My dog passed away this morning bros. throwing in extra curls in honour of them hope you guys pr today
My dog passed away this morning bros. throwing in extra curls in honour of them hope you guys pr today
Today's lifting session will be dedicated to your dog user. RIP fluffball
Wtf man delete this
rip doggo :(
tomorrow in my session i'm gonna hit a new pr for you
Stop user. This is too sad. I'll be doing legs tonight in your puppers honor
Get a new dog asap. The longer you leave it the more it'll hurt.
I'm so sorry for your loss user, today I will lift extra for your pupper
also pic related is my cat if it makes you less sad
you can't replace a loving one like he's a pair of worn out shoes you gigantic faggot
I'll lift longer and harder in honor of your dog, user.
Thanks anons old lad can rest easy knowing gains were made in their honour
Are you planning to get a new pup now since your old buddy is gone?
Females detected.
>just get a new 1 omg lol?
sorry for your loss bro, gonna row my ass off for your doggo
This, men connect with dogs differently
>not eating it for them extra protons
Sorry mate, a year since I lost my best friend too
Sorry for your loss OP.
Both my doggo and I are sorry for your loss.
Ill pr today for you guys!
Gonna do 10km for him OP.
Godspeed doggo.
I'm sorry for your loss user.
user, I...
>Replacing pets
doing triceps today, I hope that's fine as well
pkay you be a mopy bitch for months life your dog woulda wanted
>bros it's been months I dunno how I can lift without dogbro anymore lol
then go create some shitty motivation thread.
Today's push sesh dedicated to OP's pupper
Lifting for him/her tonight, user.
He's in heaven taking scoops with Rich now.
Rest In Peace
My workout today will be dedicated to your dog and all dogs.
Sorry for your loss user. How do you bros deal with your pupper dying? Just thinking about it makes me uneasy. Mines loves to sleep on my back
What was your doggos name OP so I can scream it during my workout today
I haven't been going to the gym for the past few months because of my new job but I'll go right now for your boy
And if it's the start of an unbroken streak come a few months' time I'll never forget where it started
My cat has been gone for 8 months, I miss him so much. 11 years...
Is that a old picture of your dog sleeping or a picture of your dog actually dead? Please tell me the latter is false
Today is leg day, and it’s going to be in honor of your lost dog. Prayers are with you, user.
Im sorry for your loss user. Todays push day will be hit extra hard in honor of your pup. Hope you're doing well.
An old pic of them resting
Sorry for your loss, user. Have a good workout
I dedicate my newest deadlift pr in honour of your doggo.
Turbo thot detected.
Sadness is perfectly ok sometimes, and in this case good. It actually feels like you're alive to have strong feelings about something like the loss of a pet. In a way it's showing that you really did care and connect together. You can be happy that you cared and then you can feel the catharsis that you cried out your tears for something genuinely important to you.
Now go away robot, go rub your meat flaps on a football or whatever.
Today is leg day. Gonna try a squat PR in honor of your cat, user
I am imbued with the boundless energy of man's best friend. See you space cowboy
Already worked out today..
But I'm gonna hit the gym a second time after work for the doggo RIP
What was his favorite muscle group to work out?, that's what I'm hitting tonight
Sorry to hear that - my best friend lost his dog last Christmas season and it was rough - will lift for your dog today
I made one of these threads when my cat died in January and it actually made me feel much better.
Gains will be had in remembrance of our fallen buddys
RIP doggo
sleep tight, pupper
they'll be better off in heaven bro, we could only do so much for them down here. will do honorary lifts for him/her today.
its interesting how metaphysical all this is. hes a doggo and had more impact than some humans. this. i promise i will do a pr tomorrow for mr doggo. may he sleep well and get back into the all nothing and all.
Rip dog
RIP perro :(
I'm sorry user. Gainz will be made in your companions honor. If you have any great tales to tell of your companion, let's hear them
an endless meadow full of wildflowers
Fug user rip puppers rest ez
Sorry to hear that OP
Throwing in extra sets of bench for the pupper
Rest in Peace Doggo.
Always remember the good times...
Will give in an extra cardio for your doggo .
Sorry to hear friend... Hope that you are alright.
I've have had friends and family dying around me since young age, parent took own life too - but the most soul crushing thing is seeing my 14 yr old pupper slowly growing older, fur getting whiter, and needing medication to have a good life. I know deep down that when he has to go, it will be the most heartbreaking experience of my life...
Will do a PR next session dedicated to your woofer
RIP Dogus. Gonna go hug my dog now
Sleep tight, pupper.
RIP in peace pupper. I had to work today. But tomorrow imma hit an over head press pr in his honor.
First of all, may g-d bless you dog.
Second, I hope you’re ok.
I love you bro
Imagine caring so much about what could be a delicious stir-fry
Doing extra reps for doggo today RIP in peace
The thought of mine dying has been on my mind lately, going to make sure to cherish the time I have with them, RIP based dog
RIP fluffers. I'll run an extra km for him tonight.
not even from this board just saw this on the home page, rip doggo, it'll be alright op hang in there
too soon chang, too soon :(
You are a strong person, user. I wish the best for you.
Chest because of constant push up position
sleep tight, pupper
sleep tight, pupper
I'm sorry for your loss user
Godspeed, user
OP here. My dog actually propelled me to get in shape, I had gotten her when I was 10 and I was a really chubby kid and being a sled dog I would get pulled by her all the time and be extremely out of breath trying to take her for walks but consistently over the years of walking her it made me realize that I wanted to be healthy and be able to do things like take my dog on long walks or run around in the yard with her, the impression stayed, another 10 years later and Ive gone too far now and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon at the gym in honour of my doggo
Here's another pic
What a beautiful dogger. Be strong user, our thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
this image thumbnail looks like a black spectral wolf like with particle effects
I'm not gonna say cope shit like your dog is on the rainbow bridge etc
I'm glad he managed to bring you happiness and companionship in his short life. I'm pretty sure you made it feel happiness as well
>My dog passed away this morning bros. throwing in extra curls in honour of them hope you guys pr today
Sorry for your lost, dogbro.
Mine passed away 4 months ago, 15 long years.
Keep the photos and pray for him. One day, we all meet each other again.
Sorry for your loss user
Todays lifts will be in memorian of your doggo
> RIP in peace
A precious creature. I’m sure it lived a wonderful life and loved you very much.
I’ll do an extra set on all my lifts tonight for this dogbro
>How do you bros deal with your pupper dying?
realizing its just an animal and the only reason i loved it was because it acted as a surrogate for a child and gave me emotional support that i shouldnt have needed anyway.
Tomorrow is upper power day, gonna do some heavy OHP sets for your doggo
Unironically slit your wrists.
I'm sorry for your loss user. Will try think of the Good boy next time I train.