How do I get a steel cutting jawline like pic related?
Redpill me fit
How do I get a steel cutting jawline like pic related?
>the jawlet
Jawline like that makes you look like an Xenomorph
Go to 12% bf. If it doesn't work blame your parents. I have a jawline at 20%
B-but girls like it
the one thing you can actually improve is the muscle in your maxilar that contracts when you bite, chew gum regularly, eat hard shit...
the guy in the pic is probably biting fucking hard to contract it
Genetics and low bf%.
Lose weight, fatty
OP here, is mewing a meme? Can you actually improve your jawline structure? I'm 19 btw
if ur at a similar bf% and can't see ur jaw, it's ur underdeveloped skull
you can blame (prenatal) nutrition and poor oral posture
this is the only answer.
Otherwise surgery
I have one and never did anything
By developing an even bigger/sharper jaw
He looks like handsome Squidward with hair
it's the reverse usually. 3rd world countries introduce harder foods to children earlier and they get better jawlines
I have a strong jaw in the front like my father but very weak jawline in the cheeks area. Does mewing help make look like Tom "Manlet lord" Holland
Also sorry for my bad English XD
it's supposed to do that by extending the maxilla. As a result the mandible moves a bit forward and stretches the skin, fat & muscles which gives you a more defined jawline. You can simply make an overbite face & look at the resulting jawline.
It's much easier to just lose weight tho
when i was a kid
i haved a kind of a nice jawline
then i got fat
im actually losing weight,workout and go to the lowest Bf%
do you think i will recover my jawline ?
Dunno about long term effects, but it definitely flattens out the underside of your jaw while you're doing it, so I'm trying to make it a habit.
Only one way to find out lad
Who's the guy in the OP pic? I see this pic posted a lot
I don’t know user did you have any face bones removed?
Dude stick is head so far forward he looks like a giraffe, no wonder his jawline gets visible. That and perfect lighting
Seriously motivating picture, I will resume my cut tomorrow.
OP here, I haven't a clue
I wouldn't look like that even if I stick my face like giraffe with perfect lighting
Good luck, bucko
Nvm, i think I found him. It's Robbie Beeser. Doesn't look as good in his other pictures, though
Low bf% is genetic.
>landwhale spotted
Eat less dipshit
Not everyone has a fast metabolism
Good genetics
low body fat
good oral posture throughout childhood and adolescence.
avoid salt even if u fell weak, drop to 8 % bf
Stop eating you fat disgrace
>tf i had a good jawline before falling for the bulking meme
now i'm going on the keto meme to get it back haha
mewing + chewing gum everyday
Propensity to be at a lower bf% is, but anyone can achieve it. Stop fucking eating, fatty.