Do farmer walks

Do farmer walks.

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I will



>do one of the most pointless exercises
>damage your knees and spine at the same time!
>No no no, user.
>Walk with it :)
>Huh? What?
>You know, like strongman!
>But I'm not a strongman!
>It's fun to pretend!
>WTF? If you think so....
>(Hmm.. he's not confinved, better make up an additional lie)
>Uh... It also adds muscle!!!!
>Really? How?
>Uh... hahahhaa it's like strongman!
>Well, if you say so!!! OKAY!!! Here we go!

I do 'em

Alternatively get a job doing manual labor like a real man and you'll develop forearms naturally :)

Rip your cartilage

Just started out lifting, why are deadlifts so bad and what would you recommend to replace them?

They are amazing. Just get your form right.

I was just baiting with that. They're unironically pretty great. Listen to

edit: wow my first gold! thanks kind stranger

Power bottoming 2 days a week.

You volunteering to top for me?

Sure but I am dyel as shit, where?

Not gonna larp your gay fantasy

Any more farmer's walk memes?

every day

pro tip - use only one weight


Not doing deadlifts was just a meme