Fit help me please. I have encountered problems i never thought existed, after i made it.
I have a nice girlfriend. Problem is that everytime im out drinking girls keep trying to get laid, and because i am beta in heart i cant fucking say no.
But heres the thing. Last night i was hanging out with one of my best friends - whose a girl - and we ended up having amazing sex, and i cant stop thinking about it. I have been with my other girl friends, and that didnt make me think about it. But this does.
Tel me how do stop being weak and learn to say no, and what do i do about the girl from last night??
Have you considered killing yourself you gigantic larping faggot? If not I'd definitely give it some thought, it may be the only cure for your autistic, oxygen wasting, monkey brained self. I'd personally recommend attaching a couple of plates (weights you dyel retard) to your waist with a belt then jumping in the ocean. If you're too braindead to figure that one out you could always jump off a building, commit neck rope, take a nap in traffic etc...
I couldn't give a singular fuck about what a subhuman like yourself has to say. Dilate you tranny loving nigger, do humanity a favour and take a long walk on a short pier
OP is the ultimate proof that you can possess even mere 5% of chimpanzee IQ and STILL get pussy and that women don't care about intelligence in the slightest, it's all about the looks.
Jackson Cooper
Just say no, slut :3.
Leo Gray
Vapid whores, perhaps. However if you place any value in your ability to slam animated fuck toys then you're honestly retarded. There aren't many high quality women out there and the persuit of them is one of the reasons I lift. Not for me mind you, but for my progeny
I surely agree that women basicly only care about looks, and its absolutely stupid. I dont think the problem lie in intelligence, but in my absolute trash ability to say no to lust - because before i started working out, they wouldnt event look at me.
I am studying civil engineering, and i think that contribute to the problem, because they see opportunities in my future income.
Michael Peterson
if you break up with her and fuck other girls you're a dickhead and if you cheat you're a cheater so this is what you do: open the relationship. by doing this you can either fuck other girls or she says no and you do it anyways and accuse her of being controlling. also this^^
Julian Gutierrez
Or more accuratly - women with lover intelligence - only care about looks
Liam Hill
I pity you, a rare emotion in my case. Are you a nigger? If you're huwhite I'll give you some advice, otherwise it's back to the plantation bud
Well you have made a monumental fuck up. Poyentially the worst in your life. End the relationship NOW. NOT IN 5 MINUTE. NOT TOMORROW. Now. Call her and say something like this. " hey there brittany I fucked up and xheated on you with amber. We're done. Goodbye. Gimme back my sweaters." Then go to sex rehab to learn what makes you cheat. If you did it once you'll do it again in the future. No joke btw. Never cheat. Unironically better to break up with someone than cheat on em.
Joshua Gutierrez
Not saying cheating is moral but everybody in this thread is a virgin
James Garcia
Finally thanks for an actual answer.
I truely undserstand, why you think i should break up immidietly. However i dont feel any guilt or remorse about it at all, so i would probably just focus on why i cheat and make sure that it doesnt happen again - and forget what happened and carry on in my realtionship.
Anthony Martinez
Another actual viewpoint that isnt cancer.
I think why i did it, could lie in we are just humans and why shouldnt i get the max amount of pleasure i can throughout life, when i have the opportunity. Insted of just doing it with one single person, for the rest of my days.
I could see why its disgusting, if i struggled getting any
Aaron Rodriguez
>so i would probably just focus on why i cheat and make sure that it doesnt happen again - and forget what happened and carry on in my realtionship. this. breakup in 2 weeks and start going out in a week or so
Aaron Butler
You may be "arian" (I'm aware this thread is bait) but you're retarded. Fix that first, then we may be able to contemplate your ineptitude with relationships. I'd suggest reading non fiction as a start. As to your current predicament, tell me about her. Is she nothing more than a wet hole? Is she a virtuous women? Do you want her to be the mother of your children?
If you want to know about her: She is the nicest and most caring person i know. She doesnt know jealosy and in no way controlls me - like most woman do. She is open, she looks stunning and sure i want her to be the mother of my children - because i love her
Robert Flores
You didn't seaerve the answer but I gave it because I'm tryinf to be "noble" in my outward appearance. You shoyod definitely kill yourself if you truly feel no guilt about CHEATING ON A PERSON. No joke. If you feel no guilt why did you make thr thread? You're truly a shitty person if this is true. Absolutely break up. 100%
Owen Roberts
You do not love her. You xheated on her. You don't really know what love is.
Jordan Smith
That might be true, that i dont know what love is. but actually only search for the comfort of having someone by my side
Christopher Sullivan
Then the answer is simple. Tell her you're a piece of shit, in depth. Let her know you've been unfaithful and allow her to make the decision on her own. If she chooses to stay with you then make a commitment to her, say no to the 'many' women perusing you (it isn't difficult if you aren't a braindead nigger (read: impulsive)) and learn to enjoy each other. Fucking sluts may give you gratification at the moment but I promise that when you're nearing death you'll regret your actions, this isn't the way of a good man and you know it. I'm not saying become a puritan but I am saying you should respect your wahmen (unironically) if she is as you say. I've been with my gf for 4 and a half years, I've had sex with 2 other women during that time with her knowledge and participation (with one of them). Is this degenerate? Sure. Is it hedonistic? Sure. What really matters to me is the life of my progeny which these actions don't affect, get into the mindset of wanting the best for your currently nonexistent children and I promise your views on women will change drastically