"user, why don't you jerk off for us?"

>"user, why don't you jerk off for us?"

How would you respond?

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yall nice girls. but my semen is for my gf only

>Sorry ladies, I never do for free what people will pay me for. You'll have to pay my hourly rate like everyone else.

What is going on with the gjnger girls leg/hip?
Also I have a small penor so I'd rurn red and leave the room without a word.

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I'd legit be spooked because that would mean either they somehow figured out I have big pp, or they just assumed I have a small pp.

Its the knee of the girl behind her.

Also it'll be hotter when they make fun of your little dick while you're masturbating.

>I would but nothing here could get me hard enough to even start.

Eat shit, redd*t

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Sure why not. I'm gonna need some jerk off material though, so can you all please take your shoes and sandals off? Thank you.

Like pic related, of courss

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>start jerking off for them
>they laugh and humiliate me for having a small peeper
>get even more turned on

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>one of them pulls a chastity cage out of her purse and locks you up to further the humiliation

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Wait are you from Odessa, Texas?

>That's actually fucking disgusting
>What the fuck is wrong with you
>You aren't my real friends
>I'm leaving

I'm SAVING myself for mare-uhg!

something like this literally happened to me. I used to do 3 way phone calls with two girls I was friends with in highschool. One time they goaded me into masturbating while on the phone with them. I can greentext if anyone really wants to read it.

Sounds hot. Do it.

In my first semester at college it somehow got out that I have a big dick and at parties people kept asking me to whip it out. It was weird.

If I had enough drinks I could whip my dick out.

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>Ha! No thanks I'm full :)

Why does this bitch have the biggest thigh iv ever seen?

Am I seeing this right? do my eyes deceive me?

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Let me grab my dildo

Actual disgust then leaving without saying a word

how are you reading my mind the fuc

How about some nice bible study instead

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I recommend going to the eye doctor, lad.

>Why don't (you) jerk me off

>jerks off
>They get impressed by how big my pp thanks to weird hentai
>I cum
>They knock the fuck out of me
>Wakes up in a police car
>Hears that I'm arrested for sexual harassment

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Is it just me or is that ginger girls thigh shaped like Texas??

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There's 10 of you. I'd be here all night. RPS, I'll show the two finalists.

I would show them certain videos from Japan where clothed women take turns fondling and masturbating nude guys like it was a party game,until he squirts all over them. Then I will ask who will be first.

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Sure. Get over here and be sexy for me

I'm more concerned about there being 10 strange uninvited people in my house than the request to jerk off.

Probably start shooting and then call the cops.

>I would, but none of you slags could get me hard. Go find some beta male to do it, cunts.

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women over 30 are very unappealing to me. They remind me of my mom and how everything is doomed to age and die.

>anxious about so much company
>confusion for why that act would be requested
>worry for repercussions, how were they going to bully me

>cry like a bitch

Not proud but I'm honest.

i'd go home and fap to hentai instead,because 2d women are better than 3d

Alright, but I'm gonna need some help here

Away filthy whores, your sinful ways will not corrupt me

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This is my fetish so I'd drop my pants and do it immediately
plus I have a nice big benor too so I guess that helps

based as fuck
also fuck these comment filters

Ask if I get anything in return

cum instanlty

alright, give me a chair

Nice dubs, based and christpilled

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im on nofap

nha, you are a bunch of roasties. if you were not, i would accet a blowjob

I used to think I was going bald. Then I see women with hairlines like that and all is well again.

>"Better idea. Let's have a feminine hygiene contest with me as the sole judge. Take your panties off and spread your legs and lips girls. I'm coming in for a whiff."

Sorry, but not interested. Saving myself till marriage.

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Because you are making me nervous. It's literally impossible to get an erection while nervous. Anxious male = genetic garbage.

>do it cuz I'm outnumbered
>file for rape afterwards, saying I was pressured into it
Eat shit roasties

That fucking goblin face

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