How can one product be this fucking based? 55g of protein for 99 cents
How can one product be this fucking based? 55g of protein for 99 cents
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Your body can only process 20-30g of protein per meal. Literal fucking waste you retard
>buying yogurt
>not having an east european mum make yeasty high protein goodness for dad (and you)
you're a tard
that shit is like 7$ in canada
Even if that was true, you could eat like half of it you tard
fucking retard
WTF? German supremacy confirmed once again
>Your body can only process 20-30g of protein per meal
Its icelandic you mongoloid
Eventually you'll get tired of eating the same food every single day
I eat whole tubs of this and greek yoghurt and cottage cheese epic gains but makes your shits NASTY
Yes but we were talking about the price in our country you mouthbreather
You are going to make it
Just get some fresh cottage cheese. 3 USD per kilo (croatia), 150g of protein per kilo. Tasty af and you know its fresh and natural processed just by an old lady.
>implying i looked at what you replied to
The world doesnt revolve around you, sweetheart
virgin skyr vs CHAD TVOROG
nice try, twink. but this is the GOAT
>being this retarded
Wo kostet der 99ct? Kaufland oder lidl?
Shit is like 7 or 8 usd here in NYC. I eat cottage cheese by the tub t.b.h. it's like $2 or $3
nice pic
u find it in Aldi or a different brand in Lidl
eigentlich musse 75 cent für einen Becher bei Lidl blechen
Where the fuck in burgerland can I get this nectar of the gods? Northern Virginia area more specifically.
Yep 1% cottage cheese is some of the cheapest protein you can buy
this kind of broscience lmao
I got it for 99 cents at Kaufland
55g proton for 500g ?
The shit I eat (pic related) is only 36g of proton for 500g, but it's fucking delicious.
Can't find this brand (SKYR) in France.
Bruder muss los
Yes it's 55g for 500g
>75 cent
Kann das jemand bestätigen?
>yeasty high protein goodness
leave your mom's vagina out of this
60 gramm Casein for 99ct even basder you "Skyr geht rein!"-fag
Ich bin schon auf dem weg ich update euch gleich wenn er gelogen hat weine ich
JUNGE! Bei Aldi kost der doch mindestens 1,30€
I also live in Germany and iterally encountered it just yesterday and thought the exact same thing to myself. Where is this shit coming from all of sudden, has God send this as a gift to us in order to support our quest for self improvement?
Go back to misc, boomer.
I'm like a year and a half in and i still eat the same shit everyday, outside of the occasional cheat pizza, i only eat like 6 foods
Oh no Rich Panini is shitposting from the shadowrealm to promote his products
>Eat chicken breast
>Eat another one 2 minutes later but make sure to call it a separate meal
>Body is confused and forced to consume protein from both
Fuck brudis ich bin mental retardiert der 350g Becher kostet 75 cent bei Lidl und der 500g Becher bei Aldi 1 Euro
ich gönne mir aber immer den halben Kilo Magerquark
Define 'process', 'meal' and 'your body'.
Backing up that 20-30g and defining what protein you mean would also help validate your baseless bullshit.
>Eventually you'll get tired of eating the same food every single day
I've done this for 3 yeas and the only reason I've stopped is the birth of my kids, since they couldn't eat some of it.
Kek'd a bit
in france I only found skyr in grand frais
ahh nice ill check grand frais
The Aldi/Lidl ones are better as well.
One pot of OP's Skyr has about 45g of carbs in a 500g tub whereas the Vanilla one from Aldi has only 11g in a 350g tub.
Trotzdem based af 55g eiweiß für nen euro danke lieber gott
Nigga, it's 20g carbs per 500 not 45
aw shit yea just double checked and the plain one is 18g carbs per 500g pot. Nice.
I was being a retard and thinking of the flavoured versions which are about 30g of carbs per 500g but I was still wrong in my other post
ignore me everyone just being a hurr durr goodbye
Krogers look for Siggis
Junge wie amis lachen euch gleich wieder aus wenn ihr jeden scheiss Cent umdreht.
Reißt euch mal zusammen
Audible kek.
Well done user
I'm stuck in France and this is the only reasonable cottage cheese you can buy here. Everything else is either uneatable or has twice as little protons. Damn French.
its that cheap in Portugal as well, but once its in stock, its gone in not even 6 hours
poast nutrition facts
It's not a brand, it's the name of a product. Monoprix has it, and also other shops may sell the version made by Danone.
As im writing, im enjoying a nice tub of based Lidl skyr. Vanilla and blueberry are the best flavours, if you're not a faggot.
>Only 10 gm proton per 100 gm
>0 fats
How is this good?
True, but it's pretty hard to eat.
Vanilla is the only one I like. Its 2 for £1.50 from asda and I eat 4 a week, Definitely an easy way to grab your protein.
>europoors can’t even afford food that costs more than a dollar
top kek
There's literally no reason to buy more expensive ones. Skyr tastes like yoghurt, just a bit more sour. How would you improve that
zdr Ceco
Aldi, Lidl etc
>Not getting unflavored for maximum protein and least sugar.
>making it
>Who Tesco 3 for 3 here?
>Fuark brah transcends languages
it's become popular because its being hyped up by these shitty lifestyle mags they sell at the supermarket counter for moms. Im actually surprised they hype an actually good product for once.
I've seen some in Intermarché and Geant, needless to say it was expensive as fuck