squats are harder than normal
how are they NOT harder on your muscles? You're literally pushing more weight
Maybe it's easier to balance if you haven't done much pistols squats but that's about it.
thanks for the answers. I don't think is late to start something at any age if you are realistic with your goals and yourself, but I see the "30 yo at the gym" meme too much, so maybe it is right and I'm late for anything but pilates.
I'm not going hard on any kind of training, so I don't think the testosterone/protein thing to be a matter.
Based paycuck
Thank you
dude stop being a bitch. 90% of mister olympia winners are >30 yo. More than 50% of the people in my gym are over 30, stop making excuses
Most people don't lift and a lot of men over 30 let themselves get fat.
You only need to be as fit as ottermode to have beaten most men over 30.
she's not dressed as asuka
I do train user, I want to get into calisthenics but I went to a gym when I was 15 and I never get out.
I agree, but I train for me, no to be better than people who don't train or gettin girls. at this age you can be better than average just having hair.
what is BBR
nvm, should've lurked the thread more
Body by rings
In this zip file
If it's "for you" then by what metric do you justify success and failure and why do you bring up the 30 yo at the gym meme?
If it's for you then success could literally be your exercise is jerking off if that's all you wanted.
Stop lying to yourself. You want mires, it's okay, we all do.
I see you point, I'll try and explain. I wasn't asking for sucess like in a win-lose situation but rather if it's too late to start doing this kind of sport, the same way I'm too old to start skating or to be a rock star.
not really. I have back problems and I get contractures easily, I rather focus on "health", some mix of being in good shape and caring about joints and flexibility. I would have to train hard and gain mass to get mires, I'm not into that.
Mires are nice but too rare to fuel motivation in the long run
I'd rather people not stare at me at all.
Honestly just not feeling embarrassed when taking off your shirt at the doctor's is good enough.
My ma says she can't do this and can't do that because of her bad back.
Ultimately she just uses it as an excuse because she is fat and lazy about everything except about work and housework.
I'm not saying that is you, really. It just makes me angry to watch someone paint themselves into a corner being able to do fewer and fewer things when their decline could be retarded through diet and exercise.
You can do whatever it is you can do and that will be more than what you're doing now.
I understand. I feel somehow like this whenever some friend comes at me and we have this kind of conversation:
>I'm fat.
well, you can do it, just start doing some cardio and avoiding fat and sugary things.
>I know, but I like sweets
you also want to lose weight
>I'm so tired of working I can't train. I go for a walk with my boyfriend tho.
you both are 30 years old, a walk is not enough, you have to sweat.
>it's better than nothing user.
so I see your point and agree, but I wouldn't say it to be my case, I try to improve but I have to be realistic with my age, my goals and whatever problem I have (my back, sprains, contractures...). But I keep doing stuff, at this point I get more pain if I stop training completely than if I just train less.
You don't sound like you've got some gym junkie youth you're going to be tempted to live up to now that could hurt you. Just be smart about it and maybe stick in some yoga.
is there a way i can balance powerlifting and calisthenics and be a calisthenics god while being a strong powerlifter
First you probably need to work out what it is you actually want to do. The impression I get is that even full-on calisthenics guys aren't trying to just unlock every single thing here at the same time:
I think it's more like they want to get in a horizontal push, a vertical push, a horizontal pull and a vertical pull plus legs and core and then they're specializing in trying to get one or two things. Like maybe they want to do a manna.
30 y.o. chiming in
>a walk is not enough. You have to sweat
Never have I heard truer words, user.
After 2 years of rest I realised I was fucking up... At 30 you become a cripple without even realising it.
As soon as I began training again... I immediately felt right. But you have to sweat.
Same position as OP here.
Thanks user. I don't have access to a gym and I work late at night. I'm moderately underweight but I know it's just my diet that I need to fix and I just need to keep my exercise at a healthy level so I become stronger and not skinny fat.
What kind of push-ups would you recommend for helping with your upper back?
hatred works best.
I bought rings cause of this thread
Mine is both hatred and the desire to protect.
I want to be able to constantly being able to carry my wife + our kids to protect them from harm and I want to murder anybody who wants to turn my kids into trannies.
>tfw still can't do muscle up
Caring so much about how you look turns you into a literal woman. I'll pass on that.
Depends. If you're talking about how your eyebrows and the name on your shirt looks, then yeah. If you want to look like you can push a few hundred lbs around and toss people into the air then it's masculine.
>I'm masculine because I can punch you and I'm big!!
you are a failure as a man and the one who grew you up is another one.
You'll need a strong core and grip
Gymnastics is manlet cope.
>what kind of push-ups would you recommend for helping with your upper back?
Don't worry about learning variations for your first few months, just work on perfecting your technique. Don't flare out your elbows when you lower yourself, keep them tucked. Hands about shoulder width, try and keep your arms in line with your body. Keep the motion slow and controlled, avoid using momentum to move yourself. If you have good technique, you'll start noticing a difference in just a few weeks.
Whatever it is that you think makes a man, I'm also better at than you.
I really hate these body suit cosplay. Yeah I jerk my dick to them but they're still lazy thots looking for the easiest way to gain clote or patron paypigs. Put some actual work into your fapplays please.
That's Spiderwoman
thanks for the dolphin porn faggot
Can I get a whomst?
I know it’s cosplay bro
That's spiderwoman you retard
Imagine pulling your penis around over cosplay.
no tard, that's her insta name @omgcosplay
No, it's @dudecosplaylmao
Why do push ups hurt my arms and not my chest? I do pushups with arms at shoulder location, arms inward, and it feels like my chest isn't working at all
Your arms are weak
That's what I thought. Once I get my arma stronger, will it start going to the chest more?
>add more sets rather than more reps
Why's that?
More reps doesn't increase strength. It only builds endurance. More work is neccessary though because progressive overload and the only way to do that and increase strength is more sets. (Or progressing to a harder excercise, but you're adding the sets because you can't do the next excercise yet)
yes but it may not feel like it as they will get eased into it by your arms limiting you
sooo sooo sooooo sexy s3xxy
how do Iget sexy girl lis like that aahhhhhh
Never knew increasing the sets counted as progressive overload. Cool, because I'm often stuck on the next exercise. Thanks.
>I’m third world poorfag and that price is almost my monthly income
>Internet access
what's it like to lick pussy through skintight latex or whatever she's wearing?
Has nobody mentioned Convict Conditioning yet?
I do purely calisthenics and I've had good results over the last 6 months with Convict Conditioning. It uses principles of progressive overload by altering the movements you do to make each muscle group work harder. There's some really good shit in that book but some of it is kind of weird. I've followed it mostly to a T with a bit of tweaking. Progress is slow but I have a day job and shit so I'll take slow progress so long as I get some extra time in my day.
Anyone have antranik rings or his other premium stuff? I have the chris sommer gymnastics books from the old /BWG/
It's good for remedial work and if you don't have equipment. It's better for conditioning than for pure strength.
RCAF 5BX - look it up.
US Army calisthenics, FM 7-22, work up using the basic training schedule. Video demos online, ignore the monkeys, you can find them by the names of the drills e.g. "army preparation drill" which btw is the GOAT pre-workout warmup/mobility drill
Convict Conditioning. The "programs" are a meme but the progressions are good. Do all six moves each workout, in order, at your progression level, 3-4x a week.
The best flexibility plan is BFS BiggerFasterStronger Flexibility 1-2-3-4
If you cant adjust the length of your rings then you wont be able to progress. It's not about the number of reps, it's about increasing the load on your working muscle
gymnastics rings are easily the best for building strength and muscle via bw, theyre so damn unstable your muscles adapt way faster than normal floor/bar shit. super cheap ($40 for a solid pair that lasts your whole life) but extremely difficult to use if youre a beginner. the only thing that will give you more gains than rings is roids. i wish someone told me this years ago
I fully intend on getting trt when that shit starts going downhill if im not already roiding by then
Calisthenics is a meme, if you wanna do bodyweight stuff go full gymnastics + do normal barbell strength training
Average calisthenics fag
When doing circuit training, do you think it's better to perform a few rounds with many exercises, or many rounds with a few exercises ?
what the fuck i know that park
bbr stands for body by rings. it’s a 18 week program that’s a PPL split. mad by daniel vandal who is also a popular fitness youtuber
I'm a "hikikomori" who never leaves the house and I'm checking out the Convict Conditioning program.
One of the movements is the pull-up, which I don't have a bar for (and can't get one).
Are there alternatives, or should I look for other programs/exercises?
Do prisoners even have pullup bars in their cells?
>and can't get one
You can't make this work?