> pullups
> chinups
> pic related ups (don't know how they're called)
Are all 3 of them equally beneficial or I waste my time with one of them? Should I keep them all?
> pullups
> chinups
> pic related ups (don't know how they're called)
Are all 3 of them equally beneficial or I waste my time with one of them? Should I keep them all?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pullups for more triceps development
Chinups for biceps
I personally prefer chinups
I think neutral grip works both triceps and biceps
I have that same bar and I don't get how one does dips with it. Its too low to the ground when placed on floor.
Cut a hole in your ceiling, m8.
Holy hell, further proof that no one on this board actually lifts.
Based attack from the dark poster
Chin-ups are the best of the 3
Is neutral grip better for shoulder health or I am retarded?
He’s talking about auxiliary development, besides the back lats
Pullups for triceps?? Hahaha omg.. gtfo of here.. You clearly havent done a single pullup in your life
Samefag exposed, I win
They're right though. What do pull ups have to do with tricepses?
this is u retard
Pullups. Pullups are amazing for your delts. Helped me break through so many OHP plateaus
>pull ups
are >functional and do their job
>chin ups
use more muscle mass on a longer range of motion
>neutral grip
>>neutral grip
Pls eggsplain. It's my favorite of those three, I really like the motion.
Dumb nigger
Would also like to know, is comfy af
I just do all three.
I don't really get them, basically chin ups with less bicep involvement and a weird lockout; parallel bars aren't easy to find, and if you want less biceps in a chin up, why not just do a narrow grip pull up?
They have some >special benefits tho, like being easier on your grip and for some reason the shoulders.
by narrow grip I meant exactly shoulder width
Isn't it basically a better version of pic related?
You got baited retard
>pull ups for tricep development
Which one of you retards told the dark lord pudding head about Jow Forums?
>and for some reason the shoulders
They're easier on your elbows too
Try raising your arms straight above your head with your palms up like you're at the bottom of a chin up. Even if you have good shoulder mobility you'll feel tension twisting through your shoulders and arms. Switch to a neutral grip and it immediately goes away
is chin up supposed to hit lats much more than pull ups?
nah senpai, i think its the other way around
I definitely feel it that way though. I have good form on both, do both weighted. Feels like pull ups works more on my scapula region, more to the center of the back, whereas chins I feel the lats much more
Pic related is how you fall off the door frame...
>he’s backwards