is this the real life incarnation of the chad meme ?
is all what he's saying pure bullshit ?
Is this the real life incarnation of the chad meme ?
no, he is right on almost everything
sometimes he seems retarded in the way he words things out
Go shill your garbage somewhere else Elisha.
lmao what kind of a name for a guy is elisha
>that face
another mediocre faggot who started lifting and decided to jump on the entrepreneur, motivational, culture critic train
>dat face
This niggas named "Elisha"
7/10 face with a justed hairline
Bugez is probably the closest youtube fitness incarnation of the Chad meme. Plus he doesn't aknowledge cringey internet terms like söyboy unlike this fag
5/10 in europe
Face is alright except maybe for the hair line. Above top 20% face of Jow Forumscels.
This guy helped me for a lot of things and I love his talks. Listening to them in the car to work and feel better everytime.
I think that Igor is more of a Chad, despite being visibly atuistic
There’s so many of them now. How many make decent money?
Roiding for this
That's a Hebrew name
I know that all the "influencers" love to pretend like they are super successful, but most of them make almost nothing.
Remember, people like Blaha are self proclaimed successful entrepreneurs.
you guys mirin?