Ever gotten mires or sex from a normal masseuse or a free season form a "masseuse" because of your body?
Whats it like to get a massage while fit?
> OP thinks porn is real life and he will get wanked by masseuses
he doesn't think that he is entertaining the possibility of it and asking here to get it confirmed or proven wrong. Are you fucking retarded?
> can barely write
> tells someone he's retarded
I got a massage from an escort. Was pretty peng desu. Oiled up naked chick sitting on you rubbing your muscles feels better than sexytime.
Just go to asian massage parlors. You can be fat and get the best HJ of your life there.
Trust me.
>failing to be anonymous on an anonymous message board.
As an ugly guy, I wonder if the masseuse would prefer to give me a massage over the normal fat 50 year old office worker.
Jesus Christ, this board is getting more retarded by the day.
I got mires from my physio (male). I am male as well. He told me I have got really beefy back. To women i am invisible, though.
Once, and that was before I got to my current stage of fitness, I was at a party, we were doing MDMA and at some point they started doing massages. Someone's gf, a blonde titcow massaged my back for what seemed hours and then, when she got tired, just sat there, running her fingertips over my back.
Again, that was quite a few months back. I wonder how she'd react to seeing me now.
Just go to a professional dick jerker user. Also, be prepared for the massage part to not be nearly as good. Tbh I would prefer a real massage, but it's worth doing once.
>I got mires from my physio (male). I am male as well. He told me I have got really beefy back. To women i am invisible, though.
Getting Jow Forums in a nutshell.
Only if you have a big dick.
I got wanked by the masseus although I paid more.
How does one imply he wants that service? Just be like lol wank me pls?
It's not true. The problem in this age of fake natties and roided up hollywood capeshit actors you have to be a roider yourself to have a truly impressive stand-out physique. I used bench well over 350, squat 485, and deadlift 550 as a natty, and sure, I got the occassional mire but it wasn't until I got on dat dere celltech that girls started coming to me.
based illiterate user
Either you're lying, have an ugly face, or it's really different in your country compared to mine because I'm skelly as fuck but get compliments and girls hitting on me all the time.
Normies are really bad at recognizing how muscular you are unless you're shredded and defined. I don't think you get just how out of shape most people are, just having some visible musculature is enough to impress most.
probably not. fat is better than ugly. anything is better than ugly actually.
Nah, it is just me being heidous. I also lack a likeable personality. I guess for most people getting fit would work out. For me it can only be a way to self discipline.
>Either you're lying, have an ugly face,
Considering I've been in photoshoots and in a music video I don't think so.
>Normies are really bad at recognizing how muscular you are unless you're shredded and defined.
Yeah, if you're natty. If you're 235lbs and you bench over 420lbs you're gonna be noticed anywhere.
>I don't think you get just how out of shape most people are, just having some visible musculature is enough to impress most.
I guess you live in some dyel country because in mine everyone lifts or does some kind of sport. Being masculine is a huge deal here.
Based celltech poster
you didnt
you got a massage from a hooker lmao
In my country everyone you see is either fat or fit, with most being fat. I'm in no way big as I train mainly for combat sports but I still get some kind of comment at least once a week.
Obviously if you roid it gets seen, but my point was that you really don't have to be very big for it to impress most people and you just end up thinking that because getting into fitness means spending a lot of time looking at bodies better than your own which distorts your perspective.
what country
>no homo
I was visiting my gf in bkk (met when I was stationed in Japan) and we went to a HealthLand spa. One of the masseuses asked my gf if I was a boxer or an athlete bc my body was hard all over
>tfw chicks mire you in front of your gf
Is not necessarily Roids, I think there was an article about it from being discovered since the filming of Fight Club, you drink lots of water for a time then suddenly stop and is like the body "dries up".
Or just go for no eating, very low body fat.
When I was living in Brooklyn there were quite a few massage parlors you could go to get sex services.
I went once to one and got 2 HJ but they were shit so I have no intention of going back.
There was a girl who was into me who would give me massages every time I was drunk. Unfortunately I got cock blocked by her roommate, but it was still super nice.
wtf are you talking about?
She kept touching my dick, asked me if I wanted an handjob for 50€.
I gave her 20 and she did it anyway.
I personally didn't do anything, I just went there for a massage lmao.
>HJ for 50
You did right by just giving 20
I wouldn't know. I only get massages from stone-faced, middle-aged Chinese men who speak just enough English to understand when I say "It's okay if it hurts".
Not everything has to be about getting your rocks off. You'll miss out on the finer things in life if you keep thinking with your dick all the time.
Just go in and put $40 in cash somewhere clearly visible and/or let them know that that's the tip. They'll get the picture
guess you went to a shitty one, where I go it's always awesome
I got scammed in Amsterdam 50 for a hj, no way I'm making the same mistake twice.
Why the fuck do people like handjobs? seriously I would love to know
Brah, that's what the wife is for. She will have smaller, weaker hands than a male masseuse, but the benefits are NICE!!!
Got a real massage by a professional a while ago. No erection, no kink - in the end I flushed out a lot of toxins and free radicals.
I'm the guy you replying too, Idk always was (and still is) a big fan of handjob, I like it even more than blowjob I think. Guess it's a fetish with hands I like small and soft girls hands on my dick.
Most often its just sex, but sometimes a massage aswell.
its pretty good.
Get a hj from a professional and then you'll see.
If you ever get a good one you will know. There are things that someone else can do with their hands that you can’t cause angles
Also this, assuming you only get handjob from random girls, they don't know how to do a real good HJ.
Massage parlor girls they know how to + the fucking oil. Damn I want one now.
What is weird is that in all studies that were done roideres generally performed worse than peak natties when it comes to attractiveness to women. even when they did anonymous studies. so what gives ?
>all studies that were done
sounds legit man but dont bother posting them ;)
Because roiding is to show off to other men.
they have been over Jow Forums for ages now, go look it up in the archive I am not gonna spoonfeed newfags.
>dat dere celltech
So no sources then
do you just find ones off of rubmaps?
I guess he's referring to the buzzfeed-like articles that have "science says" or "study finds" in their clickbait title
idk this website, just google "chinese massage parlor" and find the ones near you.
also if you don't want to go for "nothing" you can litteraly ask directly on phone if they do happy ending.
It's not even about angles. It's the same thing as why you can't tickle yourself.
Retard alarm
>HJ of your life there.
Lol. If some 50+ year old retired escort wanking you off with one hand and checking her phone with the other hand is the best HJ of your life I feel sorry for you.
gonna reply anyway depsite long thread
>after getting fit women are more open to giving me massages while on a date, I've had at least 3 offered in the past 2 months from different women
they're all pretty terrible at massages but the offer is nice and before getting fit it was never offered.
I’m going to wager that you’re not from the US because that would be illegal except in Parts of nevada
That's total BS. In fact there is loads of data showing high test correlates to being more attractive to women for sex
Imagine being a woman and going to tinder dates only to squeeze muscular guys. Damn femcels.
I go on tinder dates only to squeeze big tiddies so I guess it's the equivalent
yeah being high test naturally not injecting it
So I take it you got a blowie instead
The only people who enjoy HJ's are the kind of guys who never get laid often
ok bro
the sentence is fine, he's just missing a comma after 'that'
Yknow it’s nice, sometimes at high end ones (I remember the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong and another nice one at a luxury retreat in Stellenbosch in particular) they commented about how it’s much nicer to massage a fit guy, except they had to work harder because I’m tighter.
Don't wear underwear is the main thing, and after the massage they will ask about a penis massage or lightly touch your dick and ask "You want? You tip you want?"
Uh, you ever had a glans massage?
>he doesn’t know
how can i tell which massage parlour places are actually good? theres a billion chinese ones around and like 1 shitty western one. none of them seem to have reviews but theyre all looking the same (stock image of a white woman getting a massage)
You just have to blow your money and find out. Red lettering ones = handy places.
go in and if you dont like what you see say you need to go to the atm and will be back.
I used to think the same, all the girls I had been with all just gave me basically the same hj I did to myself but worse.
My current gf can make me squirm and moan like I didn't even think possible. And the best part is she enjoys it so they last for 20-30ish minutes. The first time she did it I actually hyperventilated so much I actually almost passed out and couldn't feel my legs.
t.never had a good handjob
>had appointment at local masseur place where I have gone like once per month for ages
>made new appointment today
>decide to ask for a happy ending becuase of you fucks
>just long silence in the phone, not even laughter like the receptionist thought I was joking
>mfw now banned from their establishment
dumb fuck fake story
Tbh, both these pics are literally just a cut away. If you don't think this is natty, you need to work harder.
Fake natties are everywhere, and holywood ia filled with them. Heck these pictures may not be natty, but they sure are poasible natty. Maybe even 1-2 years lifting.
My ex used to give me handjobs that were so intense I would have trouble thinking for a few minutes. Heres the recipe to any anons who wanna try with their gf
>be in a tub
>drink plenty of wine
>but some stupid bath bomb shit in there
>let her go to town
There were times I could barely think after. Shit was dank.
Are the masseuses that give HJs ever hot?
Or are they mostly just women you wouldn't bang normally.
keked out loud
They are almost all sex slaves taken from jungle asia
Used to pay for Chinese escorts in my city. They start with a shower and will rub you down. I would always get compliments on my body
I've gotten a couple "accidental" touches and got asked out once. They generally comment on my physique.
Was at asian massage parlor. Cute asian masseuse asked if i was a footballer or athlete because of my back and complemented my physique. But it was a regular massage no escort.
From what I've seen the majority aren't hot. But I have yellow fever so I like them anyway.
what? i can tickle myself
>You want? You tip you want?"
post body dyel retard
what? how?
tickling is literally a reaction to uneexpected touching
post body
The closest thing I've gotten to a massage (besides short ones from ex gfs) was a deep tissue loosening thing by a physical therapist for my shoulder. it felt so good that right there I decided that once I hit like 13% BF I'm totally going to spend big on a nice full body massage for myself as a reward.
schizos can tickle themselves. hes prob one and just doesnt know it yet
>you drink lots of water for a time then suddenly stop and is like the body "dries up".
or you just take a lasix pill on the day before the shoot and yours musles will look super defined.
>Or just go for no eating, very low body fat.
avoid fat like the plague, it literally covers your muscles.