How did you get injured?
How did you get injured?
squatting too much and my right knee started to cave in. Stubbornly finished the rep when I should have aborted.
Now my hamstring & calf are hurting so I'm doing an easy week.
I opened my heart to her
Why would you remind me?
Are you going to spam these threads every fucking day you stupid coon?
I keep doing floor chest flyes (against Jeff's wishes) and while not stabbing pain, I do feel fatigue in my shoulders afterwards. If I go up in weight I'll probably end up injured but the exercise feels so good.
When I was 5 I skipped rope in the living room, tripped over the rope, fell and my head hit the table hard. Still have a scar from it.
based injury-free poster
Bad form on deadlifts and a few other exercises. Ending up tearing a muscle in my groin, shit put me out of action for 5 months. I'm back at it now but I can still feel somethings off sometimes
Car crash. Then there was that gut stabbing incident...
And what happened? Who was she? Please tell me you didn't try to do that to someone who friendzoned you.
I slipped on a wet floor at work and fucked up my lower back right side. I tried 2 seperate times to go back to the gym about a week apart each but i had to call it quits halfway through the week. Just gonna rest it up for another week or 2 and take it light when it comes to lower back involved lifts
>tfw you have an excuse to skip legs
We don't need someones emotional trauma itt
Rookie mistake.
Yesterday I just found out what was fucking my collarbone over. Last time I did bent over rows, fuck that exercise, its painful as fuck, easy to have wrong form and there are better ways to train back
B-but that's all what Jow Forums's for...
Men dont have problems, only women are allowed to have problems.
Lifting overweight people out of awkward locations.
I've sprained my ankles three times while running outside from stepping on uneven terrain/rocks/acorns/whatever. I finally resigned myself to running on the treadmill, even though I like running outside way more. Don't want to have to walk with a cane anymore.
Same, RN
Worst was cardiac ICU where everyone is sedated/anesthetized, basically dead weight, but you cant just throw them around as they have super delicate equipment (chest tubes, pacemaker wires, etc) which makes it ripe for annihilating your back.
This hurt. A lot.
Benching 315, the weight rolled forward in my hands unexpectedly and started falling forward
It was going to land on my stomach so I snatched it back up into position explosively and tore my left shoulder joint a new one
There is some interesting research from Dr. William Mara's(spine researcher) which basically shows that nurses and orderlies tend to get really bad spinal delamination from exactly what you discuss. It's cumulative and the acute injury is usually just a sign of months of damage.
The only safe way to lift is shown in your pic, and back injuries are basically a function of the distance of a mass from the center mass of your trunk.
>At the beach on Spring Break after spending bleak winter in Upstate New York
>Playing dodge ball in the water with one of those spongy foam balls
>Whip the waterlogged ball sideway at a friend
>Humerus spiral fractures due to torque
Take Vitamin D supplements in the winter, friends.
I saw her last week
Upright rows, fucked my forearm
Don't do them find similar shit to do
Slipped on a pallet in a creek. Did the splits and then some with about 45lbs of gear on my back
>water polo
>guy tries to steal the ball
>hyper extends shoulder
>partial tear of rotator cuff
People say once the shoulder is injured, it's never the same. That was 2 months ago and I still have weakness and loss of ROM. Never gonna make it now...
Got bicep tendonitis in my shoulder from doing to much overhead work. Ignored it at first then because I work a manual labor job it never got to heal so it is now chronic
Landed on the ball of my foot from 20ft up at one of those trampoline places
Never been injured but my body hurts constantly.
I fucked up my back picking up a dumbbell off the lower rack while already holding one. How are you supposed pick a heavy dumbbells up from that awkward angle safely?
It might remain an issue, but why wouldn’t you still be able to make it? You might not be able to set bench or ohp world records but you can still build a solid physique and strength base.
My left clavicle isn't properly lodged and wiggles around, aggravated by years of sleeping on one side with a smartphone/book and no proper support, all my upper body weight on the untrained shoulder for hours on end, it's not painful but I am very scared of seeing it slip completely out.
Last day I noticed I couldn't flex my left triceps as much as the right(I was doing push ups and felt tension building up there and on the elbow, it wasn't new but felt like it was preventing me from exercising well, then noticed the difference), after touching and twisting I managed to loudly crack my elbow(slightly painful but it immediately felt better) and now I can flex the muscles, but I feel I still need to work on it.
Similar issue on the right knee, since I was a teenager and fell into a small hole with my leg straight and my full weight on it at gentle running speed(I completely missed seeing the hole). I need to crack it to restore complete movement without tension building up and eventually locking it.
I might just have weak joints in general.
Anyone else here physically ruined?
from long distance running
>bad left knee
>fucked Achilles tendon in my left foot
from working construction when I was a lad
>bad back (can't deadlift)
>hip hurts constantly
from lifting
>blew out right shoulder 5 years ago, still have problems (had surgery)
>damaged cartilage in left wrist (had surgery)
Didn't mean to quote, but it all started from seeing your post
Fuck you cunt
>How did you get injured?
Obsession with linear progression and how much stronger I "should" be getting.
This was almost me last Friday. Felt my right knee go "Dude, what the fuck", on the 4th rep. I racked short of the set and walked away. I'm not going down that path. Hate when I don't take the time to correct my form.
Close grip bench
Got tendinitis in my knee about 2 years back. Was running my usual 5k, and by the end of it, I felt almost as fresh as when I started, so I kept going for about another 2-3k. Wasn’t until about 2 days later that my knee was so sore that I couldn’t even bend it. Took around 7-8 months to fully heal. I could walk fine, but if I walked too much or if o ran for more than a mile, it would get sore and tight for the rest of the day and the whole day after. Take care of your knees friends.
Shame that the fatties are harming our Jow Forumsizens
Death valley driver from the top of the ladder onto a mattress covered in glass and thumbtacks
8 stitches, still won the strap brother
I've heard that deep massage can break up scar tissue and fix old fxed up injuries, you could try that.
not being old
holy fucking based
Armwrestled against a whole party group while drunk. I got injured, my injury made me depressed. Its been a few years since it happened things are looking better I think
>preacher curl with bad form
>fucked my wrists and forearms
>been out for two weeks, only been able to squat and diddly
Feels bad. Hoping I can get back to it by Friday.
Suitcase deadlifting 285 lbs with one hand.
Umbilical hernia. It's ogre.
Kek, based Buff Dudes.
Nah it does heal. Yes it'll be easier to injure in the future. My rotators cuffed are injured fairly regularly. I could construe from that that once injured their permanently more fragile but in reality I just have hobbies that constantly put my rotator cuffs at risk.
Too drunk to draw a straight line and ended up completely missing the blood vessel on a wrist slit. Now I just have a couple of long cut lines along my forearm.
Also did incline db press with bad form, raped my right shoulder so having to go easy with that one
Play Drake's take care album
this is actually true and does work, it could take up to a year, but it will work
lol what a tard
please tell me you sent the footage to tosh.0 or something
Y’all are fucking pussies
had serious rotator cuff issues after swimming competitively (and with bad form) for about 8 years. spent a year or two in physical therapy and it didn't help at all, was resigned to my shoulder hurting on bench for a long time. stayed active, took it easy on my shoulder for a while and stretched, years later and no pain. OHP'd 185 x 3 the other day at 175 lb BW. you can make it dude, don't lose hope. it just won't happen right away.
The only injuries I've had so far is a sprained ankle when I hit a bump I didn't account for and fell off my longboard, dislocated my shoulder during football, and pulled something in my back during yard work nothing major over the long term
I don't know, but now my wrist feels warm during chinups and my ulnar nerve has a problem which makes my fingers tingle
ahhhhh fuck man
Do share user
last night i dreamed about a talking dog. friends and family wanted to give me shit because i dont need another dog but THE FUCKING THING TALKED.
worth it
>the one time I forget to put collars on the bar
>fail my last rep, right side made it up but not left
>cant do the rep on either arm
>gym bro who saw my right arm make it and not left lifts the left side of the bar
>weight slides off the right, my right shoulder shoots up as my left shoots down
Still have bad internal rotation on my right shoulder, doesnt bother me in lifting but sometimes randomly pushing down with my right arm hurts.
Things will improve user
Dude :-( I haven't thought about her for a few weeks. Why you do this?
So did I. And while at first she got scared and bailed on our last date, when I rushed to the airport to see her one last time before she left, I got a kiss farewell.
Things always improve, son. You'll get there. And so will I.
I should write to her about something, shouldn't I?
you and me brother
it gets better, don't worry
Was warming up for shrugs and only doing something like 40kg per hand. Felt burning pain in left trap. From then on, I couldn't deadlift heavy or the pain would return. It was probably a minor tear.
I can still feel it sometimes more than a year after when I'm locking out on deadlifts but it doesn't hurt.
We all know that feel bro
delet this
I read your story a couple of days ago, user. You were planning to meet her on Christmas, right? Well, can't just show up on Christmas day, you HAVE TO WRITE HER BEFORE. NOW! TODAY!
Or it WILL be too late! People are already telling you to forget about her and look for other girls, right? Her girlfriends are saying the same thing to her! Don't let her move on, write her before it's too late.
What is the worst thing that could happen? A slightly worse heartache for a couple of months and the fact that you humiliated yourself for a person that lives on the other side of the world? SO WHAT? THAT JUST FEELS BAD, IT'S NOT ACTUALLY BAD!
What is the best thing that could happen? She is happy to hear from you and eagerly accepts your visit during the Christmas holidays! Great things can come out of this! Like a family, or maybe just a nice visit, or anything in-between. You are never gonna know if you don't try and that would be the worst feeling of them all.
But still, user, the chances are slim. The best way to get over a girl is to talk to other girls. Keep pursuing her, but don't ignore other girls. Chances are slim, so most likely you won't regret other dates. And even if it works out with your love, there's nothing horrible about having talked to other girls meanwhile. It will also just make you feel better and that is reason enough.
But the important part is that you have to write to her. If she doesn't respond, maybe try again after a week. If she does respond you are at least gonna know exactly what's up. Even if she tells you to fuck off or ghosts you, that's better than being as unsure as you are now, because this way you are never going to get over her. Remember, nothing really bad can happen. And even if the worst happens, post here again and we will all have your back, user.
Yeah no, humiliating yourself is not a good idea in any scenario, trust me I know. It doesn't matter how far away you move, the shame and anger will still be there. Fuck your advice too, that's no way to live, again, trust me, I know. Love yourself, love anyone who loves you, fuck everyone else. Full stop.
Are you the guy I replied to? I will assume no.
He doesn't know what her feelings are yet. Last contact was when he met her at the airport as a surprise. She was happy and french kissed him. Then flew home to another continent. There is literally no reason not to at least confirm if she might be thinking the same way as him. A bit of subtle texting to test the water is better a good start and not humiliating at all.
Living in uncertainty about what could have been because you were too scared and never let the good things happen just because they are risky, now that's no way to live.
Did she make a move? No? Move on. The moment you start wondering how she feels and blabla you go down the road of chasing the girl which is absolutely the wrong road to take. Best case scenario she's not interested and one or two humiliating scenes later you can move on. Worst case scenario she doesn't know how she feels, which actually means she does know that you're not what she's looking for but you're good enough to pass the time until she finds a better suited candidate. This one will scar you for life. You must be pretty young or pretty naïve if you think chasing the girl is the right thing to do in any situation.
>the girl isnt making a move so shes not interested
He isn't making a move either. Clearly, he is interested. The chance for a girl to act like this is even higher.
Yes, I'm young. And I might be a bit naive too. But at least I'm not some frustrated boomer who is trying to fuck up another guy's romance under this pretense of being wise and protective. Things can turn out differently for him than they have for you.
And if she does say she's not sure, just don't get too attached too quickly.
>Did she make a move?
What the motherfuck? They never make a move, ever. Jesus fucking Christ, you're a man, you're supposed to make a move.
Alright so if you're young and naïve please don't give advice about shit you know nothing. I'm not a frustrated boomer, I have a very fulfilling life, but it took me a while to get it and I would have been happier a lot earlier if I hadn't done exactly what you're telling that dude to do every single time. What you don't get is that when it comes to girls there is no wondering if she feels the same way part. You meet a girl, you act. He didn't act, that's alright, there are other girls. If you act like somehow he missed a great chance you're ignoring the fact that he doesn't actually know that because he actually doesn't know the girl at all. He let that one go, big deal, it could have been either good or bad, exactly the same as with any of the many other girls he'll have access to in the future.
The error in your way of thinking is giving this one girl too much importance. You have heard before the expression "there are plenty of fish in the sea" but you haven't fully understood it yet. It's not just that there are many other girls apart from the one you're fixated on, it is also that the one you so much want is very likely a lot worse than thousands of others you are not even considering because of your fixation. Letting a girl go is in no way going to set you back and you'd do well to avoid giving it a lot of importance. The truth is, you don't really know how much a person is worth until you really know them. For all he knows, he might have dodged a bullet. In many cases you don't find out how horrible a person is until years of feeling progressively worse and worse have passed. That is the shit that stems from thinking the way that you think.
Now if you're thinking that this kills romance you're entirely wrong. Romance is great, and I encourage you to experience it, but you don't need to think that the girl you're dating is perfect and irreplaceable before you even had the chance to get to know her.