Anons i'm tired of being super skinny...

anons i'm tired of being super skinny. what are so good ways to gain some weight so i can stop looking like i'm anorexic.

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I wish I were at your weight. I'd just start bulking up with protein shakes and resistance training. Instead I have all this disgusting loose skin and fat that I need to burn off before I can go for building my body up.

get a manual job if you don't want to lift like some homo.
After a year of construction or landscapimg you'll look fine if you delete that gay ass tattoo

skinny boys are good actually

Too bad I'm not gay.
(Not op)

>tfw op's pic is more muscular than me

Drink beer every day. You'll gain at least 25 pounds in the year and you can have a good time. Get pizza at the end of the night too.

eat unhealthy food you fucking retard

bing bong boom

but then you'll get an ugly beer belly and just look like a bloated boomer fag

oatmeal and peanut butter milkshakes every day for a big boi tummy wummy

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Eat more you cringey lottle brainlet

>drink beer every day
>still a 130lb skelly

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Eggs + GOMAD

Sounds like you cant make ur mind up. Wahh I'm too skinny but I dont want a gut

carb up you fucking nerd, that's 101 shit

to everyone telling me to eat more, i've tried but my stomach is too small or something and won't let me eat a lot of food. it's like it wants me to stay this way

>be skinny nerd
>don't wanna be skinny so I eat a shitload of protein every day for a year
>still a skinny nerd
What the fuck guys?

no memes here

It'll probably take 2 years of religious eating/moderate weight training. If you do this you'll merely look normal, from there it'll take 2-3 years of bulking to look "kinda" buff in normal clothes.

I extremely doubt a manual job would give you any gains, I worked one for a year and it just made me into a 115lb human forklift, looked like a mop for a person a meth addict. so memes aside again, someone will tell you lmao thats achievable natty 3 months, fucking buy a cage for 400, weights and bench, spend 40 minutes of your day instead of clicking tabs back and forth on shit you dont even like and lift lmfao. wake up earlier make eating a priority, take melatonin before bed

weight gainer shakes

jus move to america

Just wait til you get older and your metabolism gets slower. I used to be skeleton for life despite eating all day but then I got into my late twenties.

Smoke weed youll have more of a appetite and eat more

why don't you start working out? you already eat enough to gain muscle if you're fat.