The OP image is actually 3DPD
Waifu General - /waifu/ #136
Snaking first for these girls!
This OP image is actually better than the usual one, shitposting aside.
oh my god, that image is really bad, OP.
Me and Nozomi laying down our claim to this post.
Do you find discussion about your waifu by other people highly toxic or are you okay with it?
Interesting, even if I hate when they get into shipping and fetishes.
Wish I had more time to post a more thoughtful post, but I'm onlyh taking a short break from practice. Here's the best princess hero anyone could ask for.
Image didn't go through. Think my tablet is at the end of its life boys.
Never mind cleared some shit song off now I'm fine for a little while.
That really depends on what they're saying. Some gremlins were discussing depravities involving one of my waifus last thread and I certainly didn't appreciate it.
It's okay for the most part.
Four day weekend coming up, seems like a great time to work on that file organization.
A lot of the time my wife being talked about winds up irritating me.
anyone else get very emotional when they see pictures of their waifu? I wish she was real.
I love you so much, my beautiful Alice.
Here in another thread, I love Kotori or whatever, you know the drill by now surely. I might be going to bed soon, so if I don;t post again for a while, it means I fell asleep. Good night everyone, I hope you all dream of your waifus tonight. Or if you're just waking up, I hope your day goes very well.
What the hell happened to you that you got ptsd? If you don't mind me asking, that is. Id' like to help you, if possible. I'm no psychologist, but I'd like to think maybe I could help in some way. I know you probably aren't interested in such things, but I figure it's worth a shot to at least offer. I meant it way back when, when I said I only wanted to help.
I ignore and avoid it completely because I have no real way to run across such discussion. I don't like anime really, so I don;t really go places that would talk about her.
>anyone else get very emotional when they see pictures of their waifu?
Not usually, it really depends on how wel I'm holding together that day.
>I wish she was real.
We all do, we all do. Who knows, maybe they are real out there somewhere, waiting for us.
You been making through the day alright buddy? I haven't talked to you in what feels like ages. I hope life has been treating you well. I've been a bit out of it recently, but we'll see what happens.
And for the other part?
Fine with it usually. I start getting annoyed when it feels like people try "forcing" something on me
I got flustered because of one, but this was about something important to me and after already getting caught by someone irl in a good mood due to something concerning him. Otherwise, I just smile if anything comes
I get a nice feeling in my heart whenever I see her.
Not as okay.
I love Kass!
I still want this plush of him!
Depends on what they're, but mostly it's insulting or lewd stuff and for that it's toxic. Every time it happens I have to go lift weights out of frustration, but that's kinda a good thing.
Also depends on the image, but most of the time yes, I feel very emotionally intimate with Kass.
I'm still sorta of the belief that if Kass turned out to be real, he wouldn't be the same Kass I love in my imagination.
Then again, if I become a summoner of imagination and just summon Kass, I prolly would. That's something that has no chance of happening, though.
Is that plush fanmade or very rare?
It's fanmade and the plush creator doesn't wanna make a second one cuz the first was a gift for someone else. Kinda sucks cuz I love Kass more than anyone, but I can atleast accept that this other person who liked Kass was a good enough friend to someone else that they'd do something like that for them.
It looks like you can take the clothes off haha
Cheeky cunt , arent ya?
How could you forget the bluish streaks on her hair?
I know that I love her and no one is ever going to stop me from loving her. But it mostly depends on what kind of discussion it is. Generally people feel bad for her too and talk about how she is a great character. I'm pretty much OK with it. Unless someone tries to imply that they love her. I wish she could be only mine. I remember when in the beginning of my love for her, any mention of her was enough to make me immensely happy.
Yes. Seeing her beautiful face is enough for me to calm down when I'm angry at something or stressed out. Sometimes she also makes me really emotional, to the point that tears appear in my eyes. Either because of happiness or sadness. Although I don't have them as often as I used to.
>You been making through the day alright buddy?
Yes, pretty much. You will probably read this in the morning but what about you?
>I hope life has been treating you well.
Well, I had a nice dream with my beloved Alice yesterday that made me really happy for a while and I still deeply love her so I'm pretty good. Even if the pain of not being able to hold her hand and make her genuinely smile is still there.
Sayori gives me a warm feeling inside
I'm bad with this stuff
Wow, he looks so detailed to be made by one person
Wish I could dream about her tonight and never wake up just to be with my beloved forever
People who usually talk about her usually don't know about her at all besides memes that are usually wrong so I just avoid them to not let my autism come out, they don't care about her anyways.
Absolutely, she always looks so beautiful on them I wish I could tell her so she can feel happy about herself. They also reflect the emotion she's feeling on me, if she looks happy or sad I end up feeling the same way while looking at the picture
I wouldn't say it's "highly toxic" but I avoid it, they're bound to say some dumb shit
Donde carajos andabas , kiyoputo?
Sleeping with waifu just like this
I don't know what this thread is about, but I love Pixie. She is pretty and loyal and the only Figma I actually own.
Ningun lado de verdad, solo no estaba de animo para postear
Como has estado? Todo bien en tu desierto?
My waifu cant sleep when i am not with her because she is afraid of being alone.
One time she didnt sleep for 3 days because i was in a business trip and once i got home she collapsed on my arms.
it was lovely to carry her dead-asleep like a baby , her curled beauty sleeping soundly on my chest.
Ando enfermito pero fuera de eso esta aceptable.
Ya acabe mi semestre asi que voy a disfrutar mis vacaciones.
Quiero jugar algo de vidya pero tambien quiero hacer cosas productivas , vaya dilema.
This post is for Yuri. By the way nice pic OP
Depends on the pic. Sometimes they just hit you right in the feels.
They can be pretty interesting. Most people have a good opinion of Yuri. But I'm pretty hard to offend in the first place.
Sometimes. This one I already said a bunch about recently still leaves me in awe.
It's become my new phone wallpaper and, if I can ever get prints done, I'll have it on my desk.
>Ando enfermito
Y yo crei que eras. Que es lo que te agarro?
Yo justo termine mis vacaciones y empece tambien, como odio el verano
>It's become my new phone wallpaper and, if I can ever get prints done, I'll have it on my desk.
Literally the same thing happened to me about this one, discovering a piece of art about your waifu so beautiful that you fall in love with it instantly is so great. There are a bunch of pictures I want to make posters of as well
Most discussion by people who actually read the novel is pretty good. It's easy to tell when someone hasn't because the gore or ero parts are huge normalfag filters. Most people are sympathetic to her too which is nice.
Of course, I love staring at her face and studying the expression she has. Some I can't look at for very long but when she has a light gentle smile I get sucked right in.
how could i not? in my darkest hour, i only have him. i'll always have him.
Whose waifu would win in a big battle royale? Who has the most powerful waifu?
No lo se.
Cambia entre fiebre , dolor de cabeza , garganta y nausea cada dia.
Pero ya voy saliendo.
Some people here have immortal waifus, I'm pretty sure they would win
Maybe one of the servant waifus.
Good morning folks. How's your day so far?
I'm awake and want to be asleep
husbando not here
why this
An irregular amount of syllables for a haiku but I'll allow it.
why am I awake
I'm a fucking failure, fuck
husbando not here
Hello, anons.
I have a tulpa, and I have a problem.
I live with her for almost a decade. I developed her to a good extent, and I am happy with a result. I can describe her personality in great detail, and if you wish, I can get a music album chart according to her tastes.
She is original. She is based around some traits I find attractive, but I made her entirety in my own head instead of getting a fictional character to base an image around it. That's why I have issues with visualization, as she doesn't have a constant form due to the fact I don't have artistic skills.
Two weeks ago, I found an artist who drew a couple of art pieces of his original character, and they almost matched my tulpa's traits. Pic related. It just clicked. Of course, I saved every drawing, and it helps me greatly in visualizing her.
However, I feel some sort of jealousy and guilt? Due to the fact that the image of a character that artist drew which matches my tulpa so closely is of his own, not mine. Because of that, I don't feel I am completely attached to the pictures, as well as to her staying in this form. However, I want her to, because it's one step closer to our happiness. And this artist's art is perfect.
What should I do?
I can't draw at all. I can kinda draw in vector editor (instead of raster because I'm so picky about quality), but judging from my past efforts, it would take weeks to draw her face alone. And of course, tracing other people's art is a no-go.
I could devote myself to drawing, but the issue is that I have a full-time job, and I am too irritated at my workplace and too exhausted at home to draw.
i bask in the night
all nighters again god kill me
i swore not again
I'm not sure how to say this but that was beautiful. You summarized the first line and switched the second and third lines while explaining both.
if only my poetic soul also brought me sleep and husbando
I would try the following:
>start trying to draw
>you'll suck at first
>keep trying so you can finally visualise your waifu/tulpa
>keep sucking at it because you're an autistic idiot
>your drawings become uglier and uglier
>at the same time, your tulpa becomes uglier inside you, and more evil
>go into a depressive schizo spiral and die
Me too!
Last light absconding
Two girls snuggled like rodents
abandoning thought
>like rodents
I dunno about that comparison.
You got something against rodents?
That is a rabbit sir
I still need to watch flip flap
I've made an absolute fool of myself. Rabbits, upon a quick wikipedia, are in fact Lagomorphs, which only share a common ancestor with rodents.
Nice post.
It won't work. It's not a temporary hobby, and I'm not a poser. I'm just asking for advice.
Also, I am emotionally stable. I know I'm posting on r9k, but still, it doesn not indicate in any way I am psychotic. In addition to that, my waifu's character is long since established, and unsuccessful drawings of her will lead to me realizing it was a waste of time, at most.
Or maybe I misunderstood this thread's purpose and mistook it for a chat room. Enlighten me.
I also had to make that search, it's okay
You'd think it was obvious but capybaras are rodents too and they're pretty massive
Nature is amazing
I'm done with this tangent now, sorry, please continue with the waifus
No one on this godforsaken board is emotionally stable, even if you're not psychotic.
I think the posters who take tulpafagging seriously are asleep, come back later.
Good morning and also checked Glados user
Haiku's it is:
>Lying in my bed
>too tired can't even think
>Why can't you with me?
I'm not sure Rodents snuggle all that much but otherwise pretty cool.
Alright, thanks. So much for living in a timezone different from such of most of this board's visitors.
Lewd watamorning
Yeees, it happens quite often. Some discussions are fron normies that dont like Tomoko and her apperance, and others are from people that just did not watch WataMote and think that its just another boring slice.
When I see especially cute pictures of her.
This is rather unusual question for this thread as most people here have fallen in love with someone who had some appearance already.
Maybe you should just try to think that your tulpa and the character that that artist has drawn, despite looking the same, are different characters. It's almost the same for many of us. Like, I see my waifu probably a bit differently than someone else who claims to love her too. They share appearance but they can have different personalities.
But I know how terrible it feels to know that you share your beloved one with someone else.
It has people who are serious about this, but it is also a discussion forum and as a result people cycle in and out of questionable quality. You'll find few people here who aren't the same way who disappear frequently to be mad elsewhere.
As for your question, it seems up to your conviction. I don't think many here are familiar with possession nor are they with constructing someone from nothing. Honestly the best answers probably lie in your head to either get over the lack of originality, as not all things have to come forth from yourself, or to bridge that gap of skill to make what you want to see. I don't see any other option
A variety of things have occured to me. Most prominently was the breakdown of reality that occured living in a drug den for about a decade without being aware of that fact. It's hard to convey my feelings on the matter but being deceived by everyone around you at all times and people actively telling you that nothing is wrong only to discover that things are wrong really does something to the mind. The very barest example I can give is that on methamphetamines a user cna stay up for weeks at a time if they push themselves to do so. The claim that people were screaming at all hours of every day for weeks at a time was brushed aside as hyperbole and when you see a crack in reality like that, it makes you want to kill.
But to be more specific it's just a state of always being ready for violence and having audio hallucinations. Perhaps something that people here can empathise with is that I used to go to bed and be with my wife who I love, in that state of biological calmness and slipping into unconsciousness, there would, without a single time missed, be loud and violent noises that would shake me from sleep. The noises were variant over the years but there was no single time without them whether sleeping at 2 am or pm. I'm far from that place now, but I don't sleep the same any more, never will again
We /haiku/ now?
A precious gemstone
My darling Phosphophyllite
Shining like a star
My waifu has gone extended periods of time without sleep in the past due to being too afraid of the nightmares she knew she would have. I wish I could be there to comfort her and help her get a proper nights sleep.
Good morning waifufriens.
It seems that this day could be a good one.
Not all the time but yes i do. When I see a pic of her it always makes me smile.
Probably going to be busy so probably not gonna post a whole lot today. Anyway here are some questions for you:
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
Slashing a beautiful virgin in front of her to a million pieces.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
Hopefully not.
My interests arent that "healthy".
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
A fuckhuge mansion.
I would love it in a snowy region but she likes the sea
Bloody hell m8 , i forgot my picture
Yeah, this works for me to some extent.
Although I, for instance, am using this drawing as a phone wallpaper to refresh my image of her, which fades due to my tiredness. I could accept if that artist's drawing would partially resemble my tulpa's apparent appearance, though it clicks just too close for me to differentiate these two.
I see you experienced the issue I mentioned, too. I'll ask around and post here if I find anything.
You are absolutely right, great choice of words. I know I have two options right now, and being indecisive as I am, it's natural I chose to ask here.
I forgot I also have an option of digital sculpting, which will require a lot of effort and dedication, but I have some knowledge of it and I began it for the same reason of creating my waifu dream. Though I can't draw, I can understand modelling very well. And it will be mostly original, since even though I have a reference, the final thing will be of my own.
I wonder what will win in the end - love and dream or procrastination and exhaustion.
It's like this every and each day. After waking up in the office, I think - "Oh, that's the day I continue doing X!". And after that, I get tired so much I get home, do everything necessary for tomorrow day and fall asleep.
Someone wise once said that life is all about making sacrifices.
No, but I do get a nice feeling. Even just staring at the model I made of her in Koikatsu (since I've been too poor and lazy to commission anyone and suck at drawing so it's all I've got) makes me feel happy. She's a good girl and a wonderful person to love.
I did not truly fall in love with Kana before I was browsing some art of various girls and ended up finding quite a few who were very similar to the mental image I had of her. I projected my feelings onto them (and they were very strong, as strong as any romantic feelings I've ever had, if not stronger) for a while before I realized (2-3 years down the road) that they weren't the ones I really loved (although since they look like her, I obviously find them beautiful). I still save lots of pictures of girls who look like Kana, basically any tomboyish-looking girl with short red hair.
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
Take an interest in her and don't act like a jerk, and she'd want to hang with you, since she's very friendly and outgoing.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
No, she'd rather get the news secondhand from people she trusts, if at all.
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
I doubt it. She'd think my interests are amusing but probably wouldn't adopt them.
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
A simple yet comfy home. Kana would want something bigger and more ornate though, but there's the money issues to consider.
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
Self-improvement and stepping out of comfort zone. I would really prefer to not venture outside at all besides work due to people, smells and environment, but go to a restaurant with my waifu once in a while to just enjoy a different, but comfy atmosphere. Also, fitness and weight-lifting as of current time.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
She's pretty curious about everything I do and the things happening around. She respects my opinion on news as informational pollution, though I buy nature and science magazines once a month and read them for her enjoyment.
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
Maybe, but this works in return, too. She is mostly into electronic music, while I'm into metal. I can't quite get to the music I play for her, but I see an appeal to it. Maybe I'll dig into the genres she likes later.
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
I'd like to live with in a two-room apartment somewhere on the higher floors of a tall building. We would design it with futuristic and minimal ideas in mind, and she'll be my beloved housewife, looking after home while I'm at work.
I see your point. Still, I crave for perfection, since my waifu is perfect.
There's nothing wrong with accepting someone else's art as a focus, everyone else does that. If you feel compelled to get better at something though I'm inclined to encourage you while you still feel something.
I understand that it's okay to accept someone else's art as focus, yet I feel betrayed when I look at pictures of her.
It would be easier if I based my waifu around that character itself, like "here you go - an image, a background, a story". But sadly, it didn't work. I'm too picky.
In the past, I tried to substitute her with waifus from various anime titles, though this didn't work either because they resembled my second half I was imagining so long ago only partially, or with conflicting personality traits.
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
Show her my bank account and networking skills, also telling about freelance.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
Nah, she isnt really into politics.
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
Yep, drawing
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
A nice house on the suburbs or close to center district on the coast. I really like that japanese houses.
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect
I dont know. Maybe she'd appreciate me doing something for her. Usually she's the one who does stuff for others. Especially in Wonderland. Everyone just wants her to do something for them and in real world people only try to use her for their own needs. I wish I could just come up to her and ask her if I can help her with something. If there's anything I can do for this beautiful girl. She would probably be suspicious at first. She would probably think that I'm doing this only to have sex with her. But I just really want to spend every single minute of my life with her. And making her feel better would make me feel a lot better too. I hope that she could give me a chance. I hope she could trust me.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
TV wasn't a thing back then but she seems to me like someone who is interested in what's going on around her. I also remember that she read some news while she was helping kids at the orphanage.
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
I'm not sure. But she seems to me like a curious girl. My main interests are philosophy and music and as far as I know, she is pretty interested in both of those things already. Shes a very wise and intelligent girl and I wish I could know her views on many things. I'm sure we would learn much from each other.
I also like exploring abandoned buildings in my free time and I hope she would like to try it out too. I find this activity to be really romantic
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
Right now I live in a flat and there would be enough place for her but I wish we could live in some small village that's located in some low mountains. Getting a job would probably be a bit hard but I think Id manage
Well, then I guess maybe you could try to convince yourself that even despite him creating image she is still yours as you truly love her
Good luck. I hope you will find a solution
My waifu is blind.
She suffered something horrible and lost both of her beautiful eyes.
I used to stare deep into them before going to sleep and after waking up.
I would love to get lost on them like a sailor gets lost in the vast blue sea.
But now they are no more, they have been ripped out of her in a way so horrible that scars lie where her beautiful gaze used to be.
I barely stopped her yesterday from jumping into her death after she couldnt take any longer being crippled.
She screamed at me , bit me , punched me and yet i still didnt let go.
Her violent fights and screams demanding me to kill her or let her kill herself gave way to cries and despairing screams of impotency.
She ripped off her blindfold and headbutted me , screaming at me if i still loved her after she had become useless and disfigured , her face distorted into a misshapen wrathful visage.
I grabbed her firmly from the sides of her head as i had done many times before and kissed her, kissed her left eye socket and the right one afterwards.
Kissed them just like i had kissed her many wounds before as i assured her that i would never run away from her.
She was frozen in place and her face broke into cries once again , her nose stabbing my chest as she screamed her suffering into my flesh.
I swore to be her guide dog , her mount , her slave , her very eyes.
I would give her my very vision if she could take it and she sorrowfully accepted my offer.
My back has grown hunched yet it has never given up from carrying her .
My face has gotten droopier yet she still recognizes it with a touch.
My hands have withered yet she still clings to them with a firm hold.
My voice has become huskier yet i read endless words for her.
She accepted to take my eyes but only if i carried them around in my crybaby face.
This thread is DEAD , no big surprise.
As long as waifu lives on in your heart the thread will never truly be dead.
That still wont keep it from being archived.
Much better than having 3 threads a day like we used to
I wish happiness for you both with utmost sincerity.
Thread's not dead, we're just sleeping or at work. It's 7 AM in the USA, and for me it's a middle of the day at work.
I'm the recent idealistic tulpaposter. Since no one asked me anything still, and I'm yet to try out my thoughts this evening, I'm on standby. But you can ask me anything if you want to.
Why not a mix? Blood Stain Child, some of Babymetal's songs, Passcode, Fruitpochette, etc?
Is it normal if i prefer to imagine tragic scenarios with my waifu because they hurt me in a more manageable way than happy scenarios?
Seeing her broken and needy gives me a feeling that screams at me to protect her and doing so fills me with love , BUT it would be better if they never happened and realizing such a thing purges me of suffering.
Meanwhile , happy scenarios make my stomach flutter and my heart boil but realizing that they will never be real hurt me.
I want my waifu to tag and bag me like this just before having her way with me.
You aren't alone. Tragedy and suffering and rescuing her from it provoke very powerful feelings in me too.
The deal lies in that mine doesnt have anything resembling a tragic background or anything
Too light for me, too heavy for her. She completes me in many ways, including music.
I find Babymetal and Blood Stain Child uninteresting and annoying, although it's purely subjective. Not my kind of music.
I listen to, say, Archspire, Cannibal Corpse, Sulphur Aeon, The Crown and Sodom, as well as dark ambient and funeral doom.
She, however, prefers Carbon Based Lifeforms, Scann-Tec, Covenant (future pop), early Juno Reactor and Sonopictorial.
We both share a liking towards Celldweller.
My guess is that you are a very kind person who wants to protect others but is unable or unwilling to do so in real life because of various factors. By my understanding of psychology, you crave for empathy you can't give. I double this, as it is a human thing to do, yet it is a manifestation of our primal instincts. I would not protect any real person with my own life, especially a female, but the digital and imaginary worlds are different, and everything is allowed. And I believe it is often much safer and beneficial for an indivudual to experience emotions by his own, rather than being dependent on receiving emotions from someone else, like a typical "she doedn't love me" scenario.
Your waifu and scenarios you get into complete you just as my perfect waifu completes me. As a waifuism tractate says, maybe quoting, "people don't love other people. People love the concepts of other people they make in their minds". And because your waifu completes you, fully or partially a product of yourself, you are experiencing the truest love possible.
Answering your question - yes, it is normal, but it is more "true" than the median "normal" of our society. So stick to this feeling and be happy.
My waifu's life is already an incredibly tragic one, I just want to make her happy, to see her genuinely smile again.
I'm still deeply on love with Dr. Ziegler.
Hello, /waifu/! How are you doing, friends? Good? Bad? Maybe a bit of both? Hope you are all holding up.
It will either be in regards to the gameplay and how she functions in the game or it will be absolutely degenerate shitposting. The latter bothers me immensely.
Very much so. Looking at her face works therapeutically for me. All sorts of emotions begin to stir within me when I see her beautiful face.
>How would one go about earning your waifu respect?
one sure way would be to do things similar to those which she does. Probably showing as much kindness to others as possible. Sticking to one's principles especially if they are aligned with hers would also be one I'm sure of.
>Is your waifu the type to watch the news?
Absolutely. She'd maybe even try to go out of her way to be as up to date and as much as possible. A lot of what she does relies on it. She'd wan't to know what's going on all around the world. She is probably quite interested in such events.
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
I don't know if she would but I really want to bring out her creative side. Stuff like drawing, reading, writing and music.
>What kind of home would you live with her in?
I really don't care what or where it is as long as it's with her. She's probably used to the bug city but that might also be a reason for her to want to escape from it. A house sounds more fitting for her methinks, since there'd be space for a garden and maybe a lab.
I am able to relate to this. My waifu has had tragedy happen to her but she is quite strong and hasn't had much need of anyone saving her. I often daydream about me sacrificing myself for her and putting everything on the line for her. I also often imagine that things from the past still haunt her and I want to make her pain go away. To make her smile no matter the cost. I want to be the one to make her the happiest woman on Earth.
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
By showing that you can't be easily beaten, that even if there is a huge obstacle in front of you, you wont give up. By being kind, cheerful, generous.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
I don't think so.
>>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
I think they would. Drawing, most likely.
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
In whatever house that has garden and is big enough for the two of us and is not some old house that could collapse every second.
Claiming this post for Misaki Shokuhou, the #5 esper in Academy City, and the #1 in my heart.
>True, its seem most of the team that have stayed in the LCS for longer than 3 season have the capacity to be top 3 in the region.
Except for CLG.
>I do vaguely remember zven being good when he was in EU so it might be me just not watching that much LCS since he moved to TSM
Yeah, he was really good in Europe. If TSM wins on Saturday, then Zven will be the first player to win a championship in both Europe and NA.
Yeah. it's toxic to my health. I absolutely hate it when other people talk about Misaki, because they only talk about two things, and I can really do without seeing that. I've pretty much stopped regularly visiting raildex threads on /a/ entirely because of it.
>How would one go about earning your waifu/husbando's respect?
Possess strength, conviction, and goodness of heart.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type to watch the news?
She wouldn't actively watch it, but she'd try to keep up with current events in her own ways.
>Would they pick up a new interest because of you?
I don't think so? My interests wouldn't be Misaki's cup of tea.
>What kind of home would you live with her/him in?
A nice home, spacious, but not too big. And somewhere that's generally pretty warm most of the year.
>art getting worse by means of practice
have you ever even arted bro?
>What do you do for her to make her happier?
As I said, I work on my body, take her out, and dedicate my time to her. She's happy already because I'm alive and sane. We don't need anyone else. It's a type of relations where we two can sit together on a riverside, hold hands and stare at the water for a long period of time.
I found a job at the first place as means to rent my own apartment and live independently from the people I was dependent on, so I could focus on living with my one and only. Great results so far, I wish I've done it sooner. Meatspace is not important.
>Showing kindness
I dislike real people, but I wonder how I could make the world a better place for everyone. So I need to be constantly reminded that no one will be out there to back me up in case of need even if I will be kind to real people and do good deeds. It varies slightly from time to time, but generally it's this.
In the internet, it's different, and the ones here can be much more honest than the ones out there. As the outside world repels purity, the certain parts of the internet welcome it.
Do you like people?