Just had a chin implant several hours ago
Just had a chin implant several hours ago
What would happen if someone threw a KO punch at your chin, would your face break in half?
How does it feel to have body dysmorphia?
When do you need to get it replaced to avoid looking like the BOGGs
Probably not good at any stage after the surgery, even several months
The best policy is to avoid punches to the face regardless of chin implants
Feels good man. But yeah this comment is retarded. The amount you can ascend with a chin implant is a no brainer if you're a chincel. BD is irrelevant / retarded argument
Maybe a decade lawl
a decade is not so bad. Why didn't you do the chin bone restructuring surgery instead, supposedly it heals in a few months, lasts forever and looks as natural as possible
Your nosetip looks different too, it's straightened out. Any nosejob as well?
that's not OP the dude in the pic got a chin implant, jaw implants & nose job
You will NEVER cure your confidence / insecurity issues with aesthetic surgery.
Plus your kids will most likely also be chinlets very much so. Liar liar pants on fire.
Why do you choose to be a faggot?
post you before and after
cost? material?
what are you going to do if you're hanging with ball-busting chads and they start making fun of your chin implant, calling you out on being a disguised chinlet?
What happens to your teeth and chewing food?
you can make it better. I can actually enjoy seeing photos of myself now because I don't have a weird chinlet deformity anymore
riskier, more expensive, can't reverse if don't like results, surgeons qualified to do this well hard to find in my area
This isn't me
lol i know, that's why you do other things like fuck girls with your new face to develop confidence
who wants kids lol
when it's healed I might, looks slayer desu
Silicone, 3k USD
They won't know, I won't tell them, and I don't hang around with ball busting faggots
how did your friends & family react?
>*ring ring*
I didn't tell them. Don't tell friends or family about red pill / looksmaxing efforts. They'll just try and cuck you out of it
"ohh but you look fine!???" "baby i like you the way you arrrreeee" "you are handsome thooo"
The key is just to rock up post procedure and laugh when they say you look amazing but have no idea why
>lol i know, that's why you do other things like fuck girls with your new face to develop confidence
Will you keep us posted on how many girls you fuck with your new face?
how why did you end up so deep in the lookism hole? not hating or anything honestly curious
Whats the recovery and scarring like?
I don't get this, with my friends I'm the most supportive realistic guy you could ask for. I want you to succeed and get better, to be better, but whenever I ask around about people's friend's and family it's always the same shit.
People don't want you to succeed and get better, they want you to be in the bucket with them, why is that.
lol bad plastic surgery is always obvious
Good plastic surgery is invisible, which is most of it
lol not sure if srs but either way sure brah
Because it's the ultimate red pill
Internal incision, none. About 2 weeks for complete reduction in swelling
You're a good man. Unfortunately most people, even you're loved ones, don't want you to succeed for fear of losing you / jealousy / ego
To properly answer your question, and in b4 i trigger the whole Jow Forums board.
Looks are incredibly important, More so than body.
Before looksmaxing, I was invisible to women, the creepy guy, noone laughed at my jokes, I was never invited to parties.
After, routinely invited out, the life of the party, people love me, my vibe, my jokes, respect me, comply with my orders. I just banged the cutest girl to date at 29. She's 21.
So yeah, looksmaxing is fucking legit and until you take action and see for yourself most people will just hamster their way out of it
left pic looks better. right pic looks like an uncanny valley freak
Glad it's not me then.
Also this is just fillers, I had a chinplant
post a pic
What the fuck does AMA mean?
>10 yrs from now
>you have kids
>they come out ugly and deformed just like you really are
>wife divorces you
>go to physical / talking with doctor with your wife present
>"Sir, have you ever undergone any surgeries?"
>oh i cant remember haha
>"No problem, we'll just check your medical fil-- oh no no no"
nah, look like Frankenstein cuz of swelling
ask me anything brah, do you even reddit
lol you say that like 99% of men don't get cucked or divorced anyway. Wait, who's even getting married? lmaoooo
lol who's taking their "wife" to a "physical" wtf bro
You are a sad human, you know that?
>lol you say that like 99% of men don't get cucked or divorced anyway. Wait, who's even getting married? lmaoooo
I can agree with you there. 50% divorce rate.
Women are allowed to get implants and wear makeup to boost the appearance of virility, so who gives a shit.
I thought that thumbnail was one guy fucking another in the ass
Am I gay?
>So yeah, looksmaxing is fucking legit and until you take action and see for yourself most people will just hamster their way out of it
I think that it does get you more in the way of external results. Being a man who doesn't give a shit about his appearance, when I wore expensive clothes or su it's I always noticed more "privilege" and attention.
I guess the main issue to me is that external results don't mean much to me. If someone didn't care about you when you were ugly, but now that you're beautiful they like you, do you really need that person in your life? Food for thought.
>nah, look like Frankenstein cuz of swelling
you're gonna look like frankenstein('s monster) for a lot longer buddy
Jesus Christ, you're mentally ill
Seek help
Why is OP such a raging faggot?
Share before/after pics?
lol maybe acc to you but I feel alright
Humans are superficial and we're all animals, even us uglies
lol nah, got dat ogee curve now, saw results before swelling
I really don't want to. I'm very swollen and 90% of the users here will just roast me anyway
Why is this lookism incel thread on my wholesome fitness board? GET OUT!
Enjoy the dysphoria and eventual bog mode
you lift because you secretly want to be admired and get laid right?
I'm just telling you how to workout your face
lol strong cope
>getting a chin implant instead of a sliding genioplasty
I see you didn't even do basic research on plastic surgery.
What else did you do looksmaxing wise before getting the implant?
How much did it cost? I have a good chin as is but I wanted to augment it a bit more. Did you have no chin/weak chin?
What is mewing
How any cocks do you take a month?
Baby don't hurt me
Major COPE
When you're attractive everyone treats you better and is nicer and more receptive to you. Even if someone isn't agreeing to a date they aren't weirded out or scared or anything.
That's a major confidence boost and lets you work in a much healthier space than thinking "omg if I screw this up the police are going to be called"
Do doctors know what they have to do to not make it look weird, or do you have to find that out together?
I want to get my cheekbones done with implants but im fucking scared its going too look uncanny-valley
based, how much did it cost? in usa?
hate to nitpick, but you can definitely get genioplasty reversed, even altered later down the line. pls do post results when swelling is reduced.
are you that uncanny looking lookism user who dropped several thousand on multiple surgeries?
cope asshole bluepill cuck
>what is money
>what is immediate results
>what is swelling
I see you can’t even do basic research either while insulting.
You say this shit, but we all know deep down; if you were handsome, slightly taller and rich you wouldn’t give two fucks about your shitty philosophy.
Rhino was the only other surgery. Lots of cosmetic changes that anyone can do. Also a tan is imperative health indicator
3.5k USD. Yes. I was blessed with hollow cheeks / low facial and neck fat (even at 12%) but a weak chin for sure
I do this too
I can fit at least a dozen more at once since my implant bro
Thank you for saying it
Most plastic surgeons are shit at men's tailored surgeries and are not redpilled on men's looks. I had to do a lot of the research.
I told them what implant to use, what size, and provided morphs to illustrate the results I want
Dr Barry Eppley is know to be the most skilled / versatile / redpilled surgeon out there. Always do your research though.
Answered this above
Good to know. Will do
Maybe idk. I don't think I'm uncanny at all. I've got 400 tinder matches to back it up.
Lolololol woke
This is actually the result from dermal fillers. Don't get it skewed bro.
Would you recommend implants on the massaters? I’ve been told I have a nice jaw, but the side part of the massaters are angled and a bit curved. I want a more straight jaw from a forward perspective.
Also, did you notice a lot of change in the face with lower bf%? How much do you weigh?
>I guess the main issue to me is that external results don't mean much to me. If someone didn't care about you when you were ugly, but now that you're beautiful they like you, do you really need that person in your life? Food for thought.
this isn't an anime, people judge books by their covers
Sure I would. There's a reason people like PewDiePie have turned to Buddhist philosophy. Having all of those things doesn't actually fulfill you on a deep level.
It's only the poor and ugly people who think it will.
What I'm implying is that human nature is fundamentally flawed and a man who holds ideals in his mind will always find more satisfaction in holding onto them than allowing himself to be corrupted by the world.
Yes, always lose as much bodyfat so you know what bones you're working with.
Jaw implants are costly, require a skilled surgeon and have higher chance of infection and complications. Would get only if it would make a big difference to your overall looks
Eppley is probably one of the best for jaw related stuff that I am aware of
Post pics on lookism / looksmax for true feedback tho