Why does the fashion industry keep pushing girls to be anorexic when clearly, most men prefer thiccer ladies...

Why does the fashion industry keep pushing girls to be anorexic when clearly, most men prefer thiccer ladies? Any femanon have inputs on this as well?

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The fashion industry is full of homosexuals and pedophiles who prefer boy-like bodies.

>another chubby chaser thread

>most men prefer fat women
Only niggers and spics.

I'm a femanon looking to achieve sticcmode. I want to be emaciated. I want visible bones. I want my parents to worry about me. I want to scare people. It will give me a sense of control in a world full of chaos and empower me.

the fashion industry just panders to what people want and is completely sales driven
its not pushing people to be thin, your criticism is about 30 years outdated. nowadays if you go to a mall you will see obese mannequins.

Because fashion wants attractive people. Attractive people are of healthy breeding weight, not overweight fatties who can't get pregnant due to all the subcutaneous fat choking all their organs, which would also choke the baby.

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Mm yes I want more body positive women like this

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Is this supposed to be an example of an anorexic model?

>that model is anorexic
>healthy and well shaped bodies are the same as obese


I don't know, is that skinny or fat?

Fashion ads all over the London tube are for pretty little thing/missguided etc. And they have overly photoshopped instagram tier thicc thots on all their ads

Don't get me started on fashion nova

But user, women need to be fat to have kids.

Your webm is what a normal human female should look like

She looks great, not everyone is a fat fetishist

I love sticcs! Gotta protect the sticcs!

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look at the brain damage

I posted this fifteen times before and I'll post it again. If you are more attracted to the sticc in OP than to the girls in pic related then you have Buzzfeed levels of testosterone.

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clothes look better on skinny people


Post bodies, I know you won’t ugly ass niggers

Cope more, chubby chaser

Post body so we can see how ””””””””””high test”””””””””””” you are LOL

>most men prefer thiccer ladies
lmao no we dont.
thats like saying why does the fashion industry push ottermode guys when girls prefer the dad bod.

yes so high T xD
She's obviously not fat, but she's still ugly because of the man face.

OP here, no I'm not saying she's anorrexic. I'm juist saying webm related is what I consider healthy, you don't need a science degree to tell.

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Your webm isn't underweight, that's about what a healthy woman weights.
The issue is that obesity has been normalised.

>clothes look better on skinny peop-

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Because the fashion industry is run by women and gay guys. A female mind lacks nuance. They cannot reason. All they think is "skinny is beautiful, so more skinny must be more beautiful". It kinda works the same way with make up. Just look at how many women have amounts of make up on their faces that makes them look like a clown, yet they themselves think it actually looks good. Im not quite sure why exactly it is, but there seem to be a lot of women who lack any type of nuance. Its as if they were not really meant to think for themselves.


In the MRI? Agreed.

>le high test chubby chaser meme
Oh man.

>why are models anorexic?
>no the webm I posted is not what I'm taking about

betas trolling on fit
if chad fucks the fatties it doesnt leave you the hottie it just leaves incels in its wake

Lose weight.


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The fashion industry uses thinner models to display and highlight the artistry and craftsmanship of the clothing. The viewer is supposed to focus on the fashion, at least in haute couture. It's more performance art than "modeling". But the trends of slim models trickles down into "ordinary"/no-luxury fashion (like Victoria's Secret) as the market tries to emulate the 'fashion greats' of the designer world

Why do you suddenly bring up health? Yes, that dancer is probably healthy but I still prefer the girl from the OP.

visit /fa and thats to true.

Whew lassie sounds like an eating disorder. But honestly, I [spoiler] totally agree with you [/spoiler]

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because fashion is about showing off the clothes not the body and it's better if models look like a walking hanger so shit is more fitting.

> Look ma, a social recluse!

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Non meme answer: in runway/high fashion clothes are made to a specific sample size and models have to look good in the clothes that are made. skinny womens measurements are within a few inches of each other in general so they're easier to make clothes that look good on reliably. fatter women have vastly differing bodies and arent reliably able to fit and model clothes as well as skinny models are unless the clothing is specifically tailored for that individual woman. This is why fatties bitch that nothing fits them, it's not the clothes fault it's the fact that different fatties might have a shelf ass with no boobs, a giant fupa or less fupa but huge tits, etc which means it's nearly impossible to make plus clothes that fit every fatass unless you just make stretchy shapeless bedsheets

Uh I prefer sticc so you are a faggot, I'm glad you like fat farting asses because there are plenty of fat, stupid and poor women in this country who can supply your need

what are you retards talking about, the last 10 years the fashion industry has been pushing plus sized shit HARD

>Live in fatville as poor person
>Think overweight women are normal
>Have no ability to attract normal and thin women
>Play massive cope game to pretend fat women are attractive
>Pretend thin women are anorexic

is correct-- homos and other women created the fashion industry but the sticc standard seemed to be the norm in 19th century to early 20th century West. It's also evolutionarily advantageous since overpopulation doesn't require most women to procreate, so this argument is irrelevant today. If the argument against the sticc is procreation, the counter is that there are numerous ways to have a child that doesn't require actually bearing the child.
There's no valid excuse for the thicc figure and its growing popularity is basically a symptom of cultural fetish. Guys want to fuck fatties because it's a sexual kink, not because they want hamplets to carry their sperm, bear their child and prolong their biological legacy. Anorexia is very real and not ideal, but the model in OP's pic related is far from being an example of it. She just doesn't have an ass/tits. So basically the meh-version of thin.
The tastes of men are as varied as the men themselves. Women, no matter their shape, will always have a guy drooling after her. That's female privilege-- the downside (in a female's perspective) is that this attraction usually only physical. Male privilege is similar in that a guy, manlet, chad or beta, can get any woman by just having a "personality". Make her laugh, make her feel interesting, and I guarantee a woman will fall for you within the hour. The downside is women get crazy when emotional and have little to offer in a relationship except as a cum dumpster and a trophy gf when bar hopping. This problem roots from the fact that schools and mothers no longer teach girls how to do basic housework and cooking, which are very necessary and important skills to have. But feminism has brainwashed the everyday roastie and reduced her to the joys of being a whore who doesn't get paid.

tl;dr-- today's woman is a walking tragedy and OP is a wannabe architect

The upper echelons of fashion still adamantly use very thin models to display the clothing and designers vision. Haute couture/high luxury does NOT cater to the public and thus is insulated from the ""body positive"" movement. The lower levels of fashion (aka what most people can afford/what is sold in retail) is a customer facing front and thus has given into societal pressures to feature fewer "traditional" models

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ITT: fatty’s doing mental gymnastics

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Every girl looks at least decent without extra fat, but extremely few look at least ok with extra fat. Genetics of fat distribution is the key

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What's the purpose for your pic related to exist? When I see them, I only see two giant burdens on our society.

This is just what girls look like without makeup.

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She's hideous.

The fashion industry is not for men.

My type of girl. These “thicc” girls are just fatties

She looks much better than average, if you were to take make up away from all women.

All women are hideous without makeup, that girl is actually Qt

lol you know the girl in your video is wearing tons of makeup right

>He sees more women on television than women in real life

>t. Doesn’t know what a modeling test shoot is

ok, you know the woman in the video is wearing a huge amount of makeup right?

Yeah, people are always more attractive when they gain weight.

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This is the only correct answer: There is a whole website about this problem: http.//femininebeauty.info

fuck off, fat fetishist

They are literally not allowed to wear makeup or have their hair done because the purpose of the test shoot is for companies to see what you look like naturally.
t.portfolio guy for a company

Government mandated fitness programs when?

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is there any bigger COPE than acting as if fat women are hotter because you could never land an actual fit girl?

how much pussy you getting?

That doesn't mean everyone likes fatties. It just explains things like the manjaws and builds that a lot of models have.

Well the girl in the webm you started the thread with isn't really that much thinner than the girl in this webm.

Gib qt

It's because men don't buy women's clothes (well, most men do not), it's women who are buying, so women are the ones the advertising is directed at

Does such brain damage tell anything about the current state of American politics?

The COPE is unreal jfc. This girl is gorgeous

Americans have such a warped view of health. Makes sense when literally 3/4 or your country is overweight I guess, but this girl is perfectly healthy.

Based. Your pic is peak female. Look at those milkies

Zero. I pity these girls more than anything. Many have unrealistic expectations. Most ends up washing out and doing minimum wage jobs.

lol alright then, i'll let you "high-test" lads have the fat ones and i will take the cuties

>the inferior majority of men (gym-goers and other degenerates) prefer heavier women

because clothes look better on skinny women. The fashion industry's biggest consumers are women, not men. They want to appeal to women, and skinny bodies distract less from the clothes on camera, and tallish women help the clothes pop out more.
It's all about manipulating the visuals. They aren't directly selling sex. They're selling clothes, and the entire idea is to make the clothes look good, not the woman inside of them.

she looks hot and is distracts from the clothes she's wearing. that's why they don't women with obvious sexual features. it distracts.

The fashion industry isn't about women, it's about selling clothes to women. Most clothes, depending on product/target demographics, look better on skinny women. They're practically walking coat hangars.
That being said I like skinny girls and I like thicc girls. Obese women can go off to fat camp though

Going gay because you can't get women at all

I prefer skinny, petite women. My last two exes were 5'6" and 5'3" and both 115lbs. Perfect.

Because the models and women do not matter. The clothes do, the women are literally supposed to be moving clothing racks with a pretty face. They're showing off a product

Girl in the op is in a healthy bf% for a female, wtf are you talking about fatties?

thicc isnt about body fat but about structure, think girls who get fat often are still hippletss.

Bro holy shit that was my train and stop hahaha u fuckin creep leave the jersey girls alone

Because the clothing used in modeling is designed for the ideal male and female form. Well proportioned slim people are infinitely more ideal than fat stocky people no matter how much you want to cope.

>Americans consider this anorexic

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elbows too pointy 2/10 would not sniff

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This is her with makeup.
Is wearing makup lying?

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The fashion industry is by women for women and womens reaction to the existential frustration that causes bodybuilding and strength training in men is to starve themselves.

Women also hate eachother. An actually attractive woman will annoy the customers and they will feel to negatively to appreciate the product. Their jealousy is unbelievable. An attractive healthy weight woman is better than the reader and they can't stand that. An underweight skelly. Well the reader is convinced she would be more attractive if she just didn't eat like this tryhard rake.

I resent the fact that during the late 90s and 2000s boys and men were being blamed for the rise of eating disorders in teen girls.
As soon as they found out it was gays in charge of the fashion industry and girls just being bitches towards one another; they just dropped it. They never even apologized.
Men didn't even get anything out of this. Women are more fat now than ever.

Because the model is supposed to be a walking hanger for the clothes. They are selling the clothes, not the models. Big boobs and big butt can distract people from the clothes.
Also in general clothes looks better in skinny, unless you selling underwear or swimsuits and thats why they use glamour models (models with high bf, silicon, big breats, butt) instead of walking hangers in this case.

When was the last time speedo cast marjan jonkman to walk swimsuits?

You may not like it but this body is peak sexual performance.

>Any femanon have inputs on this as well?
w*man detected


>if chad fucks the fatties


Let me guess, you're amerimutt?