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I don't run

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buy running shoes and get more sun exposure

I envy you. I have to run for work and it's killing me

I have running shoes but they might be worn out. I'll have to look into this

Maybe your form is bad

>pretty Jow Forums now
>tried running on the treadmill last week just to see what it was like
>holy fuck my shins

what am I doing wrong? why would just plain running hurt so much?
I wasn't even tired, I only ran for about 2 minutes before the pain started, and continued for 20 just to see if it would get better

I don't see how, I've been running for years and never had this problem until recently

Start running with 0 drop running shoes.
stop heal striking
run on trails first
and run to a specific (constant) beat

Can't you bike to work instead?

hey kid, mine's the blue bmw with the moonroof *flips*
BE CAREFUL IT'S A STICKSHIF... fuck, whatever, I'll just buy a new one next year anyway
>grins at mimi

>*tips with my business card*

I'm in the Army we run 5miles every monday and do a 5mile ruck on wednesday and sprints on fridays. Basically my legs are fucked with these shin splints

That's your problem desu

Shorten your stride, make sure when your foot lands it is directly under you.
make sure you land on the ball of your foot and flatten out from there.

It's gay that we run so fucking much, no one will ever have to run 5 fucking miles in a warzone


You serious bro? Couldn't I just use icyhot?

Yeah. You didn't realize army would destroy your legs before joining?

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possibly, but there is just something about jumping in 45-50 degree water for 15-20 min.

skip a week of dep activities

I did but to tell you the truth I underestimated it. I was able to make it just fine for about 3 years but now I feel like the bus ran my ass over

I don't have a bathtub in my barracks. We only get showers but I could probably try sitting in it covered in ice

Not going to happen unless I get a profile and I ain't no bitch

>get new shoes
>manage your workload
>do the shin splint walk

did 4 years of track in high school and people go them all the time

Push through it. It eventually becomes better

I will try this, thanks bro
This is what I was thinking but I was hoping that there would be a quick fix for this

>I was able to make it just fine for about 3 years but now I feel like the bus ran my ass over
Yeah 3 years of constant abuse will catch up to you sooner or later

It blows my mind that people do this for 20 years. I'm just going to finish this contract and be out

Your obviously not Jow Forums if two minutes of running is enough for your body to break down.

STFU and make my omelette faster pog

Not in Iraq or some other counter insurgency area where you sit in a FOB
But in an actual war where you are constantly moving with the forward line of troops and setting up patrol bases every night, you will.

I'm an 11B you pogass tanker/cav pretending to be infantry

I really don't think this happens anymore unless you're SF of in ranger bat

You legit have to be mentally ill to want to stay in as enlisted for 20 years.

>This is what I was thinking but I was hoping that there would be a quick fix for this
be careful if you push too hard through them you can get stress fractures which are even worse

That's why the sergeant majors parking at the commissary is where the handicapped spot should be

Foam roll your shins brahs

Why do you want me to feel that pain? I wouldn't wish that on anyone

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God you cooks are so fucking useless no wonder my breakfast takes forever all you fags do is LARP in the back of the chow hall

hol up hol up

Check out my poghat. See that blue cord?

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I hope you washed your hands after touching your friends hat jsut for the photo op Jamal. Forget the omelette at this point can I just have some bacon?

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Dude, you really are a scout aren't you?

Also please don't shit on the cooks or mechanics, they really do work their asses off. I actually do respect them and the work they do. The DFAC is always on point and our Strykers are always getting the work they need. I love our pog brothers

Walk on your heels at home or do reverse calf raises.

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replace your runnning shoes once every couple months to a year if you run regularly to the point where the sole and inner heel are worn down. Also don't only run try and swim if you can

Shift weight on to a different part of the feet when running, also rest, take it.