I'm bored. Wanna talk ?
I'm bored. Wanna talk ?
yeah sure user, what do you want to talk about?
My big white cock user.
How is your life ?
Yes I want to talk nobody is talking with me today
>user, why don't you go outside, live a little
I am living. I know it's hard to believe, but I actually love staying inside and I don't need you to tell me to go out.
>you should find someone special for you
Nah, take a look around you, do you see anyone happily married? I can name at least 5 co-workers who hate going home to their families. Whatever happens in the beginning of a relationship won't last or matter towards the end of it. Just because I do shit differently than you doesn't mean I'm wrong.
>why don't you like travelling? I just can't believe you don't want to do anything like that
Well, you better fucking believe it. I fucking live my life the way I want to. You don't see me trying to tell you how to live.
>aren't you going to regret the paths you didn't take
Are you regretting them right now, old man?
Although, these questions can be really stupid. You really seem to have people who actually care for you.
I'll talk to you if you want. What would you like to talk about ?
I want to talk, Lain-user, about the nature of emptiness
How are you feeling? Are you doing okay?
I will try to be as helpful as i can
I'm not doing good or bad. I'm just bored and thoughtless. How do you feel ?
The same, I guess. I burned out on creative energy, and my hands refuse to pick up a pen anymore. Nothing especially bad, though.
As my life continues, I can't help but feel like I'm not really working towards anything of importance. It's not likely that I'll ever have (or want to have) children, so unless I do something important I don't think I'll leave anything for future generations.
I feel like a Sisyphus whose rock will someday roll all the way back down the hill I pushed it up.
Why does civilization at large expect us to be content with doing/making effectively nothing? Why does participating in society successfully require completely arbitrary social rituals that serve no purpose? It's all so tiring
>based lainposting
I've been looking for gods recently. I've found traces of divinity in people and nature, but no gods have turned up yet.
By exploring the creative arts, I hope to find a spark of the divine in myself as well. Have you had any luck?
The struggle of the boulder is what gives us meaning, it is our Doom and therefore our Duty.
Build strength and virtue and society will bend to you instead.
im happy we are frens, even acquaintance frens. life has felt more empty than usual ever since i fell into a coma last year. i dont feel emotion sometimes but other times i feel the weight of every living being.. i would like to live somewhere more comfy so i can research specific things im interested in..
That's an interesting answer, how do you define strength and virtue?
What caused your coma? Also Saya no Uta is top tier
Tell me more about this weight. I have my own, yet I'm blissfully unaware of anyone else's
suicide. saya is pretty good, I recommend swans song.. its a pretty sad visual novel
I have zero online friends. It's so boring.
i'm getting about 4 hours of sleep every day. thinking about passion and how i've been losing interest in everything i thought i cared about
how big is it uwu
It won't be tiring if you don't care about expectations and/or requirements dressed by this so called society or civilization.
If a god existed, i'm sure we will have a good chat.
You will always be my cat buddy. I really wish you the best.
They don't flow towards you.
8 inches hard, though about 5.5 soft, it's fun to swing around
Strength can be how much force you can exert, but more important is how much you can take. Whether physical, mental, or spiritual, it is all necessary for demonstrating one's will in a competitive universe.
What constitutes virtue has been argued for all time - in a sense it is a part of manifesting your will. I believe honor is the highest good in virtue. You must determine what is best suited for your toils, your boulder. When you can withstand the pressures of society and live by your own virtues, you have what defines respect as a man. The journey of growth is lifelong.
that's really nice. sounds like you need someone to worship it
I'm sorry suicide became an option user. What sorts of things are you interested in researching?
I feel like I am respectably strong, but I have had a rough year and exhaustion makes strength waver. For me, I would say genuineness is the greatest virtue, but also one that seems to be in extremely short supply nowadays
user.... youre so cool
Yeah, I really do. Offering?
I'm just fucking sick and tired of this shit, got kicked out of moms for my alcoholism now staying at my aunts, have to go to another psych ward soon for assessment then a month program for mental health afterward. I'm just tired of everything gonna sneak in some booze into the ward so I don't go insane talking to loopy cunts. Anyhow same boredom as you OP, no WiFi here so have to waste data on the phone just to talk to you guys
not really. i'm sure you can find plenty of takers somewhere
user, I can't claim to understand your situation, but your family might be trying to help you. Alcohol isn't helping the illness, it's masking the symptoms
Lame, see you around then
You really need to get your shit together then. You should do it for yourself most importantly, silly.
>no WiFi here so have to waste data on the phone just to talk to you guys
You should probably just lurk chans. Media really takes a toll on data.
I would agree they're doing it to benifit me, but alcohol really puts me at ease so it's going to be really hard to quit, it can also sometimes induce psychosis for me so that's the down side. Cheers tho, I'll try my best to cut down on this habit
I just doxxed a user from soc and probably ruined her life, why did I do it? she's muslim and from my country so I thought it would only be right that her parents knew what she was doing
>we will have a good chat
The gods may be too busy to talk right now. Man's perception has evolved rapidly.
By your own questioning it's clear your mind is in the right place. Self-awareness is apart of mastery, another virtue to aspire. Wavering strength is not weakness, rather it forces growth.
When the boulder rolls down again, and it will roll down again whether or not you reach the zenith, pause and breathe deep in body and soul. Know that the myth of Sisyphus goes far deeper than the words of the ancient Greeks.
Hear "sis" inhaling through your nose, the pause "y", and "phus" upon exhale. Living itself is the first push back up the mountain.
You cannot know Doom without Duty, and what you make of this struggle is the meaning of your life. When you understand this, the next time you the boulder rolls you will laugh in amusement.
Yeah I know fixing my mental health and addiction should be done mainly for myself, but I'm also doing it for my senpai. Just got off the phone with mom and she says I'll be admitted to the ward Saturday morning, not the first time but if anything wish me luck
Stop ruining this thread, you idiot.
That's a good philosophy and an important reminder. You seem like a fairly enlightened individual
nope, gonna post where ever I want faggot, anyway she messaged me "why are you doing this", "please stop you're ruining my life", It was pretty funny. Hopefully she doesn't kill herself, her parents seem very religious.
you wanna see the nudes? should I post them?
Are you like having a manic episode or some shit
>You seem like a fairly enlightened individual
If the gods will it. Enlightenment is often wrongly described as an end rather then a means - enlightenment is neither knowledge of the self or the esoteric; rather the continual metamorphosis of one rejecting willful ignorance. That is what the East has always known that the West had forgotten until the duties of Kant and Schopenhauer.
Nothing is gained without something lost. The laws of conservation are universally applied - sacrifice is necessary. Knowledge given is knowledge gained. That is the truth of the Left Hand, and the proof of spiritual anarchy.
Sacrifice your right arm to the gods.
no, I'm fine, why?
hey lain, i sat outside for a few hours drinking sour wine and whatever i could find watching the sunset, i hope my father doesn't realise that it's gone but i'm feeling comfy i got a new agenda and i'm feeling fresh.
What is the nature of your sacrifices user? I may not be the strongest man, but I am very knowledgeable and I am intimately familiar with sacrifice
You just seem to be saying some really weird stuff about a bizarre situation which came out of nowhere
How is that bizarre? People get doxxed all the time, don't post nudes unless you're sure you have zero self respect and don't mind having your family find out. :^) Anway, I just messaged everyone on her contact list including her hijab wearing mother who has quran verses all over her facebook page, she's so fucked considering she lives with her family
Do what you got to do but doxxing is fucking stupid unless there's a legitimate reason to attack them, just calm your tits autist you got her nudes now just leave it alone
It's just weird that you'd dox someone from soc and then come brag about it on some random thread on r9k
Firstly, there is no formula for sacrifice. What is lost by one may be what another seeks - at the very least proof that Doom is unbiased, and the fairness of the gods.
Excuse my vagueness for spiritual privacy. The initial sacrifice was my dream, my reason for living. It was an accidental and foolish mistake, as I had rejected all guides in what was then a hobby of exploring the unknown. After finding new guidance, I sacrificed my Heaven. To clarify, this is not akin to the True Worlds such as in the judeo-christian beliefs. Not a Heaven granted, but a Heaven earned. Are my sacrifices finished? Perhaps you already know my next goal by the question I initially posed.
Tell me if you have found any gods.
If you feel lost like I once was, look to the stars for guidance.
I have this stupid dilemma of wanting to have friends or even a single person to care for and who cares for me. At the same time I'm almost a boomer in a deadend job and I realize how stupid and a nonimportant the first problem looks in comparisson, I need to get my shit together. Deadend job, no skills and I'm fucking worrying about being friendless? What do you think OP? I must add I've been friendless for nearly a decade, it's getting to me but so is the fact I'm stuck in this horrible job.
You probably think why not try both? Well that's because my long shifts leave me pretty tired to do anything else as soon as I come home and I just feel half-assing both things at the same time will result in not winning either front in the end. Basically I feel I must choose a path, what matters more your financial or mental wellbeing?
I haven't found any gods, but I haven't been searching. With this, my night comes to an end. If you want to continue talking you can reach me at [email protected]
I just feel that you should financially settle down first. I've never really seeked any friends or knew what it's like to be lonely. I had always been alone but never lonely.
You need to care about yourself, maybe get some skills to enable you to get a decent job. You can always get a cat (believe me they really have an impact) or even "online friends" just don't rely on them too much otherwise you will get hurt. Friends always come just like how they go.
Thanks Lain user, you're right money is more important.
>You can always get a cat (believe me they really have an impact)
Nah man I had one as a child, it's nice but there are days when I can't even be bothered to eat, poor kot doesn't deserve an uncaring owner like me.
That's a great attitude. Pets are a responsibility afterall !
Fuck gay people and fuck capitalism