What's it like dating a girl with actual autism?

What's it like dating a girl with actual autism?

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She cries a lot and is really good at programming, and makes tons of money.

how big is he girltinkler

I hope I never know. I don't consider autistics people. The ones that are Chris Chan tier and above, like the denizens of this board, are alright. But for example, the mindless pants shitters who simply repeat you when you ask them a question, but are incapable of actually answering and can barely comprehend reality beyond stuffing their faces with food and watching Sesame Street may be human, but they aren't people. Wish they were all euthanized. I saw too many of these retards in high school and couldn't help but be abhorred by their existence.

I am autistic and I have a boyfriend and he's always mad at me every single day.

what the fuck? you don't think retarded people are people?

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>you don't think retarded people are people?
Hell no, I don't.

aren't you afraid that god will be angry at you for thinking some of his people he made are subhuman just cuz of how they were born?

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holy hell you dumb. i can see why he's always mad

that's not nice, i am trying to understand you...

I dunno but I wanna find out. People say it's somehow terrible, but considering how my of my friends have been diagnosed with autism I think I'd get along with an autistic gf pretty well.

As long as she doesn't have obsessive compulsive tendencies that get in the way of our love it wouldn't be too bad.

like a dating a regular girl but more dead eyed stares and silent sex.

I wish I had an autistic gf so bad

>silent sex
I think that's better than

Like seriously, you can't be having that much pleasure. It's such a turn off to know that they are faking it.

That user isn't me, the original user you were replying to. But I agree with him anyway. You're as dumb as a box of rocks.

There's a middle ground, you know.

Hey thats my Pepe!

Based me.

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what did i do that's dumb? : (

Fk man that's wrong bruh

Yeah, but my last point still stands. I would rather fuck a deaf girl because the very sounds she's making is intuitive pleasure.

yeah i was on your side before this comment, die scum

>What's it like dating a girl with actual autism?
i want to know
any spergs here want to e-date?

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people just suck. take it from me, im a person, and im angry and bitter

pretty sure you wouldn't be able to date one if you could unless you were also disabled or had the blessing of her parents. if you're a "normal" person seeking a girl with autism you would be seen as a sexual predator, similar to a pedophile.

I feel the exact same way. After living in a town with a school filled with autistic retards, I can't see them as people anymore. I wish they'd all get stuck inside the school as it was burning down desu.

kill yourselves


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talking about jesus

well god actually....
some people just believe in god, it doesn't mean they are automatically dumber.

it kind of does, but it's highly relevant to what you say about it, how you say it, when you say it

There is no reason to try and understand him. He's a Jow Forums shill. Realistically he's a virgin and it will never change

>being against hardcore religion is now consider Jow Forums tier
retard incel

is she also wearing the socks?