Here's a book on fasting from the early 1900's written by Bernarr MacFadden. Thought you fags might like it, assuming you can read.
Fasting circa 1900
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Yeah but this is from when health science was at a point of "Oh she's depressed? Let's try electroshock therapy, scrape a bit of her brain out with a scalpel and put her in a mental ward".
and now we are at the time where we are poisoning or selfs everyday to get dependet on pharma-drugs for the rest of our lifes...
and anything written today is from an era where doctors put dingdongs on little girls.
Thanks. Where can one find more like this?
Not gud reeder. What wordbook say?
protip: that time period is all time periods so far.
I have a few more by MacFadden.
-Strength from Eating
-The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood
-The Power and Beauty of Superb Womanhood
did you ever read sandow's stuff?
They were doing something right though. Guys from this time were doing crazy feats of strength while looking like dyels when fully clothed.
Pikachu-ing people got results tho.
yes, prof Atilla as well as many others
lmao and you think modern society is somehow better now?
>here buy our pill it'll fix all your problems :-)))
>that's a good slave be a dependent pay-pig for the rest of your life
>what? a natural solution that doesn't include us gaining profit from it? NOOOOOOOOO SHUT IT DOWN GOVERNMENT PLEASE STOP IT AAAAAAAAAAAA
How fast do you have to go?
>Bernarr MacFadden
Please don't.
>Macfadden died of a urinary tract infection in 1955 in Jersey City, New Jersey, after refusing medical treatment
All of those work though. They have just bad publicity.
And drugging people to "cure them" of depressions is somehow better?
>Teenage antidepressants 'doing more harm than good
He was 87 years old bruh.
Uuuuuhhhm, sweaty, ECT is literally the most effective treatment for Depression. Slightly better than SSRIs and less side effects too, it's just cruel so people, justifiably, avoid it.
Lobotomies are literally still used for epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Almost always work too, but again, cruel.
To be quite honest, aside from anti-malarials, antibiotics, and cancer treatments, medicine has barely advanced in the past 200 years.
Tell me, what were obesity levels like in 1900?
Strength From Eating:
The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood:
The Power and Beauty of Superb Womanhood:
any other requests?
whatever you've got brah.
free rare books to read, always a good thing
McFaddern was a true American icon: business; fitness; raw foods; naturism; publishing; fasting; and physical culture.
He trained young males till he was in his 30s in the buff. His early inspiration was German Turnverein movement.
Arrested several times for his beliefs and publications advocating an early view on 'free love'.
He told Eleanor Roosevelt to eat sand as an assist to constipation. Also, opened reduced fare food kitchens (vegan) in NYC and Boston.
this, we're hardly out of the woods when it comes to medicine and medical knowledge
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