Get engineering job in major city

>get engineering job in major city
>save up for property in Ghana or the Caribbean
>hookup with thots of all races here, have my fun, etc.
>move to said property once real collapse or ethnic war begins
>settle down with African qt and raise a family there
How's my master plan, robots?

Attached: death_griffith.png (418x504, 18K)

Why are American blacks so much uglier than Africans?

Fuck you Griffith, I'll never fucking forgive you. Goddamn traitor.

Get connections to farm equipment manufacturers (tractors etc.) and fertilizer producers and bring a tiny agricultural revolution to your African country of choice. You'll get African qts left and right.

ZOG consumerism has made American blacks fat and ugly. Thats not a black thing though, its an American thing.

American blacks are fat, ugly, and incredibly trashy. Africans are healthy weight, cute, and usually nice people.

European genes mainly

Cute I wish Americans many good burgers and milkshakes.

Cut yourself farming

At least go to a country with a decent medical system.

Just started my first season of ricetrading in thailand, see you later bitches ;)

Either appreciate all of us or none if us faggot.

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He wouldn't be farming, just selling equipment for farms and processing plants (ex. sugar processing), also fixing them until he teaches enough people

I really want to fuck a mean faced tall thick black bitch

I like African girls who live in my area, but when I traveled America I was disgusted by black girls.

Because they're mutts between Africans and Europeans (slave owners deciding that a hole is a hole when the wife won't put out and the baby is a free DLC slave that's "definitely not mine, dear, I would never do such a thing when I have you")
What I'm more curious about is why American blacks have such a different voice than American whites, while European blacks sound almost indistinguishable from the white people.

always wanted to live in lagos for a while, don't let your dreams be dreams

>usually nice people
you are in for a world of disappointment

I talked about traveling in Africa with my African friend, and even he said he would never visit Nigeria out of concern for how dangerous it is.

Yeah it was just a bad example.
Living in less developped countries just gives you much more small injuries and shit.

Heat and moisture spreads bacteria faster and more

Niggerdoctors cant even prescribe right medication.

China and india flooding africe with fake medications.

Good luck.

>marrying women in Africa
Women in africa are alwways looking for a way out
you will get swarmed with pussy, hell the parents will almost force them to go with you.

You will get kids and then she will leave your ass, how am i so sure?
Im a child of one of these marriages

Not sure about the Caribbean but many Ghanaian men will tell you that its a trap

i heard the only thing worse than the city is the country, still wanna go once it settles down. maybe in 20 years when boko isn't haram anymore.

the people there are generally bad too
a country full of scammers, liars and cheaters
dont fucx with them

He was scared to go there since a the father of a girl who goes to my uni got kidnapped there and they would send out videos requesting large sums of money or he would be killed. Any foreigner there would be a walking target for these groups

>"the world/society will end in my lifetime!!!"
>being a racemixing faggot
>wanting AIDS among the all the other diseases third world niggresses have
>bringing half nigger/user mongrels into some shit-tier third world country possibly even at risk of war if we're going by your autistic fantasy

I think this is the worst post I've seen on the catalog in a while. I'd welcome a copypaste rant from small frozen town nigger user over this

multiple sums of money?
>half niggers
unless we are talking about the asain pussy china has been flying into
user your blind

>aids and other diseases
you do have a point

Yes, they asked for roughly 2000 USD at first, then when they paid that money, the gang members demanded for more.