If a guy can bench press 100kg/220lbs, how much can/should he lift on weighted dips (and vice versa)
Bench Press --- Weighted Dips
check symmetric strength for weight standards
depends on how much you weigh and how comfortable you are with dips
not exact relationship plus lower bodyweight favors dips, but both carryover to each other.
some people can't do dips without pain, many more would be able to bench reasonably ok
i avoid weighed dips because im scared of fucking up my shoulder too much. i love dips. favorite exercise but ill usually just do 3x15 and try to overload but doing Jeff style dips with funny contractions at the top and very slow eccentric portion.
dunno. prolly just get a weight belt soon anyway thouhg
I started training a few months ago, complete newbie. I weight 73 kgs now and I can do 5 reps of bench on 80 kgs, and I can do 5 reps of very deep weighted dips with 45 kg of extra weight. For reference.
Not sure what is causing the relatively strong dip. I lean forward to increase dependence on chest during the ascent. A failed rep usually occurs near the top, and I just barely fail to lock my elbows. I thought that near the top it is mostly the triceps working (?). On the contrary, I have extremely easy time locking out on bench once I get the bar far enough above my chest.
Why would you lie on the internet user?
Where is the lie?
>very deep weighted dips with 45 kg of extra weight
mate... learn form before you hurt your self
>total newbie
>5 reps of weighted dips (118kg)
>not dipping 2pl8s when you can't even bench that
anyone who actually lifts care to give their input?
Of course not all of my weight goes into the dip (arms), and of course during bench you need to press the weight up and make sure it doesn't fall on your face or dick, so some extra work goes into that.
>anyone who actually lifts care to give their input?
you fucking DYEL retard you're being laughed at because even if your weighed dip is legit despite having a faggots bench you're fucking up your shoulders going "very deep" on weighed dips. fucking retard.
>being this buttblasted over someone dipping more than you
lmaoing@ur life
>even if your weighted dip is legit
C'mon user
not him but when i could bench about 85kg i could do 40kg dips for 2 reps
Just curious, how are the rest of your lifts?
Everything else is as expected from 80 kg bench, about 110 kgs squat and 130 kg deadlift, 50 kg OHP. Also don't stress so much about this "very deep" thing, I won't hurt myself.
Why lie on the internet dude?
Get rings
If you look gym dip bars you can see that they are more narrow at the front and get wider towards the ends. With dips the closer your wrists are positioned to your waist the more tricep you are working, and the further apart the more chest. Also you never want to bring your elbows past your shoulders, because it will likely cause injury in the long term.
2pl8 bench = 2pl8 dip. Assuming you're not a fatty
T. Can only bench lmao1pl8 for 10 but can do 40kg added dips
maybe like 40% max. i have a 280 bench and can do 5 reps +100 on dips
Honestly this must be how FPS Doug felt like when they banned him for aim bot.
>a ching chong ding dong home decoration advice forum on which people claim to bench 2pl8 their first day do not believe a 73kg guy can dip >2pl8.
I bench 275 lbs for 5 but can dip with 90 lbs added for 10-12 reps or 110 lbs added for 5 reps at ~196lbs BW.
Are those maxes?
For me it's bench minus bodyweight equals dips weight. I can bench 275 but I weigh 175 and can one do one rep of 100lb dips
>FPS Doug
Youre old enough to know of him yet you claim noob status. Do you have any sports history before you started lifting? This makes it harder to believe your claims. But I must admit I recently started fucking around with weighted calisthenics and its easier than I imagined but 40+kg is certainly not beginner level.
Well I've been lifting for a few months, more precisely 8. I have played football (with ball not egg) and I have been doing push-ups before hitting the gym. Some full-retard stuff like 100 push ups a day.
didn't even realize. time passes fast when you are a boomer, lad. make sure you enjoy your 20s.
It's the pushups. They translate much better to dip than to bench. Did you do them with push up bars? Would explain the ease of going to depth
Nope but I did weighted push ups. Now I remember a few years back doing sets of 5 or perhaps more with a sports bag filled with water bottles on my back. Perhaps 15 kilograms, maybe more. Probably did that for a few months pretty consistently actually.
"carryover" is a noun; you mean "carry over".
40 kg
its not that uncommon. i was in a similar situation myself when i trained dips the most, also really deep weighted dips. i weigh 86 kg now, lifts are 60kg ohp, 90kg bench, 110kg squat all for 5 reps. i havent trained dips regularily lately due to sternum pain, but i did 40kg for 6 reps a few weeks back without too much effort
I can bench 100kg, dips max is 24kg
I can BP 120~kg x1 and dip with 60kg attached for three reps at 90kgs of bodyweight.
Don't know but my stats are fucked anyway.
I never broke 2pl8 bench but I was able to seated ohp 75kgx3 and Dip 35kg x5 at 90kg bw so there's that
Isn't a dip more like a decline bench?
no you cant you swinging half repping retard
Seems like 2pl8 might be a mental block for you rather than genuinely not being able to do it.