How the fuck do i gain weight as a auschwitzmode lanklet?

how the fuck do i gain weight as a auschwitzmode lanklet?
mass gainer?

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this is the best wojak, debate me

Breakfast, Lunch, Weightgainer, Dinner, in that order at fixed times
Maybe some snacks inbetween.

Add 8 eggs to this in the evening.
Take out the yolk of 4 of them

Eat food and lift weights
broblem solved

>>Take out the yolk of 4 of them
faggot lol

consume more calories

i’m already eating 3200 a day
stats right now: 190cm tall, 67kg bodyweight, doing PHUL

Yes until the research on yolks and cholesterol is clear, it's better to eat in moderation.
Please don't derail this thread with another argument on the same. We're all gmi vros

>190cm tall, 67kg

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I'm the same height and I've gained over 1kg over last month eating slightly below 3k (i'm 76-77kg). Are you sure you're counting this stuff correctly?

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>3200 a day
No you're not.

this. do GOMAD and atleast 1 meal pussy

Unless the labels on the food i am buying is a lie that is my daily intake since ~May/June
3050-3250calories, i guess it varies because net weight =/= real weight but it should be accurate enough

you can pretty easily eat that much and not gain any weight if you are relatively active

Yes, if you weight 200lbs to begin with or ride a 2 hour bikeride every day at a really high heartrate
I bet it isn't

Are you very active perhaps? Manual labor or something?

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No, i walk around to my uni and to the bus and train.
I work out 1 hour with weights everyday
Sometimes i go for a bike ride or go for a walk on the treadmill if i feel jittery
Otherwise i sit infront of the PC pretty much

Not gonna lie it's really similiar to what I do. I train 6 times a week and walk a lot. Have you tried adding a glass of milk to each meal? It's like 100kcal/6 protons each.

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>190 67kg
Nigga damn.I'm literally the same height as you and im 20 kilograms fatter.

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>weight gainer

A lanklet and a brainlet.

I'm 165cm and ~65kg

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Here's what I do faggot.
1 liter of milk
2 cups of dry oats
1 banana
1 spoon of peanutbutter
scoop of chocolate protein powder
Blend that bitch up and chug it down every single day until your stomach expands. The shake can go over 2000 calories and it's easy to drink the entire thing

consume more calories

Ask your mom to cook more meat and potatoes

Tfw 190cm 59kg

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Post body haha

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Literally just eat more. That's it.

Not posting mine so here's her body

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>Implying she's of any interest to me
Missed me with that straight shit
>Not posting mine
Why though

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Insecurities and the lack of a full body mirror

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No need most people are.
>lack of a full body mirror
You're off the hook for now. Although you could just prop your phone on something, make a video and post screenshots

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That's too much effort for something I would be doing solely for the amusement of strangers online

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Your call user. I was just curious how does one look at that weight/height

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Jesus.. maybe see an oncologist if you've dropped down to that weight recently?

Diafag, do you ever post body?

Eat more, lots more, most muscle you can gain is 5 pounds a month slightly more if you're taller less if you're a manlet, fat gain is I think slightly more or like 10? Get anything in ou that's high protein that you can, one pound of lamb or steak is 1.5k cal and 100 gs of protein, so you need about 2k more after that. Get whatever you can.

T. manlet who went from 95 pound male twink model mode to 150lbs dyel making it into slight lift mode.

take the burrito pill, take the GOMAD Pill, eat like a cup or two of rice every day

182cm, 52kg Marfan here. Check your genetics desu.

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Chocolate whole milk

A lot of carbs. You won't get big eating clean unless you want to eat as a sumo wrestler.

Here's a recipe for a protein shake with around 1000 cals:
- 1 banana
- 1.5 cups milk
- 3 tablespoons peanut butter
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 scoop whey
(optional: 1 teaspoon creatine)

I drink this everyday. Apart from that I eat full meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, add in a nice sandwich in the afternoon and I eat some nuts before bed. I've gotten from 68 kg to 93 kg with this and I'm 194 cm (6'4).

I'm 6'1, 105kg and I'm pretty sure I eat the same amount of calories too. Canned tuna and maybe 3 eggs in the morning. For lunch, it's always different but not a lot. Dinner is cottage cheese and 50g of protein shake.

>olive oil + peanut butter
Sounds fucking rancid, if I can be honest with you famalam. How does it taste?

Honestly tastes good my dude. I made it without the olive oil initially but at some point I had to get in a little bit more calories and tried it out with olive oil, and it really makes no difference.

Mass gainers are just sugar, empty carbs.

Stay clean. Eat nuts and fatty meats, drink whole milk.

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Olive oil doesn't do much since it doesn't spike insulin.

Alright, you've convinced me. I'll try it.

>insulin fairy

You can leave it out if you don't want it, it's fine without it. Not sure what you mean though?

That's why they work. It's very easy to gain weight when your insulin increases due to carbs.

You won't be able to taste the olive oil with all that other shit and the fat will add richness of flavor

It means you can chug the whole thing and it won't make you gain weight as eating 1 chocolate because it doesn't spike insulin as sugar does.

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based retard squad

How did I gain 25 kg with it then?

Probably because you eat 4 meals per day+this mix (bannana, peanut butter and milk). All high in sugar.

Show me one person who didn't gain weight while eating sugar found in sweets.

220cm, 65kg here, what do I do first

Lol just eat more dude lmao

Go to Burger King and order the entire menu

>struggle alot to eat more to gain weight
>now struggle to not eat so i don't get too fat
what a nigger of a body to have

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Just eat lmao

mass eater

nigga, add me on discord. I'm like you, no ability to self motivate. Let's keep each other in check.

[email protected]

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eat at a caloric surplus consistently, I use a mass gainer otherwise it is impossible for me to get 3,000 calories every day as feeling stuffed for 24 hours a day is unpleasant at best

how long did that weight gain take?

how fast did you gain that much kg?

Mass gainers are okay as long as they don't take up a huge chunk of your daily calories, which is why I'd suggest only half a serving.
A full serving would have way too much sugar anyway.
I consume only half a serving each day (600kcal + 300kcal from other ingredients) and I've been growing steadily without issue.

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7’ and 70kg. I eat and eat, but my body has always burned all of its energy on just existing. Pic related.

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Any skellies who don't feel like they've changed at all even if they probably did?
Is looking at the mirror too often the issue here or is it some body dysmorphia shit?

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>It’s on its side
Guess I’m a brainlet too

Roughly 2 years. I could've done it in 1 1/2 years though, I didn't pay much attention to my diet for half a year because college was stressing me out.

It's just the fact that you look at yourself in the mirror everyday. Change is much harder to see when it's slow and gradual, but when I meet people I haven't seen for months they always point out how I look big.
Personally I just look at my numbers instead of my appearance now. If you've hit 1/2/3/4 you probably don't look like ass unless you're doing something very wrong.

You're not consuming enough calories. Start counting. I know we skellies are masters of excuses but try to avoid doing that for your own sake.

>but when I meet people I haven't seen for months they always point out how I look big
This does happen to me but I always think they're just saying that to be nice, because they know I started lifting

I mean, I'm dying here since you need like 5k cal to be huge if you can even manage that, but if you do you will mog everybody that has ever existed

Just eat more bro

That’s the dream, user. Maybe I need to stop eating so much lean kangaroo meat or something.

Absolute unit
How many times have you hit your head on something?

windmill wojak is still king

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start morning with five scoops of mass gainer with honey and peanut butter.. then gomad until you hate yourself (all of this ina addition to 3 square meals)

you would need like 5 pounds of meat a day, use scoob's calculator, get about 160gs of protein, and get like 5k cals, you might have to use soda a lot just to get the ample amount.

alot of those brainlet ones are just a work of art you can pic one at random and 9/10 it will be gold

Go to the doctor and get your blood checked for anemia. If you have low iron levels it's basically impossible to gain weight. If you do, then get an IV iron drip and you'll b good to go. Although they will get you to do a bunch of other shit to find the cause of it..
Trust me, get your blood checked. Currently recovering from auschwitzmode and my doc told me literally an hour ago that I'm a skeleton on my way out of halloweentown.

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Eat more idiot

you just have tro eat fucking loads. It's a pain in the ass because your grocery bill goes through the roof even if you shop like a poorfag

pfff i eat 3200 for breakfast fucking skinny bitch