>Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for 2007-2012, once widely considered the downfall into shit era
>All those youtube comments about being a 90s kid are a decade old
Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for 2007-2012, once widely considered the downfall into shit era
this is so fucking stupid. fuck zoomers. They can't even be nostalgic about anything. nothing was ever good for them. the 90s was like a hazy summer evening at dusk strung out on heroin for a decade straight.
fucking zoomer faggots
Imagine being 30+ years old still on Jow Forums
>imagine being such a child you're butthurt over someone else's childhood toys
im 28 you faggot. and where the fuck am i supposed to go? seriously, where should i be?
What is there to be nostalgic about?
Facebook, iphones and sjws ruined everything.
It's almost as if time passes and people get older
You fucking retard
There's an argument like that for every time period people are nostalgic about tho
>Generation that I don't like looks back at their early childhood
>Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fucking zoomers bro Spyro was dat goodshieee all dey zoomas do iz jak off on an iped bro whatafuk minekrap was a shit cring gae bro.
Op and everyone who supports his opinion on this is a faggot
nope, zoomers have nothing to be nostalgic about. the post-9/11 world is a hellscape. Those faggots will never know the serenity and hazy bliss of the 90's. Before the Great Turning.
have fun knowing nothing but staring at screens and seeing your race sell you out for virtue signalling
First gen Bionicles, man
Not getting mad at people younger than you enjoying things that's for sure
Just speaking from my own experience, I've never associated with the faggots who liked that shit. And I do truly mean never. I knew that stuff was pretty much shit when it came out.
Most of my time around the 2010's was spent online centered around conspiracy shit or gaming on what few good games there were (minecraft itself was one of them, but the community around it was absolute cancer, the music videos and animations were all cringe retard shit and the game has only improved now that they're all playing fortnite or whatever the fuck now). Most of it was to distract from how shit my life was becoming around that time, so the only nostalgia I have is from those moments of shelter from reality.
I recognized black ops 2 as the beginning of the end for call of duty as a franchise, it was still salvageable around the modern warfare days.
That aside, screeching about 90's nostalgia like a broken record is pretty cringe in and of itself. Yeah, you can have your childhood nostalgia, but things didn't just magically get worse after the 90's. This society has been in gradual decline for the past hundred years, the societal shift every 10 years was the result of that hyper-consumerist state of being, up until marketing nostalgia stopped working because of the internet's rise, now there's nothing left to exploit and its stagnating.
considering im older, I have the authority here. Therefore, I'm declaring that zoomers cannot have nostalgia because they never knew anything good in this world. So fuck you and fuck the OP. Good day faggot
>All those youtube comments about being a 90s kid are a decade old
This kills the crab.
Also the realisation that emo girls/scene girls were over a decade ago. That one I miss so much.
Just as us calling the new generation shit for things like Jake Paul, they'll call what ever the next generation is into shit and be nostalgic about Jake Paul, the previous generation will call the things we like shit, their previous generation will do the same, and so on and so on. Every generation thinks the new one is shit and that there's was better.
Your childhood wasn't anything special faggot, stop romanticizing it. Things change over time, and people will always get nostalgic.
Your parents probably thought the 90s were trash, and their parents probably thought the 60s were trash, and they probably had some bullshit "Great Turning" to cite for it.
>the 90s was like a hazy summer evening at dusk strung out on heroin for a decade straight.
I agree, the 90s really were pure garbage.
No, there's not.
The technological and cultural changes are unprecedented.
>wandering in the woods pretending to be a soldier until it was dusk
>walk through the fireflies in my backyard to the screened patio where my mom was setting out flank steak for dinner with salad
you'll never know that feeling you fucking faggot. you just stare at screens and get butterflies when you hit a streak with some bitch on snapchat. fuck you
You're no different user-Kun. You're sitting here arguing with people on the site you sit on all day.
>my generation is more intelligent than the one that came before and wiser than the one that came after!!
>this is only true for me, my generation is literally perfect all the others are shit!!
if anything, everyone is in agreement your generation is the absolute worst in recent memory. when anyone hears "millennial" they immediately think whiny faggots, starbucks, SJW identity politics, and avocado toast. kill yourself :)
What about every kid who spent the 90s inside watching TV or playing their N64 or something, what makes them special compared to me?
You're so fucking autistic and self-important, you honestly believe that the incredibly specific way you spent your childhood is objectively the best experience any human can have, and start fucking seething if you see anything else, and try to attribute it to a whole time period and call anything after it the "Great Turning" or some bullshit. Fuck off you literal child.
lmao yea i know im just joshin user. im not that delusional. just want a few (yous) from you fortnite faggots.
> haha I was j-just joking user... y-you didn't think I was being serious did you haha f-f-fooled you haha
another (you) thanks pal
Back in the day trolling meant something. At least fucking try.
who honestly tries anymore, user?
grow up
>people are not nostalgic for things they never originally experienced!!!!!
Some people never really progress past the angry jealous kid phase
>inb4 not jealous
Why dedicate your time to posting this then? Cant handle people being happy with something?
I was born in 2000 and did the exact same thing faggot, stop projecting idea that everyone sits behind a screen all day like you do onto everyones childhoods.
You're not special for playing in a way that I would believe every child has throughout most of history.
Even my 8 year old brother does it.
Stop being such a salty brainlet who wants to be special and unique because he thinks no one else does what he did
I was born in 2000 and I am nostolgic, but onky for tony hawk's proskater 2. My childhood I do not miss, they used to call me slow joe because everyone could run faster.
>dat goodshieee all dey zoomas do iz jak off on an iped bro whatafuk minekrap was a shit cring gae bro.