Testosterone raising tips/hormone thread

How much does your testosterone drop throughout the day?
Last year I got the test done early in the morning, results were 635ngs.
Last week I got another test, about 4pm, I was also 16 hours or so into a fast, and my T was at only like 585 ngs. I'm only 22 too, so. Seems awfully low.

Also any general test raising advice would be much appreciated. Already taking zinc erryday, just started boron. Do alot of cardio but not enough weights. Tried various other supps like maca but it doesnt seem to do jack.

Attached: sad_cat_in_box.jpg (600x600, 115K)

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Stop being a fag and pin

This is what masculinity does to you

test usually peaks in the morning hours after a good rest. if you get your blood tested in the afternoon the levels would be on average lower, best to do it in the morning before 11am or so for the peak numbers

zinc is good, definitely pick up the weights and do big compound movements with a bar

jump on TRT (with hCG to keep your balls healthy) and do a 500mg/week blast every so often when you want to have fun and feel like a god
the water you drink is laced with microplastics and birth control, both potent xenoestrogens
the food you eat is saturated in phytoestrogens from söy oils and derivates which are ubiquitous in modern food production
the fucking smog in the air you breathe has some estrogenic effects too
source: millennial men’s sperm count is 1/4 of their grandparents when they were young. zoomer boys are probably even more fucked.
being natty is a fucking farce. TRT should should be mandatory for everyone under 800ng/dL

you're gonna drive yourself insane worrying about testosterone points. Just eat healthy and exercise and your body will follow along. 585 is well within the normal range, contrary to the memes on Jow Forums.
remember that sensitivity to testosterone plays as much of an impact as testosterone itself. low test men can be faster gainers and have higher sex drives than high test man simply because the high test men are not as sensitive to the hormone, or are more sensitive to estrogen, or their muscles don't have as many testosterone receptors, or their free test easily clings to sugar or other macro molecules and is wasted.
you're gonna placebo yourself into thinking your weak just because your testosterone isn't off the charts.

any solution to the water? buy bottled or filter it? or should we just take a shot to counteract all the sources?

Try to appear bigger than you are. Like put your hands on your sides for about 5 minutes each day. Keep your legs as far as possible from each other and you are gucci

buy an expensive ass reverse osmosis filter and never touch plastic again
or spend $25 for around 10 weeks worth of TRT from a reputable underground lab (very very very fucking easy to find if you’re capable of using google), as well as $20 for about a month’s worth of hCG and $35 for arimidex which could last you up to a year.
your choice

enjoy looking like a boomer

You don't need TRT to counter the effects of phytoestrogens. There are countless adaptogenic herbs which do that without causing test suppression.

You can also do it while nobody is watching and get the same result you low test zoomer

phytoestrogens dissolve in the stomach and do not enter the bloodstream. This has been a Jow Forums meme with no science backing it for years. We don't know if you eat phytoestrogens, you get estrogen effects.
pollution and plastics are the probably causes, but there is also the fact that men who actually have issues with function go to doctors more often than healthy men, so stats about decreased sperm counts are not as accurate as you might think. A healthy, happy man who has 12 kids isn't going to get his sperm count measured.

the environment is causing significant test suppression already, what’s the point?
i cannot fully describe the night-and-day difference TRT makes for a man’s quality of life. even if TRT gave you zero gains it would still be immensely worth it. anxiety and depression fucking evaporates and your general mood significantly improves. i find i am far more focused and motivated generally, and almost every dude who’s used TRT can attest to that. couple that with the fact that replacement levels of exogenous test have been shown to improve blood lipids and can improve heart health over time, there’s really no reason not to be on it unless you already have arnold-tier genes and your natty levels are in the quadruple digits
>inb4 shill for TRT clinics
they’re a fucking scam, and UGL test is cheaper than dirt

Imo you can do the same thing with ashwagandha, peruvian maca and other hormone-balancing herbs without potentially being reliant on TRT for the rest of your life.
It would suck if you went to prison for illegal possession or shit hit the fan and you couldn't get your dose of test. But with these herbs, you can go off them anytime and suffer zero consequences. All they do is improve your health.

I like having balls that work and will help me make babies one day, but thanks anyway.
Fuck off tranny
Isn't it possible to get to 800ngs without needing injections n shit?
I only drink filtered water so idk how bad that is. Avoid processed foods, especially shit like soda or candy, barely even touch dark chocolate. Avoid dairy (usually,) idk man I do alot most people dont yet I still feel low test and low energy. But yeah, taking trt would be a last resort, something I really dont wanna bother with, doubt I'll have to anyway.
How do you increase test sensitivity or the usefulness of it then? Lower your SHGB levels? I just started taking boron so maybe that'll make a difference in those regards.
Think I also read nofap increases your bodies sensitivity to test but that kinda sounds like BS.
>reverse osmosis filter
Now this i might look into. All I got is one of those keurig water jug filters or whatever brand.
Could you share more info on maca and ashwagandha? I tried KSM66 for a month or 2, didnt seem to do anything. Tried black maca for only a month, nothing. Though maybe that's just not long enough.

>Imo you can do the same thing with ashwagandha, peruvian maca and other hormone-balancing herbs without potentially being reliant on TRT for the rest of your life.
wouldn’t you be reliant on those herbs for the rest of your life too? you seem to be under the influence of le holistic medicine memes.
>It would suck if you went to prison for illegal possession or shit hit the fan and you couldn't get your dose of test. But with these herbs, you can go off them anytime and suffer zero consequences.
here in burgerland, the absolute worst case scenario of getting caught buying roids is that your roids will get seized in the mail and you’ll get a little note in your mailbox saying not to order anymore (this is extremely unlikely unless you did something stupid like pay with a credit card instead of crypto or you send your crypto out of your coinbase/whatever marketplace wallet associated with you instead of a separate wallet) then you wait a month or two and they’ll completely forget about it. i imagine it’s similar in europe since apparently roid use is sky high there.

we don't know what's causing testosterone to decline. It could be it was always this low, but we have better tech and number of subjects than we did even 2 decades ago.
It also can be due to poor diet and lack of exercise, as opposed to pollution or onions.
TRT (as do any hormone treatments) increase risks of cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease. Also, you build a tolerance to it, so getting TRT done when young will make it when youre older, it has less of an effect, so you need more test, and thus increase the risk of incurable disorders.
depression can also be cured without pills and hormones, and while testosterone does treat the symptoms of depression, it might not be dealing with the underlying cost.
lastly, things can be cheap and you can still shill them.
don't get me wrong, I think hormone use should be 100% legal with doctor supervision. but you shouldn't push it as a magic pill. unless you're depressed AND your testosterone is at the lower forth of the bell curve, you don't need TRT.

>I like having balls that work and will help me make babies one day, but thanks anyway
cheap as fuck and gives you cumloads bigger than that one meme god tier cum supplement stack. people blast and cruise for years on retarded doses of potent anabolics and a couple months of hCG will restore most of their fertility.

>How do you increase test sensitivity or the usefulness of it then?
no science I've read shows how it can be done. it happens, but I don't think there's an answer yet. Hormone science is still in a very archaic state, even though it's advanced significantly.
I'd suggest cutting out processed sugar, eat more plants and fish. but keep your diet diverse and healthy (a variety of meat is good, but most people in the US don't eat a lot of fish or vegetables).
and exercise.
let this testosterone shit go. it's a literal dick measuring contest and you can live a full and happy life with a normal testosterone level.

>Could you share more info on maca and ashwagandha? I tried KSM66 for a month or 2, didnt seem to do anything. Tried black maca for only a month, nothing. Though maybe that's just not long enough.
Ashwagandha study, just do a page search for "testosterone":
>Serum testosterone increased significantly by 17% (from 4.45 ± 1.41ng/mL to 5.22 ± 1.39ng/mL; P < 0.01) and LH by 34% (from 3.97 ± 1.21mIU/mL to 5.31 ± 1.33mIU/mL; P < 0.02), following treatment with Ashwagandha root extract, as compared to the baseline

Research on maca is a bit more spotty. Effects on sperm motility/health are confirmed, and there is some evidence of test boost:

Others I would recommend are D-aspartic acid (have to cycle on/off but doesn't suppress test) and shilajit (preferably if you don't have amalgams as they chelate mercury)

>wouldn’t you be reliant on those herbs for the rest of your life too? you seem to be under the influence of le holistic medicine memes.
Not necessarily. If you stop the herbs, your test goes back to normal. If you stop TRT, your test may never go back to normal.

>TRT (as do any hormone treatments) increase risks of cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease.
objectively false, do your research. unless you’re talking about the doses scam male hormone clinics will give out which are often higher than necessary and actually DO cause long term damage.
>Also, you build a tolerance to it, so getting TRT done when young will make it when youre older, it has less of an effect, so you need more test, and thus increase the risk of incurable disorders.
the tolerance buildup from 150mg-200mg/week of test is absolutely negligible. and there are absolutely no incurable disorders from TRT. fuck, there are very few incurable disorders from full-blown IFBB pro-tier cycles. i saw a case study where some retard was using tren two weeks on, two weeks off for two years straight. his ejection fraction was fucking shit, there were masses in his heart, horrible blood lipids, it was fucked. one open heart surgery later and he was completely fine, and as long as he never gets that retarded with tren again he will continue to be completely fine. was that healthy? absolutely not. was that incurable? absolutely not, despite how expensive it must have been. was it the fault of the substance and not the retardation of the user? depends on your ability to read.

my point is that you have to be unprecedently retarded with any anabolic substance for it to seriously threaten your long term health in any meaningful way.

Also another one: Holy basil. Interesting because it increases testosterone, while decreasing spermatogenesis.

>If you stop TRT, your test may never go back to normal
if you’re on TRT in the first place then your test was never normal in the first place you bellend. i know i said TRT should be mandatory, but thats because i believe our standards for male hormonal health are abysmal. if going back to your natty test levels is so important, you would use hCG and clomiphene for a few months. both of those drugs are cheaper than dirt, even prescription clomid is cheap as fuck without insurance.


> Men on TRT should be monitored for side-effects such as polycythemia, peripheral edema, cardiac and hepatic dysfunction.

all hormone treatments should be practiced cautiously.

you can't say "don't be a retard" while telling people something retarded like "Jump on test even if you don't need it." I mean, if you don't mind the short and fast lifestyle, go ahead. but don't pretend it's totally harmless, even if done correctly.

Obviously take Viagra for a 110+ng/dl boost.

But otherwise I wouldn't worry about it. Or just shoot some test.

At least it's not 200
It sucks and I feel like a bitch

Raising T naturally is a meme and T values are useless without SHBG and albumin.
You are retarded for posting this thread.


polycythemia is treated by blood donation
perioheral edema is caused by elevated estrogen which is treated by an aromatase inhibitor (always prescribed alongside prescription test unless your doctor has down’s syndrome)
cardiac and hepatic dysfunction from TRT is about as likely as getting skin cancer from spending an hour in the sun every day.
did i ever say you shouldn’t get regular bloodwork if you’re gonna go on TRT? did i ever say you should ignore any adverse symptoms you might get from TRT? no.
>I mean, if you don't mind the short and fast lifestyle, go ahead. but don't pretend it's totally harmless, even if done correctly.
your definition of “short and fast lifestyle” must mean “dying at 75 instead of 80.”
a man on TRT who lives an active lifestyle and eats a healthy diet will always, ALWAYS outlive the average sedentary, shit-consuming western man. a man on TRT who lives an active lifestyle and eats a healthy diet will either live as long as an equally active and healthy man or die a couple years earlier. big fucking whoop. i’d personally exchange a decade of my life for drastically greater quality of life for the time that i’m alive. maybe that’s a symptom of high test?

Posted above.
Also consider basic creatine. Increases conversion of test to DHT, which is a far more potent androgen. However, that can increase balding, so it depends on what your priorities are.

>useless without shgb
SHGB lowers testosterones effectiveness tho

Stop being a noodle armed dyel boi and roid the fuck up liek literally anybody that counts as someone in the gym scene lmao
Extra pussy boi points for guys going like „roid cope öde cringe“ who at the same time upvote gay Arnold shit on r/bb despite him having dropping that sweet stuff since he’s 15

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>lowers effectiveness
l2endocrinology before you post

I thought it did? Doesnt SHGB bind to test, making it unavailable to the body? I thought free test is what you want, and SHGB lowered that.

Is quinoa included? I eat fucktons of it

>we don't know what's causing testosterone to decline.
I blame general depression and the emasculation of men by society. Boys just aren't instilled with any drive to be men anymore, they don't go outside and play or are trusted with anything resembling responsibility. They are forced to keep pace with women and basically be treated like women in shitty inculcation daycare centers (schools) and must walk on eggshells at all stages of development because of the dreaded threat of toxic masculinity.
Standing up for oneself in today's society will absolutely get the law to rekt you. Chasing women will get the law to rekt you. Speaking your mind will get the law to rekt you. All good characteristics of men.
Test is heavily influenced by your mood, outlook on life and who you are as a person and it's showing.