Post little gains you've made

Post little gains you've made.

>vein starting to appear on bicep
We'll all make it boys.

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>I hate my reflection just a little bit less every week
Cutting is hard but it’s worth it for the face gains

Arm vascularity, veins around the abdominal area starting to show.
Being in the best fitness condition of my life is cool, ex fat 187cm 110kg to 82kg.
Did first 5k run the other day in 25mins, maybe we can make it.

Attached: its_gonna_be_called_guy_heaven.jpg (255x198, 7K)

Dropped a few kg of fat, got my jawline back

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>still high bf (~15%)
>very light vein started showing one in the shoulder and one in the chest when pumped
can't wait to reach 10~11%

>XL-sized t-shirt now fits perfectly

Legitimately made me smile

nice. When I finished my diet that made me lose 15kg and I put on my jeans I couldn't believe it. A pair of jeans could fit 2 of me adter the diet, it was so unbelievable I was just laughing looking at the monstrous size of it.
keep going, it's 100% worth it

>finished cut, upped core work and my abs are even better after gaining some kgs

Doing hammer curls every second day, finally getting some forearm gains.

>can lift stuff without struggling
>can run 2 kilometers without sweating or panting
and i mean running,i am happy with that but it's not over.

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Ripped several shirts and approaching danger close with most of my jeans. Bulking seems to be paying off although i don't see much differencein size, only in definition. Should've done before/after pictures. Compliments from friends all the time, male and female, also just random ppl i haven't seen in a while. Gf's pussy is fucking leaking as soon as i touch her or she touches me.

Can't complain, desu. Have to buy new clothes tho

>high bf
Stop coming here so often m8

Got my first testosterone shot last night, but i noticed something strange. The prescription is for 200mg a month. My buddy gets 150mg a week. I am 31 and last levels were 334. Is that enough to help with the gains?

Trap muscles emerged- no longer look like a straight coat hanger

No longer XL ;)
L fits me great

>buy large boxers
>Still tight on legs

I wish I could squat, DL and get stronger without having to buy new clothes every 3 months

175lbs this morning >:^) road to 165 continues

You ar me (the starting point at least) was it as hard to break through 95kg as it's for me now?

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No, especially with the half life of certain esters, you're probably on test cypionate or enanthate, I know enanthate should be taken at least every week not sure in cyp half life, once a month is practically useless it'll probably make you feel worse since your own test is gonna shut down

Whatever doctor gave you that is useless, get someone else or just buy some test from a roids site and you can take however much you want, I know if I had a script for test and needed TRT I'd be taking 500mg a week

Signed up for a gym. Bulk time

Also, seating the air conditioner in my window this year was much easier than last year.

Finally found out how to squat without hurting my neck.

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>high af body fat (at least 20, probably more)
>shoulder vein popping when i flex

Momma i made it