Why is r9k so obsessed with IQ?
There are probably aliens out there that make us look about as sentient and intelligent as an amoeba. You're like a bunch of ants squabbling over who's the most ingenious.
Why is r9k so obsessed with IQ?
There are probably aliens out there that make us look about as sentient and intelligent as an amoeba. You're like a bunch of ants squabbling over who's the most ingenious.
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because it's a numerical representation of your intelligence potential and autists love numbers
When everything else in your life has gone wrong, thinking you are smarter than most other people gives you a bit of solace
but also original.
>why are you obsessed with something that dictates your potential in life
Power level weebs. Need to be Born with a high power level to feel special
He said IQ not facial structure or height.
this and i don't even care
What does being obsessed with it accomplish?
I'm not obsessed with my ability to breathe in oxygen for example, and that's a thing that dictates anyones potential in life
well then by that logic everyone here has sub human level IQ as everyone here are sore losers
due to the limits of the speed of light we're unlikely to ever see or know of any other intelligent life, no matter how likely they are to exist due to the whole infinite probability monkey shakespeare typewriter thing
why should i care if there's some being out there exponentially more intelligent? i'll never see their works or talk to one, they might as well not exist. dumb people exist, and you have to be around them a lot.
Because IQ is literally a dictator of your potential.
Higher IQ people earn more. Your IQ determines the outcome of most things in your life, working hard is not enough at least not in this world.
Intelligence is an endlessly fascinating topic and it's a bit of a forbidden fruit in today's political climate which makes it more exciting. What makes an Einstein? Is human intelligence increasing or declining? What is intelligence? Why exactly did our brains double in size in such a short period of time? Will technological progress allow us to enhance our intelligence by tenfold or more through gene modification and embryo selection? What would society look like if that were to happen? What would those hyper-intelligent people create and discover? Are widely held beliefs about intelligence untrue?
A personal reason why I'm so interested in it is because I grew up with a gifted sibling and could never compete with them academically despite trying. They always insisted that it was just a matter of rote memorization and that anyone could equal their grades if they tried hard enough. I spent much of my life beating myself up over not doing as well as them, trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. We were reared in the same environment after all. I sincerely believed everyone was born with a more or less equal level of intelligence but some just worked harder or studied more efficiently. It turns out that isn't true and most of these differences are innate at birth.
the infinite probability monkey shakespeare typewriter thing is retarded it's the same reddit level scientists who say there's a universe where everything is happening
Now if the monkey was instead a supercomputer going through every permutation and possible combination of letters then sure it'd eventually write all of shakespeare in order because there's a preset that'd eventually lead to that outcome
Monkeys just wouldn't ever type such a huge combination. Because it can happen it doesn't mean it will. They'd just type retarded illegible shit for an eternity.
They were right with their insistence that it was memorization tho. That's 99% of academic success, working hard, studying notes, doing the homework, paying attention in class. It's not particularly linked to intelligence as much as it's linked to somebody's determination to succeed at something. Although obviously going below a certain number IQ would begin to hinder your academic success, you probably aren't anywhere near that number we're talking below 90 anyway. And I'm not saying IQ is significant because of that because 99% of people on r9k are well above 90 IQ, not that I even believe in the IQ tests out there anyway it's all too arbitrary and there's a lot more to intelligence than simply seeing patterns in shapes lmao.
>tfw double digit IQ and still more successful and get more pussy than the brainlet self proclaimed 120 IQs
it's funny that robots would probably bitch about standardized tests in school but IQ is hailed as some magic number of self-worth even though probably no robot has ever done an actual IQ test issued by MENSA or any other credible institution and just doing whatever shitty IQ test they first saw by Googling "IQ test"
Self-proclaimed says it all. People who brag about IQ are either dumb, or lying
Why does he have the boy lover symbol?
The important thing to add is that pattern recognition is a highly complex thing and that people who may be bad at recognizing patterns can excel at more abstract and complex patterns like language.
user, the monkey typewriter thing is a metaphor for how, as long as you put one truly random letter after the other you will, if you use infinite letters, eventually create literature.
The Library of Babel features the same, except more elegant.
I think "autists" on here just show less inhibition when judging people. Intelligence is an important trait, it's just not something normies will openly admit caring about. If you don't think it's important then consider the difference between an African country and a Western or East Asian country.
Just about everyone is obsessed with IQ if you noticed unfortunately
Calls Jow Forums a "car wreck," ,full of nonsense
>I've only ever gone there twice in my life lol
Probably browsed p1 of /b/ once. Mentions /sci/ being obsessed with IQ
>They keep saying "if your IQ is below 150 you'll never be a good scientist or mathematician.
Fucking falls for silliest of memes
Gobbles up bait. Spends no time lurking whatsoever and shits on this entire website (not any specific board).
Stopped watching at 5:40. This guy is a fucking faggot
Yes but these people also have social skills which 95% of the invalids on here do not. Money making starts with a handshake and you clammy meat stumps will impress no one.
Because it's important, it might be the most important trait you're born with
>just stop thinking my dudes consequences are for gays xDD yolo fuck everythang
>Why is r9k so obsessed with IQ?
Because, like other boards on this site, IQ is used as a proxy factor in order to attempt shit on/dismiss individuals from groups deemed 'inferior', as a way to avoid introspection as to why they aren't where they want to be in life.
found the nigger lmap
you perfectly proved his point. Very low IQ move right there
I know, right? Jow Forumsrats are so predictable.
>multiple choice test with pictures
>dictates potential in life
TURBO YIKES. I bet you're the kind of guy who takes personality tests too.
Lol. Even if IQ was more than a predictor with varying degrees of success, why would you want to know a value that objectively describes your potential? It takes then essence and mystery out of life, gives you some rails on which you constrain yourself.