95% of women literally never exercise beyond occasional jogs, walks or sex

>95% of women literally never exercise beyond occasional jogs, walks or sex
Is anyone else not disturbed by this? Why is it ok for women to be skinnyfat/skeletal husks?
>inb4 have sex
I have, many times. And I doubt any of them went to the gym

Attached: chigga.jpg (1080x1207, 98K)

% of men
literally never exercise beyond occasional jogs, walks or sex

The issue with that is the average man can lift at least some heavy weights and can do a few pull ups (disregarding the obese or extremely weak). Most women however can't even do one

Literally irrelevant. No one expects or even wants women to be strong, it's not in their DNA and has never been part of their biological imperative. They just have to be healthy.
Men, however, should be at least strong enough to do a decent amount of bodyweight exercises.

The average man cannot do any of those things. Go outside

women are the gatekeepers of sex, the only reason they exercise is for social status and if want to improve the quality of man they get, which most don't need to bother doing

Who said it was ok? Up your standards bro.

95% of men don't do any exercise either if you've looked outside lately.

I'm a recovering fatty who doesn't lift and I can do 5 chin-ups and about 3 pull-ups at 200 pounds, I doubt the average man cannot even do one.

Because strenuous exercise is literally dangerous for women you gymcel, they should be concerned with their diet and taking their young children outside
based and redpilled

Because a skinnyfat woman looks hot and a skinnyfat guy looks disgusting

Because men have lower attraction thresholds for women.They don't have to exercise because they get equal if not better results from being skinny that men get from being muscular.

skinnyfat is literally the worst body type for a man, and conversely literally the best body type for a woman.

It's yin and yang. The ideal male is chiseled, rough and hard so the ideal female are the exact opposite. If you think getting muscular is hard, go to a doc and get checked if you're gay

I just want my gf to be active generally speaking, but I also want her to be [almost] chubby, for the thiccness. She has amazing hips so it'd all go to her ass and thighs, basically.

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>not wanting a girl with slightly visible abs
I bet you think eating ass is 100% heterosexual too

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Hahahaha no
Both looks inferior, it's just your orbiter's mind idealize skinnyfat or thicc wamen because deep down it realizes you don't stand a single chance with 8/10 and higher.

Flab is never attractive, barring fetishists.

Like women try during sex

>Inb4 Patrick starfish position

that's pretty good, but do you do them properly or just half the ROM?

it is what it is

you can't change 10,000 years of tuned selection behavior.

pretty much this

MFW most 3/10 slags can get laid within 24 hours if they feel like it.

MFW usually its with 10% of the male population

True 3/10 wouldn't be good enough to fuck Chad.
So you're left with either a femcel or a woman who fucks betas.

how can you say pic related is not attractive?

Attached: slightly_fat.jpg (299x168, 8K)

>They just have to be healthy.
and yet...

Attached: 1560569477808.png (292x302, 136K)

Testosterone and the Y chromosome is a hell of a thing, user. My girlfriend takes lifting way more seriously than I do and I could still out perform her in nearly everything.


This woman is 110% slow twitch muscle fiber and I don't think I could ever outlast her unless I devoted 100% of my gym time to stamina training.

>95% of men don't use make-up, fake tan, facial masks
Is anyone disturbed by this ? Why is it ok for men to walk around with blemishes and no cosmetics to improve their appearance ?