Forgive me Jow Forums I have started smoking again. I'm never going to make it.
Forgive me Jow Forums I have started smoking again. I'm never going to make it
loser retard
I was on track for 9 months clean.
I hope you quit again. Good luck user.
Smoking is good for definition tho
try smoking cock before a cig. if you do, you earned it
Damn. I didn't even think to try this
it doesn't matter if you fall 100 times, as long as you get back up 101 times
if you're cutting you should be smoking, fatty
Pray to Zyzz for strength, we’re all gonna make it brah
Quit again before it's too late
I saw a dad wheeling his son into the CT room at the lung ward in a hospital. The kid was bald and had an IV in him. He was after mine, and heard the nurse telling him not to be scared while he was crying because he was scared and didn’t want to go into the CT machine.
Now you look me in the eye and you tell me that kid wanted to have lung cancer and here you are willingly putting a stick of faggotry in your mouth. Here I am opening Jow Forums because it’s another restless night from coughing and I’m seething every time I see a smoking or weed thread. “Oh, it’ll never happen to me,” fucking cigheads think. Or “Psh, doctors always try to scare you.” Do you think I LIKE having 1 year to live? Do you think I like knowing there is a tumor growing inside me?
Don't listen to those faggots. Nicotine raises test.
fuck user, i hope you hang in there, how much you used to smoke and for how long?
That’s the thing, I never smoked.
i'm sorry user, i wish you the very best, im not religious or anything but i will keep you in my thoughts.
At least vape lol
Fuck you user. Your cancer has nothing to do with smoking. Do you even have a tumour?
Downgrade to either snus or dip, then to nicotine patches, then stop altogether
Yes it does have to do with smoking. I look into my own mortality while someone else willingly lights a cigarette. It makes me livid.
Yes and I’m getting another scan soon. My grandpa died of lung cancer, maybe we’re just lunglets lmao I still get pissed when I see people smoking because for them it’s a choice. I never chose this.
There's a lot of things people do that is not healthy for them. Lighten up tumourboy.
you'll be fine