At first glance those who have the strongest wills can endure the most suffering. But by the twisted morals of the "happy" society, those who fall out of line will be made to suffer, yet those who fall to far will be brought back only to endure more. Thus aren't those who break the cycle the ones most willing? There's one issue with this theory though. Considering that reincarnation is real and those who commit suicide are guaranteed to reincarnate in a lower plane of existence aka "limbo", the torture never really ends. So why would suicide prevention be so important to the if they know that the person isn't really escaping anywhere? One explanation would be that it's just a shallow attempt at reinforcing their moral high ground and further excluding non-conformists and the "mentally ill". But I don't really know if any of this is true. Just a guess. What do you think?
Is suicide a tool of the willing?
ay yo man I dunno, why don't you kill yaself to test?
>Considering that reincarnation is real
you got any source to back that up m8 why dont you do come back an tell us
I think a lot of the "happy people" of society don't actually care that much about us. Its more that our existence is uncomfortable to them because they know they are kind of at fault and they know deep down that they don't actually care but they pretend to anyway.
1. Stop being a pseudo-intellectual reddit fag.
2. If killing themselves is putting them in a lower state of purgatory, then how is stopping suicide making it worse? If anything, stopping someone from killing themselves would PREVENT them from going into limbo.
How do you think I know what limbo is? "Psychiatrists" know it too, but won't say it.
They sure do go out of their way to ruin us for someone who don't care.
1. Nothing remotely intellectual here. Just a simple question.
2. But they want to ensure more suffering. So saving people doesn't make sense. Unless they REALLY want to shove it in your face how superior they are.
They'd be saving someone who is in temporary, worldly pain from an afterlife of unearthly pain.
Better to suffer in the short term than the long term.
man, take your tranny pills and see your therapist.
>I know what limbo is? "Psychiatrists" know it too, but won't say it.
>hasnt actually khs but claims knowing what happens when you do
m8 ur retarded
That's another thing I've noticed, it seems like normies are more angry at us now than they were even like five years ago. I remember when I was in high school lots of adults were all about teaching kids to be more accepting towards "the weird kids." Now it seems like its back in style to bully them. I guess its because of how many "social outcasts" have been in the news lately.
In the end they like to prevent suicide because many types of people are desperate and on edge.While this extends even to the highest social classes ultimately its people on the lower end of the spectrum that suffer the most and are the most vulnerable. The problem is in any given civilization throughout time if too many of these people decide to make their exit via suicide then all of a sudden the rich and powerful are lacking in tools that could of been used for hard labor or tossed into the military meat grinder for spoils of war and glory. Likewise these people are also desperate so they may be easy to sway into religion giving the powerful religious folks dominion over their thralls who will give them money or even fight and die for them if the need arises. If some of these people exit the system its of little concern, but its a huge problem for the powers that be if they start dying off in too high of numbers.
In the modern era we are particularly prized because we are harvested due to our healthcare needs. So rather than getting work out of us they get tons of our money spent on expensive drugs and psychiatry. Even the people who are poor and have little money of their own and get their healthcare from medicaid are valued because while the state may pay for that healthcare ultimately the rich and powerful pay a way smaller tax percentage so its mostly the other middle class drones paying for most of it while they reap all the sweet money from Goldberg pharmaceuticals.
Suicide is also essentially a negative review on life and society with the person opting to end it all rather than continue on in this shit show. This makes people feel uncomfortable because ultimately all they want to hear is that everything is fine and dandy, but when people start offing themselves more and more its hard to convince themselves of that and the powers that be manipulate these feelings for their own favor.
We are not people, we are cattle
I live in a limbo. Connect the dots, friend.
Right. Yet at the same time there's more and more talk about "mental health". Obviously the goal here is to get all the outcasts into one big "loony house" hahaha.
Thanks for an actual concise answer, user. Seems like being an outcast yourself you do understand it better than most, myself included. Still, I believe there's an element of pure, primitive masochism at play. Just torture for the sake of it. My life seems like it's just that. Like there's not much point in the things they do to me, just pure suffering for suffering's sake. Maybe that's just another tool of intimidation. I don't know.
>Suicide is also essentially a negative review on life and society with the person opting to end it all rather than continue on in this shit show. This makes people feel uncomfortable because ultimately all they want to hear is that everything is fine and dandy, but when people start offing themselves more and more its hard to convince themselves of that and the powers that be manipulate these feelings for their own favor.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Suicide makes them uncomfortable because it basically shows society that they failed. Normies want to act like society is setup not quite perfectly but mostly perfectly and that it can't really be setup better but people killing themselves, especially in large numbers is an indication of a deep failure on their parts to actually make everybody happy. At which point, they would have to reflect on why and they don't want to do that so instead they talk to depressed people about self-improvement nonsense.
OP this is not the first time you asked this, my answer is still the same. I believe the "moral code" the happy ones were given to digest regarding suicide (given by TPTB) has the only goal ok keeping you alive because they expect you to contribute back to society after having invested in you. By "moral code" I'm referring to the idea that suicide is always, ALWAYS bad and people should've talked out of it. Nothing, absolutely nothing is free. They expect you to consume and produce, nothing else, and oh boy isn't a "broken" man "selflessly" saved by the happy ones the perfect producer? After all he would permanently be in "debt" to this society, don't you agree?
An easier way of looking at this is your friendly local banker begging you to stay alive..... because you owe a 1M to his bank, he will absolutely sugarcoat the fuck out of things, no extreme is too extreme for him.
And you know what's worse? Any person or community succesfully thriving off the grid will be attacked, for the same reasons. There is no escape.
Five or ten years ago it seemed like there was more an attitude that the bullies were at fault and that normal kids needed to be taught to accept the weird kids. Now I'm seeing people treating the outcasts almost as badly as they did in the 70s, 80s, and 90s with a twist though. Back then they were bullied for being weird, but now we're being bullied because people are trying to push the idea that we are threatening.
>We are not people, we are cattle
*nigger cattle
You know what I mean. Based user
>And you know what's worse? Any person or community succesfully thriving off the grid will be attacked, for the same reasons. There is no escape.
Kind of reminds me of the backlash against MGTOW. For some reason the idea of men giving up on women and opting out of dating really pisses normies off.
Also a very good point. I just can't accept already being born in debt. Makes it so much worse.
I feel I must add that by forcing you to take out an unpayble loan, one that as cruel an absurd as it is is impossible to get out because it's YOUR conscience the one dictating you must pay it back at all cost they ensure the "life virus" keeps spreading like crazy. These are the ones who will attack you for being how you are, for not getting in line, only to pray goodwill messages later in an effort to keep you alive and feel they're paying back their debts. Ever notice how suicide "survivors" or ex suicidal people are the most fervient enforcers of the get-the-fuck-in-line code?
Yeah, it's because anyone who realizes the game is rigged and wisely decides to quit is ridiculed to death. It's because it screws up the dynamics of all life games, of whose TPTB learned to take advantage of and are ultimately the only ones who benefit from it. Personally the living off the grid thing is the most alarming evidence I found out of my life purpose (by them, or the one they thought of giving me) being nigger cattle. The rest are just excuses made up by them, "find yourself", "be happy", "live for your passions (don't you dare trying to stir shit up tho)", say you want to go off the grid and see their change in reaction.
>there's more and more talk about "mental health"
I'm alarmed by this too, it's all about absolute control over your mind. TPTB hunger for power knows no limit, funny that all these psyops and propaganda are coming into play now that religions have moreless become irrelevant because everyone but the most fervient adherents just kind of come up with their own mash up of values and codes.
>that we are threatening.
While attacking us and having deliciously gov friendly laws ready to be passed. Ready to lock you up and inspect all your records. Isn't it funny? Thesis-Antithesis-Syntheis now at your doorstep.
>At first glance those who have the strongest wills can endure the most suffering. But by the twisted morals of the "happy" society, those who fall out of line will be made to suffer, yet those who fall to far will be brought back only to endure more. Thus aren't those who break the cycle the ones most willing? There's one issue with this theory though. Considering that reincarnation is real and those who commit suicide are guaranteed to reincarnate in a lower plane of existence aka "limbo", the torture never really ends. So why would suicide prevention be so important to the if they know that the person isn't really escaping anywhere? One explanation would be that it's just a shallow attempt at reinforcing their moral high ground and further excluding non-conformists and the "mentally ill". But I don't really know if any of this is true. Just a guess. What do you think?
>"Psychiatrists" know it too, but won't say it.
What do you mean oregano? PTSD?
The whole psychiatric discipline is clearly built around the idea that a person can be tortured through multiple incarnations. That's why they use various methods to prolong your suffering as much as possible. For example, my own meds are supposed to start "working" only after a few weeks, yet they make me feel terrible already. They make it as grueling and torturous as they can.
i enjoy watching you suffer lol
Of course you do. All "happy" people do. But they also have a "moral" image to maintain. The anonimity of this site gives you a rare opportunity to openly express your evil.
>Of course you do. All "happy" people do.
whats a "happy" person?
>The anonimity of this site gives you a rare opportunity to openly express your evil.
everyone is evil retard
>whats a "happy" person?
The manipulative bastards that create and run society. The majority.
>everyone is evil retard
Just because the majority is manipulative and controlling there's no need to normalize that behavior.
>The manipulative bastards that create and run society. The majority.
I didnt create nor do I run society but I still get pleasure from your pain
>Just because the majority is manipulative and controlling there's no need to normalize that behavior.
being manipulative and controlling is human nature, eveyone is like that including you
>I didnt create nor do I run society but I still get pleasure from your pain
Yes you do. You're a part of this mechanism. You may not seem all that relevant on your own, but as long as you're involved, you do create and run it.
>being manipulative and controlling is human nature, eveyone is like that including you
Yes it is, but I was born defective in that aspect, so I get targeted as prey by them. Everyone I meet in real life tries to control my mind.
>Yes you do. You're a part of this mechanism. You may not seem all that relevant on your own, but as long as you're involved, you do create and run it.
Im a hikki NEET, I dont participate in this society at all
>Yes it is, but I was born defective in that aspect, so I get targeted as prey by them. Everyone I meet in real life tries to control my mind.
You suck at manipulating people but if you had the ability to manipulate people youd do it because like everyone else you are an evil person who only cares about himself
>The whole psychiatric discipline is clearly built around the idea that a person can be tortured through multiple incarnations
I still don't follow, care to explain in detail what you mean?
>That's why they use various methods to prolong your suffering as much as possible.
This is probably true but I'd argue it's for the purpose of keeping you hooked on meds.
>Im a hikki NEET, I dont participate in this society at all
Then why are you defending them so much? You know they want you to suffer too?
>You suck at manipulating people but if you had the ability to manipulate people youd do it because like everyone else you are an evil person who only cares about himself
Perhaps if I didn't know what being manipulated so much, I would. It's a pointless what-if. What if Hitler was Jewish? Who cares?
>I still don't follow, care to explain in detail what you mean?
"Psychiatry" is basically the discipline that aims to manipulate, control and prolong the suffering of non-conformists, people with character traits deemed useless for maintaining society.
>This is probably true but I'd argue it's for the purpose of keeping you hooked on meds.
That too.